Chapter 1114 A Small Mistake

how... how...

How... how could this happen?

Actually... actually...

Looking at Saki with a curious face, the corners of Chiba's mouth twitched slowly on Chiba's stiff face.

Mis... Miscalculation!

Eyes glanced back bit by bit, Qianye's teeth, unknowingly, had already clenched tightly, and the expression on his face seemed to be regretful as if he had made some big mistake.

Is this... is this the legendary one-shot?

And at this moment, the moment remorse surfaced, his eyes touched the papers he had written for several days, and with a "gudong", Qianye, who was biting his teeth, couldn't help swallowing.

No... I don't understand!

Unexpectedly, such a point was missed!


It's over!

This point was actually missed, so then, my calculations are all in vain!

Looking at the thick pile of paper with handwriting on it, Qianye suddenly had the urge to hug her head and howl.

"What's wrong? Brother Qianye, you look very bad!"

At this time, Saxi seemed to have noticed the strangeness of Chiba, and she didn't focus on her question just now, the smile on the corner of her mouth also slightly restrained, and she asked Chiba.

", it's okay, I just thought of something and need to be alone for a while, you go and help your sister Heyin squeeze the juice."

In response to Saki's question, Chiba did not turn her head, but raised her hand, pointing in the direction of the "aggressive" sound.


And as soon as these words came out, not only Saxi, but also Cheng and Yingying at the side had their ears pricked up, and after changing their "gloomy" and "timid" appearances, they all came together and almost hugged Chiba's thigh Le: "Say, Sister Heyin is making juice!"

"Yes, go and help!"

Chiba answered absently.

"Wow! Great! I had juice today! Great!"

"Hurry up, let's go help!"

"so happy!"

And hearing Qianye's sound, the children turned around and ran, jumping and jumping while running, and the laughter like silver bells came along with their bouncing posture.

"jump jump jump……"

Then, amidst the sound of three little feet hitting the ground, the door was slammed shut with a "snap", and it was completely closed.

When the three children left, they did not forget to close the door.

How... what to do?

But when the door was closed, Qianye suddenly embraced her head with both hands, and a bit of despair flashed in her eyes.


How did I forget!

These children are struggling on the brink of war, and they are all civilians. In the background of this Naruto world, except for the major ninja villages, the civilian villages are like ancient Japan. The level of education can be imagined. It's normal!

Why, why, just missed such an important point!

I can't read!

What's the use of writing these things!

I can't read!

At this moment, Chiba's mood was broken. Everything that was originally planned, the original perfect plan to leave, was completely broken because of "illiteracy".

Yes, that's right, what Qianye has been writing is one of the conditions for him to leave with peace of mind.

An overview of chakra's nature changes and form changes...

On the use of ninjutsu...

On the feasibility and foundation of tactics...

An Overview of Simple Tudun Ninjutsu...

An overview of simple water escape ninjutsu...

Advanced application of shuriken technique...

Part of the outline of the fire escape ninjutsu seal...

Part of the outline of Fengtun ninjutsu seal...

The training essentials and importance of gymnastics...

Introduction and detailed explanation of medical knowledge...


The content recorded in the pile of papers flashed through his mind one by one, not only did Qianye's mood collapse, his brain also collapsed.

Originally, the third step of the plan was to let this group of orphans acquire a certain self-protection ability, and the final stage of the third step was to teach certain evasion techniques and tactical theory on the basis of the children's possession of chakra. Teach and teach them the basics of chakra's nature change and form change, one of the foundations of ninjutsu.

Let them rely on these foundations even when they are no longer themselves, and continue to grow stronger until they have a certain amount of self-protection power, and even derive stronger power.

These children are pure and kind, even when their partners continue to die in front of their eyes because of the war, they have not been blackened, or they are disappointed with the future and people, they still want to help others, Chiba is not worried about them gaining power Afterwards it will run amok.

Moreover, although it is not in line with Konoha's regulations to teach these things, what he teaches are the most basic and the most ubiquitous things, even if Konoha finds children who have mastered chakra and ninjutsu other than this small group of ninjas exists, and cannot be contacted with him.

Moreover, these children are not stupid, and they also understand that there are some things that cannot be taught. Otherwise, when they know that they are going to teach them Chakra, they will not be so surprised, and will only be blindly happy.

Therefore, Chiba writes this quite reassuringly.

It's just that it doesn't make any sense now!

It makes no sense at all!

The children are illiterate!

What's the use of him writing!

These things written about Chakra and Ninjutsu, and even the basics of Shuriken and Taijutsu are completely waste paper.

Children can't understand it at all!

No matter how much you write, no matter how detailed, no matter how easy to understand the text is, it is useless!

In other words, Chiba made a mistake, no, it should be said that he made a big mistake, and he absolutely took it for granted.

Didn't think of a most crucial premise at all.

Since the things he wrote down were written down, one must consider whether the reader can understand them. If you can't read and understand, then everything is meaningless, and writing is useless!

Even, he actually thought about this problem, afraid that these children would not understand, so he specially wrote everything in an easy-to-understand sentence.

To be honest, it was his hard work.

After all, it is quite strenuous to write sentences that children can understand as far as possible from the perspective of children's comprehension ability, and it takes a certain amount of ability to constantly think about whether children can understand.

At least, the person who writes this knowledge must have a certain level of understanding of this knowledge, otherwise, it will be impossible to express it clearly.

Moreover, a lot of thought is spent on the choice of words and sentences, even most of Chiba's thoughts are spent on the choice of words and sentences. If you don't understand, you must use simple and popular words to express the meaning accurately, otherwise, it will be unpopular and incomprehensible. If it is not accurate, there will be mistakes and the effect will not be achieved.

Although Chiba's level is up to the standard, he is not used to this kind of commonplace in the choice of words and sentences, and it always takes a lot of effort.

What's more, every time he writes for two or three hours, he becomes exhausted and can't write anymore, so he has to take a rest.

It can be seen that he spent all his energy on this.

But now, everything was in vain because of his negligence and unexpectedness. The feeling that he thought everything was ready, but suddenly found that the whole system collapsed because of a small mistake, really made Chiba feel a little overwhelmed, so that he almost hugged his head. howled.

"It's's over..."

At this moment, Qianye squatted down slowly, looking at the stack of papers in front of her, in her eyes...

A void.

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