Konoha, starting with the fusion of Gojo Satoru

Chapter 41 The Third Ninja War Begins

The ninja world had not been quiet for long, when suddenly another huge and shocking news came, which came from the Suna Ninja Village among the five major ninja villages.

The Third Hokage, known as the most powerful Kazekage in the history of Suna Ninja Village, has mysteriously disappeared. Although Suna Ninja Village has tried its best to conceal the news, there is no airtight wall in the world. All major Ninja Villages There are also spies in the Sand Ninja Village. At first, all the major Ninja Villages were skeptical about the news. However, under the circumstances of this public opinion, they had to believe that the Third Kazekage was really missing or had an accident. , after all, taking the initiative to hide the Third Kazekage at this time will not do any good to the Sand Ninja Village.

At this time, in the Cloud Ninja Village in the Kingdom of Thunder, the third generation Raikage Ai was listening to the information about the Sand Ninja Village in the Kingdom of Wind, and a kind of ambition quickly spread in his heart.

"This is a good opportunity for our military expansion."

The Third Raikage leaned on his chair and said in a very domineering tone.

"Are you sure? Raikage-sama, this may very well cause the Third Ninja War."

The staff officer of Yun Ninja Village widened his eyes and said with a look of shock.

The battle between two great ninja villages is not as simple as the friction between the lesser ninja villages. It is very likely that other great ninja villages will take advantage of this opportunity and sneak in.

"Hmph, we not only want to declare war on Suna Ninja Village, but also Iwa Ninja Village and Konoha Village."

Ai said with an arrogant look.

"Raikage-sama, are you sure? In this case, we are likely to become public enemies of the ninja world."

"Hmph, what are you afraid of? Our Cloud Ninja Village has two Jinchuuriki, the Two-Tails and the Eight-Tails."

At this time, a young voice came from outside the door, but a hint of domineering could be vaguely heard in the voice.

"Ai, you're here."

The Third Raikage heard this voice and spoke.

"Father, I very much agree with your proposal. Our Cloud Ninja Village has the qualifications to launch war against multiple Ninja Villages at the same time."

Ai said, this is the future fourth-generation Raikage. Although he has not yet succeeded the Raikage position, he has already received the title of Ai. Everyone in the Cloud Ninja Village knows that when the third-generation Raikage abdicates, the successor will be It must be this Ai.

Behind him was the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki of Cloud Ninja Village, Kirabi.

"He is indeed my son."

The Third Raikage looked at Ai and said happily.

"Assemble a large force and march towards Suna Ninja Village. I will personally lead the team in Iwa Ninja Village. As for Konoha Village, I will leave it to you two."

The Third Raikage also acted very quickly. When he decided to launch a war, he had already planned everything in his heart.

"Yes, Raikage-sama."

The staff officer of Yun Ninja Village also immediately started to take action. He knew that the Third Raikage had decided to launch a war, and the current situation had become impossible for anyone to stop.

The disappearance of the Third Kazekage has caused many ninja villages to start planning for the Kingdom of Wind. Although the environment of the Kingdom of Wind is not good, it is still one of the five major ninja villages, and there is one. You know, every Even a tailed beast can become a strategic weapon that determines the outcome of a war.

The Country of Fire, Konoha Ninja Village.

"Hiruzhan, this is a good opportunity to take down the Suna Ninja Village. As long as we can take down the Suna Ninja Village in one fell swoop, then our Konoha will become the strongest ninja village worthy of the name."

In the conference room, Shimura Danzo said very radically.

When he learned that the Third Kazekage was missing, he kept proposing to Sarutobi Hiruzen to attack the Sand Ninja Village, but he was refuted every time by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

So this time, he was fully prepared. He didn't come alone, but brought two consultants from Konoha, Mito Kadoen and Koharu Kadeni.

"Yes, Hiruzen, he captured the Sand Ninja Village. Regardless of the useless land, one tail alone is enough for our losses in this war."

After sleeping, Xiaochun also spoke.

Although Mito Kadoyan didn't speak, the Third Hokage obviously knew what he wanted to express.

"Do you know how much manpower and material resources this war will cost our Konoha Village? How many ninjas will die because of this battle?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said sadly.

"For the future of Konoha, these losses are inevitable."

Danzo said firmly.

Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to say something, an ANBU suddenly appeared in the conference room, and then lay down and said a few words in the ear of the Third Hokage.

Then, the Third Hokage's face immediately showed a shocked and incredible expression.

"What's wrong, Hiruzen?"

Danzo asked quickly, something big must have happened, otherwise the ANBU would not have rashly intervened in such a high-level meeting.

"The Third Ninja War has begun. The Cloud Ninja Village has declared war on our Konoha Village, Suna Ninja Village and Iwa Ninja Village."

"What? How dare he, the Third Raikage?"

After turning to bed, Koharu said with a look of disbelief. If the news hadn't come from the mouth of the Third Hokage, he would have suspected that someone was joking with her.

"Hmph, since they dare to come, let them never come back."

A vague murderous aura also appeared on Danzo's body.

"But Hiruzen, I blame your conservative character this time, otherwise it would be us who would take the lead."

"Don't mention it anymore. Let Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato come over. We are going to start setting up the battle meeting. This can already be called the third ninja war."

Mito Kabuto said, there is no point in arguing about those things now.

During this period, all tasks in Konoha Village have been stopped, and all ninjas performing tasks outside have also begun to be recalled.

The Third Ninja War is about to break out, and there is no time to deal with other unimportant tasks.

"It's really strange that they brought us together."

In the conference room, Orochimaru looked around at the people before speaking.

All the people who appeared in the conference room at this time were high-level figures in Konoha Village.

"I have some bad news to tell you here. The Third Ninja War was caused by the Cloud Ninja Village and is about to begin."


Hearing what the Third Hokage said, Jiraiya immediately said in shock.

"Old man, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I would joke about the war? It won't take long before the entire ninja world will know about this, so we must prepare in advance. All borders of the Fire Country must be heavily guarded. We can't There was not the slightest mistake.”

"So what do we need to do now?"

Orochimaru stuck out his long tongue and licked his mouth. Although he didn't like war, he didn't like the feeling of being ridden on his head even more.

"I will make arrangements for each border in a while. Jiraiya, find a way to get Tsunade back. We need Tsunade's power now."


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