[Picture: This is definitely not Sakura Haruno!].

[Red Sand Scorpion: "....."].

[He seems to have heard something terrible just now.] 】

["Deidara. "】

["Was this little ghost apologizing to us just now?"].

["Because of the puppet?"].

[Deidara stands on the big clay bird.] 】

[Nodding: "Yes, he said that the last puppet incident had something to do with him, um..."].

[Red Sand Scorpion: "....."].


[What is this guy fart?].

[Just what kind of puppet can an intern make?].

"Little ghost, let me tell you one more thing. "】

["If you want to live a long life, don't talk nonsense. "】

[The Red Sand Scorpion sneered.] 】

"But I hate it more than disputes when people deceive me, so you must tell me the truth. "】

"If it's really your puppet, you'll have to tell me how it was made. "】

["If I can't, I will think that you have deceived me, and I will kill you now, and make you a puppet by the way. "】

[Sure enough, I'm still angry because of what happened last time.] 】

[Beidou scratched his head in embarrassment. 】

[Fortunately, the horns are flying, and the two in front of him are superb. ] 】

[Otherwise, you may be killed by the exploding puppet.] 】

[In any way, this matter is indeed blamed on Beidou for not paying attention. 】

["So as long as I can tell you how it was made, you can accept my apology?"



[The scorpion feels the confidence from Beidou. 】

[He couldn't believe that the puppet at that time was really the masterpiece of the boy in front of him. 】

[If it's really a puppet he made, don't say accept his apology...].

[I have to beg you to hand over the blueprints, especially the chakra compressor.] 】

["Hmph! Of course there is no problem. "】

["If it's really you who did it, as a member of the Xiao organization, even if you are an intern, you are also our partner. "】

[Deidara: "???"].

["Hmm!" Beidou finally breathed a sigh of relief. 】

["We are really a team. "】

"The members of a team should look like they are united and help each other. "】

[Beidou said simply.] 】

[Immediately took out a scroll, and bit his finger the moment he opened it.] 】

[A cloud of smoke rises as soon as the blood streaks through the scroll.] 】

[Next second.] 】

[Stacks of scrolls appear in the sight of Scorpion and Deidara.] 】

["Oh, the art of the Temporal and Space Scrolls?"].

[You can store items in the scroll, and take them out of the scroll in a psychic way when needed.] 】

["This little ghost is a little interesting. "】

[The Red Sand Scorpion narrowed its eyes.] 】

[Being able to release so many objects at once shows that the amount of chakra of Beidou and the control ability of chakra belong to the upstream level. 】

[Deidara and the scorpion quietly watched the churning scroll of Beidou.] 】

[Soon, a scroll rolls to Deidara's feet.] 】

["This little ghost is so keen to learn?"


[At the same time as Deidara bent down to pick up the scroll, a message came from Beidou's side: "Found it.] "】

["Blueprint of the automation puppet."] "】

[Beidou threw the blueprint to the scorpion not far away: "Take a look, this is the blueprint of the Payne puppet.] "】


[The scorpion's heart was shocked. 】

[At least judging from the name of the puppet, Beidou in front of him did not deceive him. 】

Then open the design. 】

[The scorpion's eyes suddenly lit up.] 】


[It's such a precise design drawing?].

[The scorpion is like a treasure. 】

[Especially when he saw the steps of the chakra compressor, he gasped even more.] 】

[The little ghost in front of you can make such a delicate puppet part?].

[This kid...].

[Absolute genius puppeteer.] 】

[In Scorpion's philosophy, he understands the theory of the so-called chakra compressor.] 】

[But when it comes to the puppet's body, the parts are too precise.] 】

[The scorpion understands very well, but it's a pity that it can't make such a precise part. 】

"Is this really what you did?"


[The scorpion forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and once again put on the appearance of his predecessor. 】



[Beidou asked incomprehensibly: "Is this difficult?"].

[Is it difficult?].

[What the hell are you...].

