Chapter 108 Request

"I see, then, let's disband today, and gather tomorrow at the usual time." Looking at Hirohiko, Kushina nodded and said with a smile.

Chiba and Hirohiko looked at each other with doubts in their eyes, but they still nodded and said, "Understood, Teacher Kushina."

Kushina nodded, then his figure flashed and disappeared in front of the two of them.

After Kushina left, Chiba and Hirohiko looked at each other again.

"It's strange, why do you feel that Teacher Kushina is weird?" Qianye frowned slightly.

Kushina's reaction was too strange, that last smile made Chiba feel that something was wrong, not like the previous Kushina.

What's wrong?

Chiba frowned strangely.

And Hirohiko nodded in empathy, and said, "It's strange."

At this time, the two had already walked back, Chiba was still wondering, while Hiroko had a poker face, but his eyes flickered, obviously thinking about something.

"Why, do you want to learn medical ninjutsu?" Hirohiko suddenly asked.

Chiba was taken aback by the question. He didn't expect Hirohiko to care about this, but it is also true. According to Kushina, the mastery of medical ninjutsu is very difficult, unless some ninjas have the talent of medical ninjutsu, even if it is Hirohiko. Such a genius doesn't even consider medical ninjutsu.

To put it bluntly, the threshold for medical ninjutsu is very high. The first requirement is to have the ability to control Chakra finely. Although some people have talent and some people can achieve it through acquired hard work, this requirement is already very high. High, most ninjas can hardly meet this requirement.

The second requirement is a large amount of professional medical knowledge. This item is the most critical item. This is the real basis of medical ninjutsu. Only by knowing this medical knowledge can you accurately treat the wounded, otherwise it will be two eyes. A smear of blackness can put people to death.

And from this requirement, it can be seen that learning medical ninja requires enough patience. The cultivation of a medical ninja takes a long period. Many medical ninjas are cultivated when they are young, and they don't take shape until they are adults. Even with Tsunade's guidance, children Sakura also took 3 years.

To be honest, when Qianye heard that he needed to learn a lot of professional knowledge, his heart sank for a moment.

It takes time to learn professional knowledge, but for him now, time is the most uncertain thing. After all, he only knows that when Kakashi was promoted to Jonin, the battle of Kanna Kunqiao began. But the Battle of Kanna Kunqiao was a late battle of the Third World War. He didn't know how many battles there were before and when the Third World War would start.

The jigsaw puzzle of medical ninjutsu must be obtained, but he is not sure when he will get this jigsaw puzzle. Inevitably, he was also a little apprehensive.

The medical ninjutsu is for the development of the wound door model, and it is learned to increase the efficiency of the wound door model. If it takes two or three years, it seems that it will also affect the time spent on development, which will lower the efficiency in disguise.

But he has to learn that if he wants to fully load the injury door, he probably has to wait for his body to grow, at least when he is eleven or twelve years old, so that he can ensure that repeated opening of the injury door will not cause excessive weight in a short period of time and cannot be developed. Wounds in Wounds mode. But at that time, Kakashi was estimated to be twelve or thirteen years old, and the Three Wars had already broken out.

Therefore, medical ninjutsu is necessary even if it takes time.

However, the shorter the time to master medical ninjutsu, the better.

Chiba sighed for a long time, and said, "Hirohiko, you also know my technique of sudden increase in Chakra, right?"

"You told us, Shengmen mode. It can greatly increase the amount of chakra." The two walked on the path, Hirohiko nodded and said.

"Actually, this technique is derived from physical skills." Chiba said, he didn't intend to hide it from Hirohiko and Yukina, as long as Kushina asked, he would tell them everything about the relationship during this period of time. , They have established a fairly solid relationship of trust, and the matter of Bamen Dunjia has also been resolved, Qianye has no scruples.

"From physical skills?" Hirohiko was taken aback for a moment. Did such a magical and abnormal secret technique of opening acupuncture points and increasing the amount of chakra come from physical skills?

"The state in which I defeated you in the Chunin Exam was the fourth injury gate of the forbidden technique of Eight Gates Dunjia in Taijutsu. And my secret technique originated from Eight Gates Dunjia." Chiba said.

Hongyan frowned suspiciously, obviously he didn't know what Bamen Dunjia was, but the two words of banshu naturally reminded him of three words, double-edged sword!

Thinking about Chiba's broken muscles and muscle damage after Chiba defeated him, Hirohiko instantly understood.

This eight-door dunjia is a forbidden technique that will hurt people and oneself after use. It is very powerful. Judging from the chakra released by Qianye at that time, which is far beyond the life gate mode, this forbidden technique will generate huge damage. Chakra amount.

"Could it be that your Shengmen mode, Shengmen is also one of the eight gates? Listen to the name of this forbidden technique, you have eight gates? And these gates correspond to the corresponding acupoints, the three that you opened abnormally. The acupoints are the first three gates?" Hirohiko asked a series of questions, maybe he was surprised, maybe he was very familiar with Chiba, this Uchiha genius who doesn't talk much on weekdays, when talking with Chiba, he always talked more .

Hearing this, Chiba looked at Hirohiko with some surprise.

I didn't expect that Hirohiko's analytical ability is so strong. I just said this, and he understood it.

Afterwards, he nodded and said, "That's right, and because this forbidden technique is too dangerous, I wondered if I could control the violent chakra generated by this forbidden technique, and then developed the Life Gate mode."

