[A week later, Yuyin Village.] 】

["What has Beidou been doing lately?"].

[Payne asks.] 】

["The daimyo of Tanokuni sent a letter, asking us to take action. "】


The ninja audience was stunned when they heard this.

Tanokuni is a small country with no ninja institutions.

It's adjacent to the country of grass.

Sarutobi Hichi: "I see, there are no ninjas in the country of Tano, so you hired the Akatsuki organization?".

Senjukuma: "Is there a war between the country of fields and the country of grass?".

Shimura Danzo: "It shouldn't be as serious as everyone imagined, and none of our five major ninja villages participated, presumably it was just a local battle between them for some resources." "

The daimyo of Tanokuni?

A shadowy underground laboratory.

Orochimaru thought for a moment.

Some time ago, he had just heard that the daimyo of Tanokuni was an extremely ambitious ruler.

He always wants to use force to wage war against the countries around him.

"Hehe, sure enough, the daimyo of Tian no Kuni is really exactly the same as rumored. "

Since the ambitions of the daimyo of Tanokuni have been exposed on the screen in the future.

Orochimaru was even more sure that his idea of using the other party to create a village for exclusive experiments would definitely come true.

"Hire what the organization knows. "

"When the time comes, your land of fields will have your own..."

"No, it should be my own experimental base. "

[Facing Payne's inquiry.] 】

[Xiao Nan is silent. 】

[His expression is solemn, and he looks very worried.] 】

[Seeing this, Payne instantly understood Xiao Nan's thoughts. 】

[Beidou, this kid, study his puppet well, if you can't do it, spend more time on making soldier food pills. 】

[Nothing to do, interested in the land resentment of the corner capital?].

[Could it be true that you will turn yourself into a stitching monster like Kakuto?].

[Payne pondered in his heart.] 】

[But think about it, Beidou's behavior is worth understanding. 】

[The puppets he created, although peculiar, are extremely aggressive. 】

[It's a pity that the puppet is always a puppet.] 】

[Beidou can't do it like himself, using the power of the reincarnation eye to create a puppet that can be controlled remotely by the chakra black rod. 】



[Payne sighed: "Genius is genius, but there are some forces that cannot be surpassed.] "】

"What are you talking about?"].

[Xiao Nan wondered.] 】

[Payne just shook his head, expressionless: "It's nothing, Xiao Nan.] "】

["I think let's go find Beidou together."] "】

["Only by letting him continue to be in contact with this world can he grow. "】

[Payne said, just wanted to leave to find Beidou. 】

[The familiar voice stopped him again.] 】

["Sister Xiaonan, Sister Xiaonan!"].

[Excited voices sound from the other end of the tunnel.] 】

[It is the Beidou that Payne and Xiaonan are familiar with. 】



[Payne is a little confused.] 】

[What happened to this kid?].

[I look so excited.] 】

[Xiao Nan was silent, so nervous that he swallowed his saliva. 】

[She was worried. 】

[I'm worried that a tentacle monster like a horn will suddenly jump out of the mouth of the dark tunnel.] 】

This moment.

Everyone in the ninja world held their breath.

It can be heard from Beidou's excited voice that the other party is in an unusually good mood at this time.

However, according to the previous viewing feedback.

The audience knows in their hearts that the things that can make Beidou so happy, and only he has come up with some new tricks.

What is it?

Tentacle monsters?

At this moment, the audience is in a similar mood to Xiao Nan.

It would be a pity if such a handsome Beidou turned into a stitched tentacle monster.

Kakuto: "....."

Kakudu: "Did I say that your group of people is too much, and none of them speak?".

["Sister Xiaonan?"].



"Brother Payne is also there. "】

[Beidou walked out of the tunnel mouth with a smile on his face.] 】

["Beidou?" Xiao Nan barely squeezed out a smile. 】

[When Beidou heard this, he immediately walked towards Xiao Nan: "Sister Xiao Nan, I succeeded. "】


[Xiao Nan only felt his brain tremble. 】


[You actually succeeded in mastering the land resentment?].

[This is not a good thing. 】

[See Xiao Nan's face is strange. 】

[Beidou suddenly realized something. 】

[Quickly explained: "No, no, no, don't get me wrong. "】

"I didn't become like Kakuto Senpai. "】


[Hearing this, Xiao Nan finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Really?"].

"Hmm!" Beidou nodded. 】

["Then what is your so-called success?"].

[Xiao Nan asked curiously, his originally heavy expression became much soothed, as if he was judging two people. 】

["Sister Xiaonan, you are optimistic..."].

[Beidou smiled proudly, took out a handful of kunai, and instantly slashed his palm. 】

[Suddenly, blood flowed on one hand. 】



[Xiao Nan exclaimed: "Are you crazy?"].

[While talking nervously, Xiao Nan hurriedly spread out Beidou's blood-soaked palm: "What are you doing this kid?"


["I cut my palm for no reason. "】

["Really, you won't study the blood of Feiduan and study your IQ to the same level as him."] "】

"That's not going to work. "】

Fei Duan: "Hey, hey, Xiaonan..."

Fei Duan: "You love your family's Beidou, don't slander me." "

Kakudu: "Are you sure she's slandering you?" I'm also worried that if Beidou's IQ becomes the same as yours, how will he make Bing Food Pills in the future. "

Red Scorpion: "My chakra compressor hasn't arrived yet." "

Fei Duan: "You bastards with no faith. "

[Xiao Nan looked at Beidou with a hippie smile and felt pain in his heart. 】

["Hurry up and stop the bleeding."] "】

[It's just that Xiao Nangang wants to stop the bleeding for Beidou. 】

[Only then did I find that the wound that originally flowed a lot of blood had long since disappeared. 】

[Beidou's palm does not have any wounds at all except for the blood just now. 】

["This is..."

[Payne's eyes widen.] 】

["Did it heal on its own?"].

["Yes, the wound just now healed on its own in an extreme period of time. "】

[Beidou laughs.] 】

["What Sister Xiao Nan said just now is right, this is indeed a new ability that I have acquired by studying the blood of the flying section. "】

[Ignoring Xiao Nan and Payne's surprise. 】

[Beidou explained to himself: "Although I don't know what kind of special physique the flying section looks like. "】

"But I can feel that since I have his power, even if I cut off my head, I can't kill me. "】

["But I really can't figure it out, Fei Duan doesn't look very smart, but he has such a terrifying ability. "】


At this moment, everyone in the ninja world was completely dumbfounded.

Even Fei Duan no longer cares about the content of Beidou's ridicule of himself.

His body stood stiff in place, his head blank on the spot.

What did the kid say?

He actually acquired my powers?

How did he do it?

Senju: "Impossible! How did he gain the power of the immortal body of the flying section?"

Ape Fei Ri Chop: "Teacher, I have studied ninjutsu for decades, and I have never seen such an outrageous thing. "

The fourth generation of Lei Ying: "Fake, fake, absolutely fake." "

Uzumaki Kushina: "If you want to talk about restoring ability, we can also do it with the vigorous vitality of our Uzumaki clan, but cut off the head..."

Kakudu: "Hmph! Fei Duan really doesn't have anything to praise, but it's true that even if his head moves, he can't die." "

Deidara: "The main thing is how Beidou obtained this ability?".

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