Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1036 The Promised Land


Amidst the noise of the rustling rain and the green leaves, there was a slight landing sound, and the light sound of the sole of the shoe touching the hardwood was completely submerged in it.

Is it almost here?

Hyuga Snow Eagle raised his head slightly, but he didn't stand up, but kept squatting on the ground and glanced around.

It should be here!

And in this glance, his gaze finally fell on the root system of the huge primitive giant tree in front of him, and the cracks on the root system were slowly reflected in the white pupil, as if scratched by Kunai.

The appointed time is almost here.

At the same time, he thought about it silently, and frowned slightly.

However, there seemed to be no one around.

After thinking about it, a doubtful thought came to his mind.

what to do?

In this situation, if there are people around, or if someone comes here, even if they are only glimpsed at a corner of their clothes, the consequences will be unimaginable.

There are thousands of rocks hidden here, and it is impossible for other ninjas to exist.

Even if it was that person, he would not show off his power before Qian Qianyan approached, and he was also very worried about the situation of Muzi and the others.

At this time, Sata should also return to the outpost...

I hope he will not panic because he is too anxious. After all, compared to Muzi, he has too little experience in participating in missions, and it is still such an information transmission mission that is related to the fate of the village.


When it comes to tasks, I can't stop worrying...

After the doubts flashed away, a series of thoughts flashed through Hyuga Snow Eagle's mind, and at the same time, with this series of thoughts flashed, a bit of anxiety appeared on his face.

After all, as the head of the Hyuga clan, his experience in performing missions on the battlefield is probably less than that of Nozawa Souta, and even the real combat experience of fighting to the death is limited to the one who attacked the forbidden room in the Kushina incident Cloud hidden.

After Yun Yin, he participated in only a handful of battles, and he has always acted as the guard of the old patriarch Hyuga, who was in poor health and was bedridden all the time. , has been equipped with considerable guards, and even Anbu, who is directly under the third generation of Hokage-sama, is secretly protecting him. He basically has no contact with combat. To be honest, he even has very little experience in guarding.

Now, to participate in such an important rescue mission at once, the mission situation is a crisis of death upon discovery, and it has become a solo operation.

It was only at this time that he showed a little anxiety, which was quite commendable for him, for an inexperienced ninja.

Roll your eyes?

And after his anxiety was revealed, such a thought appeared in his heart.

However, as agreed...

Moreover, this agreement is still a very important agreement, related to all my current actions...

Afterwards, a little hesitation rose in his heart.


What should I do?

If you open it, you will break the agreement!

However, if I don't open it, if there is someone, then I will have nothing to do next, and I can only sit and wait!


Still not open!

After hesitating, Hyuga Xueying clenched his teeth lightly, and amidst the restlessness on his face, a look of dilemma was evident.

However, the look of the two dilemmas did not last long, and soon disappeared from his face, turning into a look of determination.

Still open!

In any case, the agreement is also based on safety. If safety cannot be guaranteed, then it is meaningless to abide by the agreement!

And in his mind, such a decision flashed through.

Rolling eyes...


Then, as the decision flashed by, the white pupils in his eyes slowly began to bulge, and the meridians in the corners of his eyes also suddenly bulged, spreading all the way.


However, at this moment, just as the white pupils were about to bulge completely, and the meridians were about to spread to the temples, his eyes widened suddenly, and with a tremor of his right hand, he was about to touch the ninja bag behind him, but his With just a tremor in his right hand, he froze and couldn't move, and his whole body tensed up suddenly. It looked like he was half-squatting and rigid.

Even, cold sweat oozed from the forehead.

"Did you... forget the terms we negotiated?"

But at this time, a cold sound that seemed to come from the depths of the underworld slowly sounded behind him.


Soybean-sized cold sweat trickled down from the forehead, Hyuga Snow Eagle couldn't help but glance at it, and swallowed it almost subconsciously.


At this moment, the terror from death filled his whole body and mind, almost even the flow of chakra stopped!

"Tick tock!"

Cold sweat trickled down to his chin, and Hyuga Snow Eagle's body trembled almost stiffly.

A more intense terror pressed on his body, almost wanting to crush his figure to the ground!

But at this time, in his perception, a pair of scarlet three-gou jade sharing sharing eyes, almost as big as his head, slowly opened behind him!

That invisible pupil power, like a mountain, firmly pressed on his shoulders, making him unable to move, and his muscles subconsciously tensed up, so that he froze in place, unable to even turn his head!

Even, the terror in the pupil power of those eyes made him speechless!

It's him!

It's that person!

This pupil power, without a doubt, is him!

But in his heart, apart from the terror, there was almost a scream of horror.

"Have you forgotten? According to the agreement between Shinsuke Hyuga and I, when we arrive at the agreed place, we can no longer open our eyes. Are you going to violate the agreement between us? Shinsuke Hinata, are you going to destroy this agreement?"

At this moment, when the eyes were fully opened in perception, the cold voice sounded again, with cold anger, and the terrifying pupil power, pressing down together.


Immediately, Hyuga Snow Eagle, who was half squatting on the ground, pressed heavily on the branch with her bent knees, and immediately cracked the branch.

But... Damn it!

Tongue is stiff!

shoulders, so heavy...

It is impossible to produce physical oppression with pupil power alone, this is...


When, when did I fall under his illusion!


But at this moment, Hyuga Snow Eagle, who was pressed down on one knee, was stimulated by the pain from the knee rebound, and the terror in his heart subsided a little, and a series of thoughts flashed through his mind immediately. But it landed on the root system of the giant tree, the Kunai notch.

At that time?

When I saw this notch...

Sure enough, as Master Shinsuke said, he should not be allowed to have any suspicions. This person is really extreme!


Be a little crazy!

Knowing this in his heart, Hyuga Xueying was also secretly astonished.

"No, no, I... I didn't mean that, but this forest is very dangerous, there are too many enemies, I have to take a look."

But at this time, under the stimulus of pain, his taut tongue slightly flicked, and he almost opened his mouth, and he said such an urgent sentence without lack of anxiety.

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