Acting recklessly and recklessly.

It doesn't matter if he hurts himself, but if he implicates others, that is not something Neji can allow.

After pushing Naruto back.

Neji said again:"It's arranged like this, Naruto and Lee stay to protect the employer, everyone go away."

So he wants to protect the employer.

After hearing this, Naruto put away what he wanted to say and was no longer so resistant.

Time soon came to evening.

Neji and Tenten also set off together and went to the nearby Oxalis mine.

In fact, the mission.

Neji didn't care so much.

The reason why he took on this mission was because he was interested in Ranmaru next to Kuroki Raiga.

Red Eyes Bloodline Limit.

It is said to be the natural enemy of the Byakugan.

Not only can it see through objects, sense energy, and predict danger, but it can also use chakra to create images to interfere with the Byakugan.

Especially in observing the"947" power, it seems to be stronger than the Byakugan.

It is not known whether it is true or not, and it needs to be verified.

But if we combine the two bloodline limits, the red eyes and the white eyes, can we create stronger eyes?

Regarding this research topic,

Neci really wanted to give it a try, so he came.

In the mining area, it didn't take long for Neci and Tenten to find out the information.

The main reason is that the two of them are too strong.

Even Tenten now has the chakra and combat power of a jonin level, but her combat experience is not that rich.

As for the mission target, it is the Kuroko family that occupies the mine.

Only Kuroko Raiga has the strength of a jonin level, and the other members are just minions, and there are not even many genin. How can this kind of organization formed by a mob be so tight that it can defend against Neci and Tenten?

""Ningji, what are you going to do?"

Tenten asked after leaving the mine.

"Let's talk about it when we get back."

Neji didn't want to repeat it a second time.

Soon, the two of them returned to the Curry House of Life, but surprisingly, several people were no longer there.

"How is this going?"

""I'm sorry, ninja-sama, it was Rokusuke who was worried about his friend's safety and went to the mine, so the two ninja-samas went to find him."

The two employers said apologetically.

As for Rokusuke, he was another employer.

The employer was acting strangely.

This kind of thing is not uncommon, and Neji will not get angry because of this, it's just not worth it.

If you don't like someone, just kill them afterwards, there's no need to get angry.

And the behavior of Rock Lee and Naruto is the same.

Act on your own and make mistakes, just wait until you return to Konoha. Anyway, someone will teach them a lesson, and there is no need for Neji to get angry.

"It's okay, you guys stay here, we'll go over and take a look." After calming down the two employers,

Neji took Tenten out of the curry house.

"Where can we find them?" Tiantian asked

"This is easy."

Ningji used the divine perception technique he developed to sense a little bit, and soon found the whereabouts of Naruto and the others.

"Over there."

He pointed in the direction.

Then Neji took Tenten and rushed over.

Let's talk about Naruto and Lee.

In order to save Rokusuke, they have already faced off against Kuroki Raiga.

The minions are easy to deal with.

But facing the Jonin-level Kuroki Raiga, they are not good enough.

They have only exchanged a few moves.

And Kuroki Raiga didn't even let Ranmaru remind him. With just one Mist Hidden Technique, he made Naruto and Lee run around in circles.

They could only passively defend and could not form an effective counterattack. They also suffered a little loss.

As time passed slowly. When they had enough fun,

Kuroki Raiga took out his weapon and prepared to bury both Lee and Naruto in one move.

""Lightning escape, Raiga!"

I saw Kuroki Raiga raised his double swords and shot the lightning into the air.

Then, the lightning absorbed more electric charges in the air, and then rushed down, killing Xiao Li and Naruto. At the critical moment,

Xiao Li and Naruto reacted and quickly hid to the side.

With a loud bang, the whole mountain was destroyed by lightning, and Naruto and Xiao Li were also blown into dust and humiliation.

And this is not all.

When Kuroki Raiga lost his patience and asked Ranmaru behind him to help, under the influence of the other party's red eyes,

Naruto and Xiao Li also became blind.

Originally, they couldn't see anything in the thick fog. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now it's even worse.

They can't even see the enemy's attacks.

Losing the ability to perceive the outside world, you can imagine what is waiting for them.

"Thunder escape, lightning strike!"

Hei Chu Lei Ya once again summoned the lightning in the atmosphere, adjusted the direction with his two swords, and swung them towards Xiao Li, Naruto and the others..........

This time, because of Ranmaru's influence,

Xiao Li and Naruto didn't notice the lightning coming from the sky, and they were about to be blown into pieces.

At this moment, a purple hand appeared, and with just one strike, it dispersed the lightning.

"Another little devil?"

Standing on a higher hill, looking at the sudden appearance of Ningci, Kurochi Raiga's expression did not look very good.

"Not one, but two people came."

Ranmaru, who was sitting on the back of the Raikage, said

"Oh? When did they come?"[]

"I'm sorry, Lei Ya, I don't know what happened. I didn't notice them just now. I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"What? Even you didn't notice it?"

Hei Chu Lei Ya was extremely surprised.

This was because he trusted Ranmaru's ability too much, almost to the point of blindly trusting him more than trusting himself.

That's why he didn't believe that someone could actually affect Ranmaru's perception.

"Sorry, Raiga."

Ranmaru apologized to Raiga again, feeling guilty.

But there was nothing he could do.

Who made Neji so much stronger than him?

To be honest, the red eyes can indeed restrain the white eyes.

But the problem is.

Neji's white eyes are not ordinary white eyes, but the white eyes that have mutated after fusing with the Sharingan.

The insight is so strong.

0.4 and the increase in illusion.

It is not something a little brat like Ranmaru can compare to, even though his red eye bloodline is really good.

"It's okay, Ranmaru. Maybe it's just an accident. Use your ability to test them and see what kind of people these two new guys are."


Ranmaru responded, and then began to prepare.

Let's talk about Neji.

He left Lee and Naruto aside, and he didn't teach these two guys a lesson.

The key is that he has no obligation to do so.

Saving people is just a matter of convenience for Neji.

And being rash and not taking their own lives seriously is Naruto and Lee's own problem. If they don't learn from their mistakes, they will die in the future, and they can't blame others.

Anyway, Neji will not spend time on such trivial matters, and just think it is a waste of emotion.

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