Since the mission was an in-depth mission, the team that Satoru led this time could not have too many people. After Satoru's selection, he finally decided to bring only four people, one was from the Hyuga clan, and the other three belonged to the branch family. Pig Deer Butterfly Team.

The mission level this time was directly designated as S-level. This was also the first S-level mission carried out by Satoru.

"We need to sneak into the Moon Kingdom secretly, and reach the border of the Moon Kingdom and the Thunder Kingdom as quickly as possible, completely cutting off their food transportation routes, so that their frontline ninjas lose supplies from the rear."

After gathering the team together, Satoru briefly explained the mission content.

"So Hinata Ikki, you played a vital role in this mission. We need your eyes to pay attention to the surrounding situation at all times."

Satoru said to the members of the Hyuga clan with a serious face. Hyuga Ikki was also the opponent that Satoru defeated during the Chunin Exam.


Hinata Ikki nodded with a serious expression. Now he has no desire to compare with Hatake Satoru. Although he is a few years older than Satoru, his strength may never surpass him. .

Although Satoru also has six eyes, he can do almost everything that the Byakugan can do, but it is inevitable that they will split up when they arrive behind enemy lines. At that time, Hinata Ikki can provide reconnaissance information for the separated Inorakacho. .

"Nara Zenue, mountains and seas, Akimichi Taizo, are you ready?"

"Ready, Captain Hatake."

"Okay, let's go now."

Now that they have become a raiding team, it is naturally impossible to move with the large army. They have to move forward at a faster speed.

After saying goodbye to their friends, the five of them rushed out as quickly as possible.

"Lord Orochimaru, is it a bit too difficult for Hatake Jonin to assign this kind of task to him?"

In the temporary camp set up by everyone in Konoha, a jounin said to Orochimaru.

"Don't underestimate that brat. Do you think you will be his opponent?"

Hearing Orochimaru's rhetorical question, the jounin choked for a moment. Thinking of the achievements and destructive power caused by Hatake Satoru just now, the jounin knew that he couldn't do it now. Will he be able to do it in the future? That kind of thing is also unknown.

"So, it is most suitable to entrust this kind of task to him."

Originally, Orochimaru wanted to personally lead some people to complete this task, but if he carried out this task, then their unit would have to choose a new leader, but ordinary jounin simply could not take over. In this position, fortunately, Satoru's appearance helped Orochimaru solve this part of the trouble.

"But what if he fails?"

"If it fails, it can only be blamed on his lack of strength. When the time comes, I will personally go behind enemy lines."

"But Satoru is Lord White Fang's son. Now that Lord White Fang has left, we cannot let his child carry out such a dangerous mission, at least now is not the time."

"Don't the sons of heroes often end up being heroes? If they really fail, then this will be their fate. Well, stop talking. If you continue to talk nonsense here, then you can go with them. "

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru."

Hearing Orochimaru say this, he could only shut up honestly. Compared to the more dangerous mission behind enemy lines, he still felt that it was safer to fight the Kumo ninja on the front line.

"Satoru, you must come back safely."

Nakajima and the others were also praying to Satoru in their hearts. They couldn't help at all with the mission that Satoru was going to perform now.

The land area of ​​the Kingdom of Yu is not very large. In less than a day, Satoru and the others have reached the border between the Kingdom of Yu and the Kingdom of the Moon.

In Satoru's sight, he could already see many Kumo ninjas appearing in front of them, holding torches and looking warily at the boundary of the Kingdom of Yu.

"A large number of Cloud Ninjas appeared in front of us. If we pass from here, we will most likely be surrounded by Cloud Ninjas."

Hinata Ikki said, and in his Byakugan sight, he saw about five hundred streams of chakra flowing, which was a large force of Kumo ninja.

Afterwards, everyone turned their attention to Wu, waiting for Wu's next order.

"Find a place where the Kumo ninja's troops are weak and go around it. If that doesn't work, you can only find a place with few people and force a surprise attack."


Afterwards, Hinata Ikki opened his Byakugan again, constantly observing various parts of the Kumo ninja's defense line, trying to find the weakest point.

"On the right front, where the Kumo ninja has the smallest deployment of troops. If a surprise attack is launched, that's a good choice from there."

"Front right?"

Hearing what Hinata Ikki said, Satoru also paid attention to the place on the right front. It was indeed like that. That was the most suitable place for them to make a sudden advance. If they were lucky, it would indeed be possible to avoid fighting Kumo Ninja. , arrived safely in the Kingdom of the Moon.

"Okay, act more carefully and try not to be discovered by the other party."


In the direction that Satoru and his team wanted to raid, there were only a dozen Kumo ninjas there. Although the number of the other team was more than twice theirs, it was still worth a try for them.

The five people crawled in their direction cautiously, but the outcome of things often did not go as expected and developed in a good direction. They were discovered by the other party before they had taken a few steps.

After all, among the dozen or so Kumo ninjas, there was one jounin. The consciousness of a jounin was countless times stronger than that of a chuunin.


That Cloud Ninja shouted, and the other Cloud Ninjas instantly became alert.

"We've been discovered. You go away quickly. I'll come to the rear."

Everyone immediately exposed their figures. Since they have been discovered, they can only break through forcefully.

"Spell, 'Cang'."

In an instant, several small cyan light balls appeared around the cloud ninjas, and then in just an instant, all the dozen cloud ninjas disappeared, including the jounin.

However, the shout of the Kumo Ninja Jonin just now attracted the attention of other teams. Hatake Satoru noticed that many ninja teams were running towards their direction quickly.

Naturally, the five of them did not dare to slow down their pace. If they were surrounded by the other party, they would be dead.

"Run quickly."

Satoru said again, they solved this ninja team in an instant, so their footsteps were not delayed at all. If they kept this speed, it was really possible to escape from here safely.

But the next second, Satoru's face turned ugly again, because he discovered that a ninja team appeared in front of them.

"No, there is someone in front of us."

At this time, Hinata Ikki also noticed and spoke.

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