After saying this, Hirohiko paused, and a flash of shock seemed to flash across that poker face that hadn't changed for thousands of years.

Chiba... has actually developed ninjutsu, and developed it on the basis of forbidden jutsu, this guy...

Chiba didn't seem to notice Hirohiko's abnormality, and continued: "Now the Shengmen mode has reached the limit, at most it is the chakra level of the elite Chunin level, and now if I can control the violent chakra of Humen, then I will It is estimated that I can have a larger chakra, but the damage is so large, so I study medical treatment..."

As Chiba spoke, she suddenly felt something was wrong, and looked to the side, only to find that Hirohiko was several steps behind him, with his head down.

"What's the matter? Hirohiko?" Chiba also paused.

But when he finished speaking, Hong Yan raised his head suddenly, his eyes were scarlet, and he had already opened Sharingan.

"Chiba, I want to ask you something." Hirohiko stared at Chiba.

Chiba was taken aback.

Ask me something? Hey, then you don't have to make an expression that you want to duel with me, do you?

"Oh... oh, what is it?" However, Hirohiko asked him to do something, which surprised him. Hirohiko has the pride of being a genius and regards himself as a competitor. Although they have a good relationship, there is nothing to say, but this kind of request Hirohiko himself is also extremely reluctant, this guy is already so excited that Sharingan has been opened.

"Teach me Bamen Dunjia, and Shengmen mode." Hongyan said.

"Huh?" Qianye was taken aback, but looking at Hong Yan's expression, he was definitely not joking, and his face was unprecedentedly serious.

"There is a person, I have to find him, defeat him, and then ask why he did what he did!" Hong Yan said again: "So, I must become stronger, and now I am afraid that I can even touch the hem of his clothes." not."

So that the current Hong Yan's clothes can't be touched? Is there such a person? this era?

Chiba was taken aback again.

The current Hirohiko, strength needless to say, is about the same strength as his own, except for Namikaze Minato... who else can make him unable to touch the hem of his clothes? Uh... It seems that Sannin and Sandai Hokage can also be used, but Hirohiko obviously does not refer to these people, and hearing Hirohiko's statement, it feels a bit familiar.

"Who do you defeat?" Qianye was very curious. There is still someone who can make Hirohiko unable to touch the hem of his clothes, that is to say, this person is so strong that he can't touch the hem of his clothes.

"My brother who defected from the village." Hiroko didn't seem to intend to hide it from Chiba.

Brother... stupid brother... defection...

Isn't this the routine of Sasuke and Itachi?

Qianye instantly felt hit by a bolt of lightning, it was too thunderous.

No, not like.

Chiba looked at Hongyan, and obviously felt a difference. There was no killing intent or hatred in Hongyan's eyes, but only doubts, confusion, and the determination to get to the bottom of the matter.

Hirohiko didn't intend to kill his brother, but wanted to find out what was going on.

Obviously not the kind of vendetta between Sasuke and Itachi.

However, Hirohiko's request made Chiba a little embarrassed. He had already promised the third Hokage that he would not teach the Hachimon Dunjia to others. Tolerance, will not tolerate him.

But seeing Hirohiko like this, begging himself without hesitation, Qianye was a little embarrassed.

"This..." Qianye took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, I can't promise you this matter. I promised the third generation of Hokage that I can't teach Bamen Dunjia to others without permission."

Although it was difficult, Chiba knew that it was impossible for him to do this for Hirohiko. Since it was impossible, he should explain it clearly.

Hearing this, Hongyan's Sharingan slowly disappeared, and his face showed obvious disappointment. It was obvious that his brother's matter was very important to him, so he would not hesitate to ask others, and his poker face, which had not changed for thousands of years, changed.

However, Hirohiko didn't lose his temper, instead he began to apologize: "I'm sorry, Chiba, for making such an excessive request."

And his apology made Qianye a little embarrassed and embarrassed, he could only sigh and said: "Your brother is really so good?"

As soon as these words came out, Qianye felt a little regretful, she really didn't know which pot to open and which pot to carry!

This Hongyan was already worried about this matter, worried about his brother, and used his brother to break up the topic, isn't this just a joke!

Unexpectedly, Hong Yan stepped forward and said: "He is very powerful, maybe he can be ranked in the top five in the clan. Compared with him, I am just the bottom of the crane."

top five? The top five of the Uchiha family? And let a genius like Hirohiko look like the tail of a crane!

How strong is this?

It is also unreasonable. Such a strong Uchiha family should leave a legend, how could it not be mentioned at all.

Chiba was surprised and shocked.

Moreover, the name Uchiha Hirohiko has never been heard of before, and so is Xue Nai... They are all geniuses, how come there is no reputation left? It is said that this is a Naruto world, and it is normal for many characters that were not in the original work to appear. But amazing geniuses like Hirohiko, Yukina, and Hyuga Yutaka (this Chiba doesn't want to admit it), there should be some traces left...

After being shocked, Qianye was full of doubts.

"Then, I'll go back first." Hirohiko patted Chiba's shoulder and walked first.

At this time, Qianye showed a thoughtful expression, and his reaction was a bit slow. When he realized it, Hirohiko had already walked a certain distance.

Looking at his back, Qianye frowned slightly.

He still cares about this matter... Sorry, Hirohiko.

Qianye said silently in her heart, but he couldn't help with this matter.

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