Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1005 Passing

This is……?

Chiba, who had turned into a fleeting figure, glanced slightly at Hirohiko who was hanging on his shoulders, the light in his eyes flashed suddenly, and a trace of surprise flashed across his face.

Then, the astonishment on his face turned into surprise.


Found the trace of Xue Nai!

And his heart was full of ecstasy!


Afterwards, the chakra under his feet exploded violently, and immediately trampled the unusually thick branch so that the cracks scattered and sawdust flew.


And in the next second, with a crisp sound, his body that sank due to falling and unloading suddenly flashed, and disappeared in place as if in a flash.


When it reappeared, Chiba had already landed on a branch a few meters away at a left oblique angle of about forty-five degrees.


Then, there was another sound of tree branches breaking, and Qianye transformed into a blurred figure, and flew towards the route 45 degrees to the left of the original route.

Very good!

Very good!

Not only did I find Xue Nai, but I also had an idea of ​​the speed of Yan Yin!

Although carrying Hirohiko on my back, I can't play the fastest speed, and with the consumption of chakra, it is also difficult for me to maintain the state of speeding.

However, now it seems that with the speed of Yanyin, I can catch up with him!

At this moment, amidst the howling wind, a series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind, and at the same time, a series of pictures and the "immersive" experience in her mind were also frozen on Xue Nai's face and chest. On the screen of the bright detonating symbol, it slowly sank into Chiba's memory.

Unexpectedly, one of the two shadow avatars that I separated before met that Yanyin ninja by coincidence.


So lucky!

As the picture sank into memory, Qianye had another thought of rejoicing.

To be honest, before this, he was still a little apprehensive, even though Nao's pupil power avatar told him the direction of Iwagakushi's escape.

However, it is hard to guarantee that this Yanyin will change the route, the destination will not change, but the route can be changed.

If Yan Yin changes the route, it will take a lot of effort to find it, and you may encounter a lot of trouble, such as Yan Yin's troops. After all, this is Yan Yin's rear, which undoubtedly increases a lot variable.

Even now, through the memory of the shadow clone, he discovered that the route of Yan Yin was at a 45-degree angle to his left, which had already changed the route.

Moreover, this speeding state is that he condensed the minimum chakra of the strange force level on the soles of his feet, and then exploded with a strange force burst, rushed out at an extremely fast speed with the help of recoil force, and then landed on the ground. There is enough chakra on the foot to defend against the force of the sprint landing, and then use this part of the defensive chakra to explode with strange force and sprint out.

In this way, the control of Chakra between sprinting and landing must be extremely fine. The rhythm of accumulating Chakra and releasing Chakra cannot be disturbed at all, otherwise there will be a lag in the middle. Although the speed will still increase, but because of the lag, it must be Can't reach the current super speed.

This state of rushing is actually a considerable burden on the body and Chakra, and the consumption of Chakra is several times that of traveling at a normal speed.

It is definitely not a skill that can be used frequently, that is, a skill that can only be used in critical moments.

This search has been going on for a long time, which is extremely detrimental to him.

But now, according to the shadow clone's tracking memory after discovering Iwagakure and Xue Nai before the surprise attack, Chiba not only knew the route of Iwagakure, but also knew his speed.

Although according to the usual situation, the behavior of the shadow clone was a bit reckless, and the surprise attack was too unsafe.

However, for Qianye, if this shadow clone is really tracked safely, after knowing all the information that needs to be known, and then secretly dismissing it, it is really a bit inappropriate.

According to the current route of Yan Yin, if he follows the route Nao told him, the distance between him and Yan Yin will be much better after the shadow clone understands everything. Consuming a lot of chakra is undoubtedly not worth the candle for a fighting type like him who only has enough chakra in a short period of time.

This can be regarded as... a crooked attack!

And a series of thoughts flitted through his mind, and Qianye, who was flying by, pursed his lips lightly, and the anxiety in his eyes slowly dissipated.

At my speed, in five minutes... no, in three minutes, I can follow his route and rush out of this virgin forest.

And according to the suddenly bright scenery when the shadow clone made a surprise attack, the grassland should be the most common landform in the Kingdom of Grass, and it is quite a large grassland. In three minutes, he would never be able to get out of the grassland!

Even if he changes course, I can still see him!

As the anxiety dissipated in his eyes, Chiba narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at Hirohiko on his back, and after confirming that there was nothing abnormal, after turning his head away, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Snow Nai...

wait for me!



A slight and hasty landing sound resounded softly on the grass covered with a layer of golden-red brilliance by the setting sun.


Then, there was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Shadow clone?

Iwagakushi squatted on the ground, the direct descendant of the Hyuga Clan was gently placed at his feet, and his head was looking back and up, and an inexplicable expression flashed in his eyes .

At this time, a cloud of white mist was slowly dissipating above his head.

And in his mind, the scene just now flashed through.

Just when he blocked the direct line of the Hinata clan in front of him, and wanted to detonate the detonating talisman that she was pressing, that Taki Chiba suddenly exploded and turned into a cloud of white mist.

Obviously, it is the shadow clone!

And the purpose of this shadow clone, Taki Chiba, to release himself is also obvious. This shadow clone, Taki Chiba, knows his purpose and why he blocked the Hyuga clan in front of him, and wanted to detonate the detonating talisman, so he released it. Own.

In this way, he has no reason to hurt the direct line of the Hyuga Clan, and has no reason to use her as a shield.

Even, he will protect her desperately!

Naturally, the detonating talisman will not be detonated!

"What a quick reaction..."

After the images and thoughts flashed in his mind, Yan Yin stared at the white mist and remained silent for a long time.

At that moment, such a decision was made... This Taki Chiba's grasp of the situation must be beyond my imagination.

In his mind, such a thought that slightly chilled him flashed across.


Now is not the time to think about these things. Since the shadow clone is here, the main body should also be in a different place. If the shadow clone is released, Taki Chiba's main body will receive a message soon, and I must leave immediately!

And after this thought, Yan Yin suddenly turned his head back, before he could check whether the direct descendant of the Hyuga Clan beside him was injured, he grabbed it and rushed out.

Now, only ten minutes is enough!

Once there, it is absolutely safe!

During the flyby, the sharp light in Yanyin's eyes slowly flickered.


It is absolute self-confidence!

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