Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 998 Starting from the Kaleidoscope Sharingan...

Unexpectedly... such a thing happened!




Why is this happening!

The eyelids that were originally closed in the blink of an eye opened suddenly, Qianye's eyes widened suddenly, and his teeth were clenched tightly. On his face, shock and worry were intertwined, but there was an unbearable expression. Confidence and a slightly bewildered look.

Nasu's succinct but without missing any important narration still echoed in his ears, and the situation at that time subconsciously imagined from these narrations was constantly replaying in his mind over and over again.

It all started seven years ago.

That year, Nao's parents were killed in a large-scale mission, and she suddenly changed from a spoiled little girl in a happy family to an orphan without father and mother, with only an eight-year-old elder brother to depend on.

Then, at the funeral of her parents, she met the teenager who had been with her since she lost her parents in this big mission, Hirohiko Uchiha.

Here, Nao didn't give too many detailed descriptions, just a sentence, just explaining that she and Hirohiko met for the first time, but when she heard this, Chiba had a faint feeling that in fact, at this time , whether it is Hirohiko or Nao, it may be because they lost their parents as well, and the distance between them has been pulled very close.

At the same time, at this simple funeral, she also met another person, her brother's best friend since he was three years old, and the only remaining relative of Hirohiko.

A fairly ordinary Uchiha.

Not a genius, not an idiot, just... just average.

Yes, very ordinary.

Whether it is Ninja School's grades or personal strength, they all maintain a kind of mediocrity, not excellent, but not bad, they belong to the kind of people who don't attract the attention of others.

And her elder brother, but they are two completely opposite people.

Compared to this rather ordinary Uchiha clansman, her elder brother can be said to be talented and a recognized genius. Whether it is physical skills, ninjutsu or illusion, he has shown a good talent, and even attracted the attention of the patriarch. , Even the patriarch at the time said that his elder brother would be someone who could support the Uchiha clan in the future.

It can be said that her elder brother had been placed with high hopes since he was a child.

An ordinary Uchiha clansman who can no longer be ordinary, a young genius who is so talented that he can support the Uchiha clan in the future, even if they are in the same family, it is unlikely that the two will overlap.

But like fate, they became close friends and were inseparable.

And then, both parents died in the same task, and this sympathy for each other made their relationship better and better.

However, the gap between the treatment of the two sides is getting wider and wider.

As the genius of the Uchiha clan and the hope of the future, Nao's elder brother, because of the continuous display of talent, has gained more and more pursuit and expectations. He is as hot as a star, and has attracted the attention of the old patriarch, who personally accepts him as a disciple. Everything was given to her, even she was loved and hated, and she was placed with some expectations that did not exist in her.

Otherwise, with her talent, she would not attract the attention of others at all.

Yes, Nao herself is not a talented ninja, but she is also very ordinary.

On the other hand, the treatment of her brother's best friend is very different. After losing her parents, this genius best friend who lives with her younger brother can be said to have tasted the warmth and coldness of human relationships. Perhaps it is because she is close to the hottest genius. The star's relationship, perhaps because of his slightly gloomy and taciturn introverted personality, he was not well received by others, and he even became the target of bullying at school, and was often ridiculed even in the clan, and was even bullied by children of the same clan .

At the same time, because of being accepted as a disciple by the old patriarch, her elder brother gradually became busy, and the contact with each other gradually decreased.

Although my elder brother still talked about this best friend from time to time, and tried to spend time with this best friend, but in the end, he still couldn't prevent the unforeseen accident.

In the months after the death of their parents, after the extreme difference in treatment between the two finally formed, a major event that was concealed by the Uchiha clan and the third Hokage happened.

This ordinary member of the Uchiha clan, who has been bullied after the death of his parents, personally killed the hottest young genius of the Uchiha clan, and gouged out the eyes of this hot young genius, killing and wounding dozens of people. After the Uchiha clan opened the elite of Sharingan and more than a dozen Anbu directly under the Third Hokage, they successfully escaped from Konoha Village.

No one knows what happened.

The strength and ruthlessness of this ordinary Uchiha boy were beyond people's imagination. All the people who chased him were killed, not even a single one was alive. Even, not much information could be analyzed from the corpse.

Because the incident was too bad, in order not to cause panic in the village, the three generations of Hokage and the Uchiha clan reached an agreement to conceal the matter, and at the same time included Hirohiko's brother in the ranks of defecting ninjas. , just defected from an unknown teenager, so it didn't attract too much attention.

As for what arrangements the third Hokage and the old patriarch had made in private to deal with this terrible traitorous ninja, Nao didn't know.

She only knew that since then, the old patriarch did not ask about the family's decision-making, and handed over all matters to the current patriarch, Uchiha Fugaku.

In the end, because of the loss of his beloved disciple, he died in depression.

What Sandai Hokage and Uchiha Fugaku didn't know was that there was still a witness to the killing of a genius.

This witness is Nao who narrates all this.

Yes, she witnessed her elder brother's death at the hands of her best friend!

At this time, after seeing the death of her close relative, she opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

It was also at this time that in the eyes of outsiders, the eyes of "this poor genius sister" gradually began to lose their sight because of grief.

Here, Nao did not explain why she did not tell the village about this matter, and concealed what happened.

It's just a sentence.

However, Chiba somewhat understood that it was normal for Nao to act abnormally after witnessing the death of a loved one and opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

And this incident, although the three generations of Hokage and the patriarch tried their best to conceal it, but after all, it was the death of a hot genius in the clan who was followed by countless people, and some rumors spread to the clan. The news that this ordinary Uchiha clan did not know what despicable and shameless means killed the future of the Uchiha clan spread like wildfire.

Hirohiko, who was still in the village, was immediately affected. This younger brother of the villain who killed the future of the Uchiha clan was almost beaten to death by angry members of the clan several times. If it weren't for the intervention of the third Hokage, and the current patriarch Uchiha Fugaku's rumors, I am afraid that Hirohiko would not be alive today.

However, in the end, the patriarch was forced to exile Hongyan to the edge of the village due to pressure from the clan.

Then, looking at the lonely and helpless silent boy, who was so similar to his own situation, who also lost all his relatives and was isolated by the entire Uchiha clan, Nao couldn't help but began to take care of him.

In her opinion, it was the Uchiha who killed her brother, and his brother was innocent, and she couldn't let go of this boy because of the sympathy for her brother.

Next, after learning that the poor younger sister of the slain genius was so close to the villain's younger brother, it was almost ungrateful and ungrateful, which immediately exploded the public anger that had been suppressed by the patriarch.

In the end, the current patriarch was under pressure again and exiled her to a corner of the family.

From then on, he lived the same isolated life as Hirohiko, and finally his eyes gradually became "blind".

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