Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1006 Stopping

That Yan Yin... doesn't look like a powerful character, but he is not easy to deal with!

Chiba, who was shuttling through the unusually huge primeval forest, carefully maintained the speed behind Hirohiko. After all, he had just undergone eye replacement surgery. Small bumps, Chiba is not sure if there will be any problems. In the original book, Kakashi can fight immediately after changing the eyes of Obito, but it does not mean that there will be no problems after Hirohiko changes eyes. After all, It is also the first time for Chiba to perform this kind of eye replacement surgery. Although he can guarantee that the replaced eye is normal, but after the eye replacement, whether it is like the original book, it will be all right and start fighting directly, but Chiba is not sure. Therefore, for the current Hirohiko, he is also careful in various ways.

At the same time, taking into account Hongyan's situation carefully, he also began to analyze the memory of the shadow clone in his heart.

This shadow avatar can be regarded as following this Yan Yin for a period of time, and made corresponding observations.

According to memory, this Yanyin acted very carefully. While switching routes, he was also careful not to leave any traces, which made it impossible to trace. He was also very alert and sensitive to a certain extent.

When the shadow clone was tracking, even if it made a slight sound, it would attract the great attention of Yanyin, and even had to stop tracking a few times, and only followed after Yanyin's doubts were relieved.

Several times, almost lost.

The reason why the shadow clone made a surprise attack was largely because of Yanyin's caution.

In other words, Yan Yin's cautiousness gave his shadow avatar a feeling that if he rushed out of this primeval forest, he might not be able to track him, or in other words, he would have no way not to be discovered by him.

Therefore, when the shadow clone rushed out of the forest, it was inevitably distracted by the light to make a surprise attack.

It is conceivable that Yanyin is cautious.

However, Qianye felt that Yanyin's caution was quite reasonable.

According to Nao's narration and the memory of the shadow clone, Chiba has roughly deduced that Iwagakushi must have cooperated with him in exchange for Yukina of the head of the Hyuga clan.

In other words, Iwagaku may have provided him with information related to Hirohiko, and helped him capture Hirohiko, and the condition is that while capturing Hirohiko, he would also help Iwagakure capture Yukina, the head of the Hyuga family. .

Therefore, when Nao saw Hirohiko, Yuki Nai was taken away by Iwagakure. At that time, it happened to be the time of the transaction.

As for the Hyuga Clan's direct lineage, who is so important and coveted by everyone, it is impossible for the Third Tsuchikage to send a useless ninja there. Xue Nai's weight is enough for the Third Tsuchikage to dispatch S-rank ninjas or a large army of more than a hundred people.

However, the third Tsuchikage and this him obviously don't trust each other, the third Tsuchikage doesn't trust that him, and that he doesn't trust the third Tsuchikage either.

Otherwise, the Three Generations of Tsuchikage would not send someone to receive it, nor would they send only one person.

Obviously, if the third generation of Tsuchikage trusts him, with his strength, he is undoubtedly the best candidate to send Xue Nai to Yanyin Village. This will also relieve the desperate Yanyin from a lot of pressure.

It is precisely because the third Tsuchikage does not trust him that he will send someone to take Xue Nai.

Generally speaking, it is absolutely impossible for them to send only a seemingly weak ninja like the transfer of a direct descendant of the Hyuga clan. Even if it is not a hundred-man army, at least a four-member team is necessary. , and the strength of this four-person team will not be too low. It may be a quasi-S ninja leading three senior ninjas. It is even not an exaggeration to send S-level ninjas and a hundred-man army directly. reason.

Then why didn't these people be dispatched, but a ninja who doesn't look very good, it's very simple, it must be the one who doesn't trust the third Tsuchikage, if the third Tsuchikage really sent such a lineup, he might doubt the third Tsuchikage I have intentions, I am afraid that I will be attacked by him if I haven't seen him yet.

That's why the third Tsuchikage carefully sent out a person, who was not very strong, in order to dispel his suspicion and avoid any misunderstanding.

This is the situation where both sides are worried about each other.

However, it doesn't look very good, after all, it just doesn't look very good. From the memory of the shadow clone, Chiba can still see that this Yan Yin has a very high level in anti-tracking, otherwise he wouldn't It will make his shadow clone think "except for this forest, maybe it can't be tracked".

At the same time, this Yan Yin has a trait that Chiba is not good at dealing with, or in other words, a trait that tactical users hate the most.

That is, quick wit!

That's right, it's this characteristic of "suddenly coming up with an emergency solution in an emergency" that makes him feel very difficult.

The surprise attack by the shadow clone just now was already perfect. If it were a quasi-S-rank ninja, I am afraid that he would have to take this punch firmly. While preparing, he was stunned by the idea of ​​using Xue Nai as a shield, forcing the shadow clone to disarm himself, so as to stop him from detonating the detonating talisman.

To be honest, in this game of "seeing which weight Xue Nai weighs in the hearts of both parties", he completely lost to this seemingly ordinary Yan Yin, and was successfully dodged by him.

And this Yanyin would do this, but he didn't expect at all that this Yanyin would use Xue Nai as a shield. He didn't expect it at all. retreat.

This kind of quick wit is an unpredictable and uncontrollable variable, and it is definitely the most annoying thing for all tactical users.

After all, the most important thing for a tactical user is to ensure that everything is within his own calculations and under his own control. In other words, a tactical user like Chiba needs everything to be under his own control middle.

This quick wit is undoubtedly the biggest weapon to destroy Chiba's tactics, and it is also what makes Yanyin so outstanding.

And this extraordinary feature really has the effect of turning danger into luck.

I'm afraid that the third Tsuchikage confidently entrusted the task of transferring Xue Nai back to Yanyin Village to Yanyin, probably because of his excellence.

In that case, then, I'm afraid I have to...

And a series of thoughts flashed in his mind, a trace of solemnity flashed across Qianye's face, and he gradually began to care about it.


At the same time, Qianye, who stepped on the branch and flew out, made a "crash", and his eyes suddenly lit up, and the broad red light instantly filled his sight.


And at this moment, Chiba's heart shuddered, and the pupils burning with emerald green flames shrank suddenly!

Yan Yin, who was hugging Xue Nai, was flying hundreds of meters away from his left front!


At this very moment, the corners of Qianye's eyes flashed suddenly, his face changed slightly, and the leaping figure seemed to stiffen for a moment, and suddenly paused.

The momentum of leaping, stop immediately!

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