Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1110 There is no big problem!

"Well...he recovered, walking, and there is no big problem."

Sensing the gazes around her, Qianye nodded, not having too much hesitation because of the sudden silence.

This morning, when trying to refine chakra, that is, when Heyin and the others sent off the children on duty, after failing twice, there was a silent roar in the body in the consciousness, and it was impossible to refine any chakra. In the energy cells, suddenly at the same time, a large amount of body energy burst out.

His chakra has recovered!

Then, startled, in astonishment and ecstasy, he stood up abruptly, perhaps because he was too excited. In the process of standing up, he accidentally knocked over the iron pot on the side, and even more It was the firewood that was burning in the burning bonfire. Fortunately, it only scratched some, otherwise if the bonfire was thrown away by his subconscious, it would be a real mess.

However, his arm was also burned. Although he just rubbed it, his hand almost wiped away the flames. In addition, he was already burned when he threw it on the iron pan before, so Zong Mi and others rushed in. The scene at that time.

The experiment or something, this is a lie made up by Qianye subconsciously. As for why she lied, Qianye doesn't know, it seems to be a subconscious reaction.

It was like, he didn't want these orphans to know that he was so frightened that he got burned.

It seemed that this made him feel a little embarrassed.

At the same time, after this station, after the recovery of chakra, the weakness and numbness in his legs disappeared, and now his feet are not only free from weakness and numbness, but even full of a kind of A good sense of strength rested and maintained.

In short, he could feel that his legs were full of strength, not to mention standing up, and now there was no problem telling him to jump three to five meters high.


Hearing Chiba's answer without hesitation, Yuze who was silent for a while pursed his lips and nodded.


And at this time, by coincidence, Zongya, Heyin, Mingtai, Tsubaki and Xiaozhen looked away from Chiba and landed on Yuze.

In his eyes, there is no strange Yuze at this time, but he looks so alone.

Coincidentally, a layer of inexplicable sadness slowly surfaced in their hearts that had faded from their horror and astonishment.


Then, at this moment, at the moment when the sadness floated up, Yuze, who was sipping his lips, suddenly smiled, and said so with joy.


But when they heard the more sound, Zong Mi and the others were all taken aback, and then, suddenly, they seemed to think of something and spoke one after another.

"That's great, Chiba!"

"Yes! Congratulations, Chiba!"

"Brother Chiba is too kind!"

Afterwards, a series of sincere congratulations rang out in this room.


Regarding this, Qianye glanced at the children who congratulated him sincerely and showed joyful smiles one by one, pursed their lips, paused, and then spoke.

"Then, tonight, Heyin will cook more meat, and eat the fresh fruits picked in the forest. Let's celebrate today!"

Hearing this, Yuze turned his head and said to Heyin.

"Well, I see."

In this regard, Heyin nodded readily, and she had already had such an idea before Yuze said it.

"Wow! That's great! There's meat to eat!"

"Stupid Mentae, there is more meat to eat!"

"Those fruits, Sister Heyin, are you going to squeeze them into juice using Brother Chiba's method?"

Then, as soon as these words came out, the children were the first to erupt.

"OK OK!"

However, Yuze spoke again before he was soaring: "Here, let's leave it to Chiba, we should also train, anyway, we can't let go of training."

Saying that, Yuze glanced at Chiba and smiled slightly.

This guy……

Looking at the children who stopped jumping for joy because of Yuze's sound, Chiba couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth.

You really know what to say and what to say!


It should be said, understand me!

Know that I urgently need time to think alone now!

And in his heart, such a joyful and helpless thought flashed through his mind.

"Okay, let's go, let's go to training, when everyone is here, let's celebrate in the evening."

At this time, Zong Mi also opened his mouth and said, with a final word.

Although Zong Mi is sometimes unpopular, he is one of the backbones of this orphan group after all. Although he is not very good on weekdays, he is even disliked by the youngest child like Tsubaki, but sometimes, he is also with Yu Ze and Yu Ze. Same as the sound, say the same thing.

As soon as these words came out, the children immediately turned around, glanced reluctantly at Qianye's arm, and then walked towards the door.

Yuze and the others also turned and left one after another.

"Wait a moment!"

However, just when everyone was about to turn out from the door, Chun, who had been being held by He Yin all this time, suddenly turned around, broke free from He Yin's hand, hugged her patched bear, and stared. He ran to Qianye's body, stepped on Qianye's quilt with his bare feet, lifted up that childish, innocent smiling face, stood on tiptoe, and watched Qianye sweeping down from above. With a kindly questioning gaze, he said, "Brother Qianye, can I touch your hand?"

Immediately, as soon as these words came out, Qianye was stunned, a series of images flashed through his mind, and his teeth clenched slightly.

"Don't be naughty, Tsubaki!"

But at this time, the people at the door stopped, and He Yin even stopped talking.

"No...it's okay, just touch it."

In response to this, Qianye shook her head at Heyin, expressing that she was fine, and then, with a smile, touched her head with her right hand, which was the hand that had healed from the burn. It looked like another girl.

Brother, are you hurt?

Does it hurt?

Brother, do you want to eat candy? No more pain after eating sugar!

Do you want to eat...

Like echoes, at the moment when the girl's appearance flashed by, these crisp and childish words echoed in his ears.


But hearing Qianye's words of agreement, Tsubaki swallowed her saliva when she stretched out her hand, looking at the fair skin, her little hand froze in mid-air, but didn't dare to touch it.

"Does it not hurt? Can you really touch it?"

After being frozen for a while, the little girl raised her head slightly, with fear in her eyes, and asked again.


And looking at Tsubaki's appearance, Chiba's mouth unconsciously showed a more gentle and friendly smile, just like what he did when the girl asked the same words back then.

Looking at the white and unscarred right hand that came close to him, Tsubaki blinked his eyes, took another look at Chiba, and then stretched out his froze hand, trembling slowly, cautiously towards Chiba's right hand.

In the end, Tsubaki's index finger poked lightly on the fair skin, then retracted his hand like an electric shock, and then ran back thumping as if touching something frightening, and hid in Yuze's Behind him, it took a while to poke out half of his head in the smiling eyes of everyone.

"Doesn't it hurt?"

Some kind of fear flickered in the little girl's eyes, looking at Chiba.

"No pain!"

Chiba grinned and shook her head.

"It really doesn't hurt, is it completely healed?"

Tsubaki asked again.

"Totally fine!"

Qianye maintained a smile and said affirmatively.

"Okay, okay, training!"

At this time, although the girl's eyes were still full of uncertainty, Yuze still stopped the communication between the two, touched Chun's head, and left with the children.

This time, Tsubaki followed obediently and left, although she turned her head three times at a step, she still disappeared outside the door together with everyone else.

Chiba was left alone, staring blankly at the door, as if lost.

An invisible sad breath slowly emanated from his body, permeating the lonely house.

"Tsubaki, you are amazing, you actually touched there!"

"Yes! Chun, you are too powerful, I dare not touch it!"

"Well... Brother Chiba, it's really healed! It's true..."

And at this time, the children's childish conversations came in faintly through the wall...

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