Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1070 Breaking


An embarrassing, weird, and almost silent atmosphere enveloped this dilapidated and simple house. Qianye lowered her head, the corners of her mouth had completely stiffened due to frequent tugging, and her forehead seemed to be covered with sweat.

And on the other side of the dilapidated house, the six orphans huddled against the eldest girl's body, some of them closed their eyes tightly, and buried their faces directly on the girl's body, with a look of "so scared". No, some are subconsciously grasping the girl's clothes, with a pair of eyes looking at Chiba from time to time, but often after taking a look, they quickly bury their faces in the girl's skirts, and after a while, turn their faces away again, Take a look, then bury your face after looking at it, and then look again... As for the girl, there was a little fear in her eyes, but she was naturally much better than these young orphans. The child hugged her and stared at Qianye closely. She seemed to be a mother protecting the child, as if she would take necessary protective measures if Qianye made any move.

So much so that, under this "burning" gaze, Qianye had the illusion that she was like a heinous bastard who bullied children, unable to hold her head up.

Then, this scene has lasted for nearly twenty minutes. To be honest, Qianye felt that his neck seemed a little sore when he kept his head down like this.

what to do?

While feeling sour, Qianye felt troubled in his heart.

For the fear of the orphans towards him, he expressed his understanding. After all, it was this war that made them orphans, and it was the ninjas who started this war, and this was the battlefield between Iwagakure and Konoha, making these children orphans, Displaced, even now in order to face the imminent disaster, they are ninjas, and Konoha Ninja is half of the responsible persons, and he is also a member of Konoha Ninja. It is understandable that these children have strange emotions towards him.

At this time, for him, rationally speaking, these children are already bound to him. If these children starve to death, he will also starve to death here because he cannot walk. Now even Chakra He, who can't even refine it, can't heal his legs without relying on these children. They are already grasshoppers tied to a rope.

From an emotional point of view, he also felt the responsibility, the guilt for these displaced children struggling for survival, although War Konoha was also a passive party, after all, he was not the one who felt confidently that all the consequences were justified because of a passivity. It should be, and these children are all children of the Country of Grass, and the Country of Grass is also a victim, and is also passively caught in the war. Even because of this war, the country has become a battlefield, and he has no reason to be confident. Therefore, whether it is the Holy Mother or the idiot, although he has endured many cruel battles, there may still be a part of the "two" from the peaceful era in his previous life. If he didn't see it, he might not care, but now he sees it. , He felt it personally, and he couldn't let it go.

But now, whether it is rational considerations or emotional considerations, what he has to do is to eliminate the other party's fear and fear of him. Only in this way can he help them and they can help him.

However, it is a pity that he has many friends and partners by his side, but he is definitely not sociable. Even now, he sometimes doesn't know how to respond to solemn requests, apologies and thanks from others. To deal with it, it is really difficult for him to eliminate such a strong guard and fear.

In other words, now he was at a loss again.

This "what to do" fully reflects his distress and helplessness.

Speaking of this, I am afraid that apart from Konoha, no Ninja Village would believe that that little monster of Konoha, that Taki Chiba who was treacherous and difficult to deal with in the battle, would be confused by a few children. , almost whispered for help.

"you you……"

However, at this moment, when the sweat on Qianye's distressed forehead was about to drop, a slightly mature and hoarse, but soft voice rang out hesitantly.

Although the tone was tentative and trembling, it was full of courage.

The oldest girl, called "Heyin", spoke.

Break the silence and embarrassment now.

"Sister Heyin..."

"Would you... want to talk to him?"

"It's amazing again, sister Heyin."

And hearing this sentence, before Qianye had any reaction, a series of whispered child voices rang out. Compared with the fear of Qianye, the whispers that sounded this time were full of dependence and anxiety. look forward to.

It can be seen that although this chord looks only twelve or thirteen years old and is younger than Zongmi and Yuze, its status in the hearts of the orphans may not be lower than that of Zongmi and Yuze. To a certain extent, it even surpassed Soya and Yuze.

"What's wrong?"

And hearing this sentence, Qianye almost trembled all over, his heart jumped suddenly, and immediately raised his head in a stiff posture, and spoke in a kind tone that he tried his best.

"Ha! Turn around!"

"very scary!"

"Yeah! Don't look at me!"

And this sentence, before Heyin could reply, the orphans reacted first, one by one, they all shrank behind Heyin, trembling, and there was a series of exclamations in their mouths.

However, this cannot be blamed on these children. Qianye here is indeed a bit "scary". Ye looks really a little bit, how should I put it?

The expression is terrible!


Facing the reaction of the children, and seeing how even Heyin shrank half a step back in fright, Qianye's whole body was completely stiff, and she raised her hands subconsciously, but she didn't know how to say it. Injured and hopeless.


It seems to make them more afraid of me...


What should I do?

And in his heart, there is more than this injury and despair.


However, just when Qianye thought that the gap was opened and closed again, the sudden laughter completely shattered the embarrassing atmosphere that was about to re-accumulate.

"You... are quite interesting."

In the next second, the hoarse, mature yet soft girlish voice full of smiles sounded again.


Subconsciously, Qianye looked up with astonishment on his face.

But seeing Heyin covering her mouth, she seemed to be giggling. Those fears and fears had completely disappeared from her face at this moment. Perhaps the desperate expression on his hand was a bit funny. Heyin, the oldest girl, Was amused.

Invisibly, most of the atmosphere of fear and fear that the orphans had towards Qianye dissipated immediately.

"Really, what an interesting expression!"

Then, a bold kid heard Heyin's laughter and couldn't help poking his head out to take a look. Infected by his elder sister's relieved laughter, at this moment, his fear of this ninja suddenly dissipated Quite a lot, and in the eyes without fear, the ninja's expression is really funny.

"Ah! Really, the same expression as an idiot!"

Following the child's opening, children poked their heads out to peek one after another. Then, the so-called child's words are free, when the fear disappears, the child's first intuitive feeling is blurted out.

"Yes! Yes, like a fool."

"very funny!"

"Clack cluck!"

Then, like a series of chain reactions, the children who were afraid of him a moment ago laughed out loud one by one.

Amidst the laughter, the awkward and stiff atmosphere disappeared.

All of a sudden, the distance between the two sides in this room shortened a lot in an instant.

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