["Ahem! I don't believe you did it yourself."] "】


"Can you make another one of this and give it to me."] "】

Between the Thousand Hands: "...."

Onoki: "...."

Xiao Nan: "Hey, Scorpion, are you fooling Beidou?"

Scorpion: "Xiao Nan, what you said is ugly, I just asked him to send me a chakra compressor, what do you mean to fool him?".

Jiraiya: "It's funny, everyone in the Xiao organization seems to have a personal paranoid hobby, and this time it's all taken care of by Beidou." "

Tsunade: "I think if this continues, the boss of the Xiao organization will change hands in the near future." "

Nagato: "If it's Beidou who leads the Xiao organization, then I'm very happy." "

Onoki: "But I'm wondering what kind of scroll that kid Deidara has in his hand, and he can actually read it." "

Deidara: "I guess I'm bored to pass the time." "

[Beidou doesn't understand what the Red Sand Scorpion wants this kind of thing to do. 】

[However, he pulled out a Penn puppet from another scroll.] 】

[Three times five divided by two, the chakra compressor on the puppet was removed.] 】

[Handed over to the Red Sand Scorpion.] 】

"I've sent you. "】

[The scorpion took the chakra compressor and secretly said: This is really a baby. 】

[With ready-made chakra compressors and confidential drawings. 】

[The Red Sand Scorpion can completely install the compressor on its own body. 】

[Through the chakra generated by his own core, he is also able to release chakra laser rays.] 】

"Well, you're a very good junior. "】

[The scorpion coughs lightly, but its voice becomes unusually soft. 】

["Thank you, senior."] "】

["It's just that I didn't expect that my predecessor was a puppeteer, and I knew that the organization had you, so I thought I could avoid a lot of detours."] "】

[Scorpion: "....."].

You think too much. 】

"I can't teach you anything at all. 】

["Well, if I knew that the intern who came to our organization was a gifted puppeteer like you. "】

["I should have found the leader earlier, and took the initiative to teach you the manufacture of puppets, and almost buried talents. "】

["Fortunately, you are extremely talented, and even without my help, you have become a very great puppet maker. "】

Deidara: "Big Scorpion, your attitude has changed too much. "

Fei Duan: "Cut! The scorpion that usually looks high above is actually respectful to the little ghost, which is really unpleasant." "

Fei Duan: "And Jiaodu, they are all about to become bodyguards." "

Scorpion: "You know a fart!" I have a bad attitude towards him, how can I let him help me complete my Red Cheats Hundred Men Drill in the future?".

Kakudu: "Scorpion! Don't bother with this group of ignorant imps, they don't understand our investment philosophy. "

[After getting the chakra compressor.] 】

[The attitude of the scorpion has obviously changed from indifference and ruthlessness at the beginning, to the appearance of caring for the juniors. 】

[Pack everything up.] 】

[Scorpion said: "Beidou, let's hurry up and complete the task arranged by the leader first, otherwise he will be unhappy." "】

[Beidou nodded in approval.] 】

[These little things are just an episode of the cohesion between him and the members of the Xiao organization.] 】

[Payne's assignment is the most important thing. 】



[Scorpion and Beidou have finished packing up and are just about to set off. 】

[Only then did I realize that Deidara was too quiet. 】

[Called.] 】

[The scorpion found that Deidara did not react, and his voice immediately sank: "Hey, Deidara, I'm calling you.] "】

[Look at it in a blink of an eye.] 】

[The Red Sand Scorpion found out that Deidara was holding a scroll and reading it carefully. 】

["When did this idiot start to like to study?"


[As soon as the scorpion spoke, he saw Deidara looking at Beidou on the side. 】

["Your name is Beidou, right?"


["As an intern of the Xiao Organization, as a senior, I also want to teach you one thing. "】

["That is, there are good things to share with the seniors, so that you can get the love of the seniors. "】

["I like this scroll of "On the Explosive Effect of Chakra Compression Control on Ninjutsu", can you give it to me?]

Deidara: "???


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