Chapter 1129 Still have secrets?

Is there any secret in this?

Just the guards on duty on the wall, can't you say?

Seeing the embarrassment of Hideo Sato who stopped, Chiba frowned even tighter, and slowly stopped.

Obviously, Satohide's expression was because it was inconvenient for him to say what he asked.

Originally, the Hyuga clan rarely participated in Konoha's regular system, that is, they participated in Anbe and some special tasks. Generally, those who were resident were also in Anbe, and most of them were Anbu directly under Hokage.

After all, there is a difference between the clan of the Hyuga clan and the sub-family. The clan of the sub-family is controlled by the clan, and most of them are mainly protecting the clan. I participated in some missions before, but after Chunin, I seldom participated in the growth process of ordinary ninjas.

Although, in the Naruto era, Hyuga Ningji and Hyuga Hinata both continued to participate in the mission of the village in the future, and even Neji became a regular ninja, but in this period, the Hyuga clan is obviously different from the Hyuga Hinata The Hyuga clan who is in power.

Chiba is in this era, and can also contact the high-level Konoha, his teammates, and the eldest lady of the Hyuga family. At the same time, he has visited the Hyuga family many times, and communicated with the direct descendants of the Hyuga family. quite familiar.

Compared with the Hyuga Hizushi period, the current Hyuga clan is obviously more "closed", and the clan's control over the division is relatively stricter. That's why the current phenomenon has occurred. The Hyuga clan rarely participates in the Konoha routine. system.

Here, I have to say that Chiba has faintly noticed that although Hinata Hyuzu in the original work seems to be relatively incompetent and has made no achievements, he is even unable to keep his younger brother, and even he himself has confessed many times , it would be better if the younger brother took over the position of the clan.

But after going through this era and having a certain understanding of the Hyuga family, Chiba feels that Hyuga Hyuzu's talent is not low, and even the ability to govern the Hyuga family is not weak, not necessarily weaker than Hyuga Nizashi.

Comparing the Hyuga Clan at this time with the Hyuga Clan during the Higashi period, it is obvious that the Hyuga Clan is much more open, and the contradictions between clan divisions are not as obvious as they are now, and Hyuga Higashi's performance is not very harsh. Cong Rixiang Richai showed murderous looks towards Hinata, and he only punished him a little, and then stopped mentioning it, which shows that he is a man.

If it were changed to the present, I am afraid that Hyuga Hinata is already dead. The current Hyuga Clan will never allow a sub-family who shows murderous intent towards the future master to exist.

This is what Qianye learned from occasional chats with Xue Nai. When the current Patriarch was still in good health, some people were obliterated because they slightly showed dissatisfaction with the Patriarch.

It can be seen that in the Nisatsu era, the Hyuga clan and branch family, to a certain extent, have been under the power of Hyuga Nzuzu, and the relationship has eased and opened up a lot. As for the matter of Ningji, it can be seen that Hyuga Hyuzu In fact, he loves his brother very much. It can be seen from the fact that Neji later became a regular Jnin and developed freely, not Hyuga Hinata's guard. After all, in the Naruto era, Neji was the most talented member of the Hyuga clan, and maybe even the most powerful of the younger generation. If it is the current Hyuga clan, let alone develop freely, he basically becomes the clan's personal guard , never leaving the clan's side, there is no freedom at all.

And Hinata's free development is also the result of the changes of the Hyuga Clan. As the Hyuga Clan, there are not many people like her who can set out tasks as soon as they think of them, and marry as soon as they want to marry. Just look at Xue Nai now. However, Xue Nai's missions were all negotiated with the current Patriarch by Hokage Mukahi, and the missions were only issued with the consent of the Patriarch. Among them, the difference is quite big.

Now, the Hyuga clan is guarding the gate, and there is more than one person. It is very strange that Chiba has seen at least four of them. Now, even the ninjas of the Hyuga clan who have not participated in this kind of gatekeeping mission and lack experience Participating in the task of blocking the gate and guarding it is even more incredible.

This is simply impossible.

In this case, unless there is a real shortage of manpower, for example, these teenagers participated in the village defense and security mission before, otherwise, although the task of guarding the gate may be given to some ordinary people, it will never be given to those with little experience. ninja.

After all, guarding the gate, like guards, requires a certain amount of training and experience. Without experience, it is very easy to miss the enemy or give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it. Learning is not as easy as it sounds.

Otherwise, Chiba would not have such respect for Hideo Sato, and still retain the title of "Captain".

And now Hideo Sato's expression, it is impossible to say why an inexperienced person from the Hyuga clan was placed to guard the gate, so it is even more unbelievable.

There are so many unspeakable secrets for a guard at the gate.

It's not that the village is extremely dense, so it can't be said.

And even if the village is extremely dense, partly, Chiba can still know about it, and the trust of the third Hokage in him is not just talk.

At this moment, Chiba already felt that this incident might not be as simple as a "major accident" in the village.

This matter is probably quite sensitive.

Combined with the situation in the village, this matter is not only sensitive, but also must not let the villagers know what happened in secret.

Why can't the villagers know.

It is estimated that this matter is believed by the third Hokage that if it is announced, it will shake the major affairs of Konoha Village, so it can only be solved secretly.

As for why the Hyuga Clan guards the gate, it may be because of the Hyuuga Clan's supercilious ability to solve this matter conveniently.

After all, the supercilious eyes of the Hyuga Clan are superior to Sharingan in terms of versatility, and are not as marginal as in the original work. In addition, the Hyuga Clan has always put the interests of the village first, so it is really Konoha's big deal. Those who are willing to give their all, now let these two inexperienced Hinata ninjas take the key positions of gatekeepers. I am afraid that the entire Hinata clan has been dispatched to perform more important tasks. There is really no one to find, so I can only let these two on.

"Yes... I'm sorry, Chiba, I can't say anything here. For specifics, you'd better ask Hokage-sama."

After a moment of embarrassment, Hideo Sato pursed his lips, hesitated for a while, and said apologetically.

"No, don't apologize. I understand. If you can't say it, then don't say it."

In this regard, Chiba already had some conclusions, and hurriedly responded that there is no need to make things difficult for Sato Hideo here, it is also possible to ask Hokage.

"It's not too late, let's go to the Hokage Building!"

But at this time, hearing Chiba's words, Hideo Sato breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, motioning to continue on his way.


Chiba nodded, nodded and continued to the Hokage Building.


However, at this moment, when Qianye turned her head and was about to leave, there was a sound of rolling bamboo poles behind her.

In an instant, Sato Hideo glanced slightly in that direction, and his expression changed suddenly.


At this moment, his heart speeded up suddenly.

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