Chapter 1121 Gift

"However, since it has been changed, it is a waste of time to look for it. From here to the village, it only takes two days at most. The news is two days late, and it is two days late. If you want to find the outpost, it will inevitably take another It's a waste of time to go around in circles! Why don't you just go back to the village!"

Washing his hands in the river, Chiba grabbed several bacon balls from the ninja bag and stuffed them into his mouth one by one. After chewing, the aroma of bacon filled his mouth.

After traveling all night, Chiba also needs to replenish food.

And during this chewing, he also determined the next direction of action.

Now at this time, it's almost time for Heyin to start preparing breakfast!

While eating the bacon balls in his mouth, the layers of bacon kept melting in his mouth, and amidst the thick sensuality, somehow, such an idea popped up.

Then, after swallowing the food in his mouth, he got up, and the figure flew out from between his feet. Without any hesitation, he stepped on the water and flew out towards the south.


"You... haven't slept yet?"

And at this moment, on the other side, in the hunter's hut where Chiba lived, holding an iron pot, He Yin looked at He Yin in a daze for a while, and suddenly found Yu Ze kneeling in the corner, and was shocked Apart from that, he hurriedly asked.

Last night, after Qianye left, Yuze became the only candidate to sleep in this hut, and now he is kneeling at the window to look at the paper in his hand through the morning light outside, and then look at the flickering sparks, the light smoke There were bursts of bonfires, and Heyin subconsciously felt that the god Yuze hadn't slept all night, so he couldn't help asking.


But Yuze didn't raise his head, focused on the paper in his hand, and replied absent-mindedly.

"This is what Chiba left behind?"

Heyin didn't care about Yuze's absent-minded reaction. After noticing Yuze's situation, he immediately saw that what Yuze was looking at was the paper that Chiba had been writing for a while.


This time, Yuze's response was just a nod, but the answer was still absent-minded, as if the paper in his hand had completely attracted his attention.

"What did you write?"

During this period of time, although Chiba was writing these things under their noses, but she herself has been busy with training and memorizing medical knowledge, and she is afraid that Chiba, as a ninja, will write these secrets that they cannot know. So I didn't ask Qianye about these things, and I didn't even take a look at them.

He didn't know what was written on it, and Qianye left in a hurry, and didn't tell her about it, so that's why he asked this question.

"You see!"

Hearing Heyin's words, Yuze didn't talk nonsense, and directly handed the stack of papers on the table to Heyin.

At this time, Heyin had just set up the iron pot, lit a new bonfire with the help of embers, poured water into the pot, heard Yuze's words, and saw Yuze's actions, but did not directly pick it up, but poured water After putting in the pot and putting the processed raw meat and mushrooms in, the lid did not match the iron pot at all, but after covering the iron pot at any rate, he walked over and took the paper.

"This is!"

And when she saw a few pictures, she couldn't help but let out a low exclamation, Qiong's nose was slightly sour, her eyes were red, and she almost covered her mouth.

"Qianye's last gift is also... caring."

At this moment, Yu Ze was extremely serious, looked up at He Yin, and said in a deep voice.

"This... it takes... so much effort to write... such a complicated thing, so that we can understand it, and this medical knowledge... Chiba, this is Chiba..."

Hearing Yuze's sentence, the chords were put into unconsciousness, and I flipped through them one by one. I saw that the fonts above were dignified, and they were the most easily recognizable fonts. It was obviously written in such a dignified way in consideration of their comprehension ability. But the dignified writing is a bit tiring to write. You need to be meticulous, and you must be full of energy when writing, not to mention the mental effort required for the above-mentioned knowledge of words.

Moreover, not only that, in addition to teaching them knowledge, Chiba also left behind the methods of fighting, especially the first ones "What should I do when I encounter an enemy?" Class methods, these things, are literally ensuring their survival.

Every piece of knowledge and every word on it contained Qianye's worries about them and his desire to save them as much as possible.

Although she couldn't be by their side, Qianye was still protecting them!

She could see that with these things, as long as they practice hard, try hard to understand, and achieve the main points in it, then those scary ninjas who looked like mountain beasts in the past are not so scary.

Even, Chiba explained some ninja psychology to them in detail.

It's just...

It's just...

She couldn't even find an adjective to describe this gift left by Chiba.

"Heyin, we have to work harder and learn everything Chiba left us."

But at some point, Yuze had already stood up, looking at her with burning eyes.

"That's right! Otherwise, we'll let Qianye down! In this world, there has never been anyone who treats us as well as Qianye!"

Heyin raised his head slightly, met Yuze's burning gaze, and said as a matter of course: "More than that, as a ninja, Qianye is in danger, if we can become strong enough, we can do something for him. "

As she spoke, her eyes lowered slightly, but her eyes fell on the line written by Chiba, "In fact, ninjas are always in the midst of life and death, so their mentality is different from that of ordinary people...".

"Well, and, more than that."

Hearing this, Yuze nodded and let out a more heavy sound from his mouth.

"not only that?"

He Yin was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

Is there any other reason?


In this regard, Yuze nodded, then raised his hand, handed it to Heyin, and said, "Qianye, leave a request."


Hearing this, He Yin was taken aback for a moment, took the paper, and read it quickly.

"This is!"

Seeing this, He Yin slightly widened his eyes.

"Yes, this is Chiba's request!"

Yuze nodded affirmatively.

"Indeed, we need to work harder!"

After getting affirmation from Yuze, Heyin lowered his eyes again, and looked at the paper, with a flash of determination on his face.

But at this time, in her hand, on the paper, there was a lifelike portrait of a little girl.

Below the portrait, there is such a sentence.

This child is called Qianqiu, and he is also an orphan.

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