Chapter 1094 Try


The sound of pattering rain, accompanied by bursts of watery breeze, was drawn into this simple house, blowing the extinguished bonfire into bursts of flickering sparks.

It's raining?

Chiba, whose face was slightly irritated by the coolness of the breeze and the moisture, slowly opened his eyes, frowned slightly, and slowly sat up from the multiple quilts, and the sound of pattering rain gradually clear up.


But when he saw the gray scene outside the window, but it was obviously a daytime scene, he frowned slightly.


Sure enough, unlike her, Yuze still needs a certain amount of time!

With a soft sigh in his heart, Chiba couldn't help but recall the scene of teaching Yuzawa Chakra last night in his mind.

The effect was not as good as he had imagined.

Although Yuze has outstanding comprehension, he understood the composition of chakra and the essence of meditation immediately, but in actual implementation, it is not a small difficulty to achieve that "quietness".

After trying several times, Qianye found that he had estimated his expectations too high. According to Yuze's performance yesterday, when Yuze can really achieve "quietness" and start to extract spiritual energy, it is estimated that it will take half an hour. months or longer.

And this time is the standard "faster than the Chakra threshold" time, and it is also the time it took Chiba to enter the "quiet" state when he was practicing Chakra.

In other words, because of the previous experience Chiba estimated the time too short, although Yuze has a special body, but such things as "meditation", even if it is blood inheritance limit, even if it is a special physique, it seems that it is not too short. In this regard, Yuze is just an ordinary member.

Just like him, just an ordinary member.

"I was too hasty..."

In this regard, Qianye couldn't help sighing, and groaned in his mouth.

However, this is also good, now even Yuze can't enter the state of meditation in a short time, so it is necessary to let everyone start meditation training in advance.

Everyone had a full meal yesterday, even though their bodies were a little weak due to long-term hunger, but after this meal of meat, most of them are children here, and it is estimated that they can also practice chakra.

As long as they can keep eating like this in the future, their foundation will get better and better. As long as they practice hard, use the right method, and work hard enough, it is only a matter of time before they learn chakra.

However, using the third step to feed back the second step, this plan has come to nothing.


As expected, she is...

And following this sound, a series of plans flashed through Qianye's mind, and at the end, he couldn't help feeling a little bit sad and sour.

Are you not here?

At this time, he looked around for a week with his eyes and found that the surrounding area was empty, and there were sporadic kunai and shuriken inserted on the wall used to practice shuriken, and there were no figures.

"It's already noon?"

Then, after taking a look, he saw a large bowl of broth next to his quilt. The broth was placed very close to the ashes of the campfire, and was kept warm by the residual temperature of the ashes. At this time, there was still a slight heat Steam up.

Obviously, it's lunch time.

Because of the lack of food, this group of orphans does not have the concept of breakfast, and even if there is breakfast, it is impossible to have such a rich broth. It is estimated that a bowl of soup is almost enough. The bowl is filled with meat like now. Soup On the contrary, in rare cases, it can only be lunch.

In other words, he slept until noon. Looking at the residual temperature of the campfire next to him and the temperature of the broth, it should be afternoon.


What is this for?

Gently picking up the broth, Qianye was not polite, and started to eat directly, and there was such a question in his heart.

According to his plan, the children should be practicing kunai and shuriken now. He told him Yuze's words last night, and started to focus on chakra cultivation directly, ignoring other things.

And the trap of the abandoned town over there is to ask Heyin and Zongmi to check it out. After all, it takes almost half a day to go back and forth to this abandoned town. It's a waste of time. With this time, it's better to concentrate on cultivating Chakra. If he can extract Chakra, then some things will be easier to handle. With the foundation of Chakra, Chiba can teach some Simple and common ninjutsu, such as Sanshenjutsu, such as the escape technique that suits his chakra nature, and when he has mastered a certain amount of power, then it shouldn't be a big problem to hunt those ordinary carnivorous beasts in the forest.

The forest is rich in products, and carnivorous beasts and herbivores should also be very rich. As long as he can start hunting carnivorous beasts, it is equivalent to having a stable source of food, and then others can focus on cultivation and exercise up.

As long as you can focus on continuing to cultivate and exercise, this group of orphans will only become stronger and stronger. At that time, food will not be the main problem, and survival will naturally not be a problem. At that time, what you need to pay attention to is the indiscriminate disaster on the battlefield up.

Of course, if Yuze's entry is not ideal, it doesn't matter. As long as Zongya can master shuriken and add a certain amount of physical training, although there is no chakra, physical skills will be greatly reduced, but hunting some Ordinary animals should not be a problem, and a relatively stable food source can be formed by then.

At least, you can guarantee that you won't go hungry.

Moreover, as long as he is not hungry, he can re-refine his body energy as soon as possible to create chakra, thereby healing his legs.

And as long as he heals himself, then nothing will happen.

"Then...let's try it!"

However, although he can't see anyone now, and he doesn't seem to be following his plan, Qianye doesn't care too much. In this case, he doesn't think these orphans will be ignorant. If they survived, they must have a set of survival rules and understand the priorities, so he didn't think these children would forget to train for fun.

And now he can't move around. If the children are really not here, he can't do anything. Right now, all he can do is to see if he can create chakra now.

I had a full meal last night and rested so well. I have slept till now, and my spirit is much better than yesterday. Basically, I don’t feel weak anymore.

Compared to figuring out what the children are doing, the top priority is still my own problem.

And thinking of this, as soon as the words came out of his mouth, Qianye no longer hesitated, closed his eyes directly, and entered a state of meditation.

Hopefully, the chakra can be used!

At this moment, such a thought flashed through his mind.

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