Senju Pillar: "Oh! What a talent a ten-year-old boy can burst out of chakra?"

"Big brother, don't forget, Beidou will be the villain who will confront the five ninja villages in the future." "

Is that a chakra outbreak?

For a high-class ninja, it is not difficult to understand the chakra outbreak in the mouth of the first Hokage.

A ninja who has a powerful chakra in his body and perfect chakra control can indeed burst out the chakra in his body.

Moreover, this invisible force can not only inflict heavy damage on the opponent, but can even give the opponent great mental pressure.

Achieve the effect of victory without a fight.

However, there are not too many ninjas in the entire ninja world who can do this kind of thing.

And Beidou is only ten years old.

Orochimaru: "I don't think it's the chakra that Beidou burst out, it looks like some kind of accumulated power broke out in an instant. "

Ape Fei Ri Slash: "You mean what he called opening up the last few acupuncture points before?".

Shimura Danzo: "Hmph! It's really boring, what does refining chakra have to do with acupuncture points?"

Onoki: "That's right! The acupuncture points are just to facilitate the flow of chakra in the body. "

Terumi: "That... Just excuse me... Didn't you notice something else?".

Fourth Eye Thunder Shadow: "Rain Hidden Village!" That Payne claimed that Rain Hidden Village had fallen into the hands of their Xiao Organization. "

Wuyin Village.

Terumi's pretty face was gloomy.

"Lady Terumi. "

Qing saw that Terumi was displeased, and just wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Terumi.

"Needless to say. "

"Damn Xiao Organization, not only did the water shadow that controlled us persecute Fog Hidden Village, but now it actually controls Rain Hidden Village. "

Qing: "Lord Terumi, don't make a decision so quickly, after all, no one knows the authenticity of the content on the screen. "

[Ninja World Chat Room].

Sanshoyu Hanzo: "Ahem, cough, I was still discovered by you." "

Chiyo-ma-ma: "Hey, old thing, what the hell is going on?".

Sanshoyu Hanzo: "Not long ago, I was killed by Payne, and the old man is now in the Pure Land World. "

Crowd: "!!".

Ape Fei Sun Slash: "Your Excellency Hanzo, you..."

Jiraiya: "You are also a demigod who once gave us the title of three ninjas, how could it..."

Jiraiya: "Also, what's going on with Payne, it's obviously Yahiko, why does Yahiko have reincarnation eyes." "

Sanshoyu Hanzo: "Jiraiya is right, I recognized him at the last moment when I was killed by him, he was Yahiko who was killed by me and His Excellency Tuanzang. "

Shimura Danzo: "?".

Shimura Danzo: "Your Excellency Hanzo, please don't talk nonsense, I don't know any Yahiko. "


in a dimly lit room.

Shimura Danzo was single-eyed.

Hanzo of Yuyin Village's Sansho Fish was actually killed by the Xiao Organization?

This idiot wants to pull the old man into the water in front of the whole ninja world?

Sanshoyu Hanzo: "Tuanzang, you!".

Jiraiya: "What the hell is going on with you, what do you mean Yahiko was killed by you?"

Tsunade: "No, if Yahiko is dead, who is Payne in the light curtain?".

Orochimaru: "Hehe, I recognized his identity at the beginning, and it was indeed Yahiko at that time. "

Sanshoyu Hanzo: "I don't know, but the people who killed me were six in total, and they all had the eye of reincarnation." "

Ape Fei Ri Slash: "What! Tuan Zang, you can explain to me, these are six pairs of reincarnation eyes." "

Shimura Danzo: "What are you yelling at here, I don't know them at all, you listen to Hanzo's nonsense." "

Six pairs of reincarnation eyes?

All the upper echelons of the ninja village, the ninjas who had heard the legend of the reincarnation eye, were immediately surprised and petrified.

Yuyin Village was taken by Payne of the Xiao Organization.

Combined with the so-called intelligence of Jiraiya, the composition of the Akatsuki organization is formed by the S-level traitorous ninja of the ninja world.

Akatsuki is definitely a common enemy in the ninja world.

For the time being, let's not talk about the Beidou who confronted the United Army of the Five Great Ninja Villages with the strength of one person in the preview.

These six pairs of reincarnation eyes alone can definitely make the major ninja villages frightened.

Yuyin Village.

Nagato and Konan looked at each other again, and the two nodded.

Since things have come to this point, there must not be much point in hiding too much.

In addition, the future Beidou is unlimited, and Nagato's mind moved.

Nagato: "Jiraiya-sensei, I haven't seen you for a long time, so let me give you a brief explanation." "

Subsequently, Nagato explained the experience of the three of them to everyone.

Jiraiya: "Nagato, you..."

Nagato: "Jiraiya-sensei, your philosophy is wrong, the world is like a child, it needs to grow and evolve, and only pain can make it progress. "

Nagato: "However, I didn't expect Beidou's sudden change, but from the current point of view, it seems that he will bring great changes to the ninja world." "

Deidara: "There has been, the Boss's Pain Idea, um..."

Red Sand Scorpion: "Boss, you can't say that Xiao Nan loves Beidou, you love the house and Wu." "

Kakudu: "I think so too, even if he has a picture of one person confronting the alliance of the five great ninja villages, but there is no follow-up that can't explain anything." "

Nagato: "Even so, I think the ninja world of the future will definitely be organized by us." "

Shimura Danzo: "Laugh! Since you have appeared, it proves that you Xiao Organization has at most a pair of reincarnation eyes, and a team of only a few people wants to subvert the ninja world? "

Ape Fei Ri Slash: "Tuanzang, don't you know anything? What did you do in Yuyin Village without telling me?"

Shimura Danzo: "I'm all for Konoha Village." "

The moon seals the space.

Otsuki Kaguya's eyes are blurred.

She was not at all interested in what was happening in the ninja village on the Ninja Continent.

All of her focus was on what Beidou had said before, and her chakra volume would grow daily as she refined.

Good boy!

What is the concept of its own chakra growth?

The ants of the ninja world should not understand the terrible meaning of this.

But as a member of the Otsuki clan, Kaguya knows how terrible it is.

"What is that kid kidding?".

"Our big barrel wood clan is to improve our own chakra to evolve the whole planet to plant the sacred tree and devour the chakra fruit. "

"You can increase your chakra just by refining?"

"Hehehe, that's nonsense. "

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