【The Valley of the End】

【The waterfall rushes down from a height】

【Two huge stone statues stood here, facing each other. 】

Pure Land Channel.

Seeing this scene, Hashirama and Madara could no longer hold back.

"Hahahaha, Madara, I didn't expect there would be stone statues of both of us here, I really miss it!"

Uchiha Madara:"What a fuss, Hashirama."

Hashirama's childish nature is still the same as before.


【Standing on the stone statue between the pillars, Naruto shouted at the top of his lungs.】

【"Huha, Huha, Huha——"】

【Breathing heavily】

【Chasing all the way, my back is already soaked with sweat】

【What a bumpy road this has been!】

【Fortunately, he finally saw Sasuke's back】

【In response, Sasuke stood on the stone statue of Madara and stopped. 】

Everyone was very surprised.

They didn't expect that the next battle between Naruto and Sasuke would come so soon.

The comparison of the combat power between the two is even more interesting.

The Valley of the End���But it’s a good place to resolve the battle!

【The ethereal shouts echoed in the valley】

【The water is flowing and a waterfall is cascading down】

【"Sasuke, are you avoiding me?"】

【As soon as he finished speaking, Sasuke stopped】

【He turned around slowly and said with disdain:"Yo, you're such an idiot!!"】

【Seeing this scene, countless people took a deep breath.】

【Sasuke like that exudes a chilling chill.】

【Moreover, the appearance has also changed a lot.】

【Half of the face is covered with a black mark】

【A black eye, ignoring everything】

【The other one turned bronze. 】

In the world channel, everyone was surprised.

"What form is this?"

"This cool and unrestrained look, it seems that Uchiha Sasuke's combat power has increased in this form"

"Just looking at it gives people a palpitating feeling!"


In the world channel, almost no one knew about Sasuke's power. In the dark underground base, seeing this scene, Orochimaru's snake-shaped eyes flashed with ecstasy.

"In the future, Sasuke is coming."

He smiled evilly and licked his lips with his tongue.

He was more and more interested in Sasuke during this period.

Yes, that was the power of the curse seal he gave to Sasuke.

Moreover, Orochimaru firmly believed that Sasuke would come to him one day.

As an avenger, Sasuke longed for power.

And he could give Sasuke this power. They would take what they needed from each other.

This day was not far away.

Kabuto adjusted his glasses and chuckled:

"Lord Orochimaru, it seems that Sasuke at that time was a little more familiar with the power of the curse seal."

"This is more interesting, Kabuto."

Konoha Channel.

Everyone is unfamiliar with this Sasuke.

Even fewer are familiar with this form of Sasuke.

However, Sakura is very clear.

She has even seen Sasuke with curse marks all over his body.

"What's going on? Wasn't the curse seal sealed by Kakashi? Why is it still there?……"

Seeing Sasuke like that, Sakura felt very uneasy.

It was as if a familiar person suddenly became very strange.

This reminded her of what Orochimaru had said in the Forest of Death.

"You will come to me one day."

In the Hokage's office,

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked solemn.

What happened to Sasuke during this period?

Was he seduced by Orochimaru?

Mitarashi Anko:"Hokage, it seems that the child has been eroded by the power of the curse seal. This day will come sooner or later."

Kakashi:"My seal is only a stopgap measure. At that time, something must have happened to Sasuke."

The Konoha group was shocked.

"Sakura, what's going on with the black lines on Sasuke's body? Just like in the Death Forest before, the chakra is too cold."

As a member of the Yamanaka clan, Ino's perception is very sharp.

Moreover, she has also seen this kind of Sasuke in the Death Forest.

"It was Orochimaru who bit Sasuke on the neck and said he would give him some power, and then it was like that."

Sakura said hesitantly.


"He is one of the legendary three ninjas and also an S-rank rebel ninja of the village!"

Hearing this, Shikamaru shuddered all over.

Naruto was very surprised.

"Hey, Sakura, is there such a thing? Why didn’t you tell Kakashi-sensei about it?"

Naruto was totally unaware of this.

Sasuke:"You big idiot, you should pay more attention to this combat power evaluation!"

【"Yo, you big idiot, it's your turn this time!"】

【One by one, Sasuke had had enough.】

【He had told Sakura before that she shouldn't worry about herself.】

【Now, it was Naruto's turn to stand in front of him.】


【A creepy laugh spread from the valley】

【At this moment, Naruto's mind went blank and he stood there in a daze.】

【What's this feeling of strangeness?】

【Is this still the Sasuke he knew?】

【Recalling the past, Naruto still didn't understand and yelled:】

【"Why? Sasuke, why did you become like this?"】

【"What I become has nothing to do with you?"】

【What awaits Naruto is such a heartbreaking answer.】

【I turned my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch】

【Sasuke said in a cold tone:"I have my own path, no one has any reason to blame me."】

【The days of playing house in Konoha are over】

【Sasuke knew that he couldn't get the power he wanted there.】

【Moreover, the warmth of being in Class 7 will gradually overshadow his desire for revenge.】

【This is not the path he wanted.】

【He, Uchiha Sasuke, lives only for revenge】

【This is the meaning of his existence】

【"go back"】

【The two cold words came out of his mouth without any emotion.】

【For Naruto who had come here with so much difficulty, how could he just go back like this?】

【With anger and the instructions of his companions, Naruto shouted:】

【"Everyone is desperately chasing you"】

【"Oh? Thank you for your hard work."】

【Sasuke spread his hands, not caring at all.】

【He is seeking the strength to follow the path he wants to take.】

【Even if I become a so-called traitor, even if I give my body to the devil, it doesn't matter】

【Besides, Sasuke has already made it clear that he doesn't need to worry about himself.】

【In Sasuke's view, the people of Konoha prevented him from seeking power, which meant they prevented him from taking revenge.】

【No one can stop him from taking revenge.】

【No one】

【This is no different than stopping him from achieving his dream.】

【It's like Naruto's dream is to be Hokage and everyone is trying to stop him.】

【Sasuke's heart was full of self-mockery】

【"How could I, Uchiha Sasuke, an Avenger, deserve to make you go through so much trouble?"】

【Everyone has their own path to take】

【Naruto's path is to protect his companions and become a Hokage】

【Sasuke's path is to seek strength and complete revenge】

【Sasuke wanted to leave quietly, to part ways and live happily ever after.】

【But, right now, it was Naruto who was standing in his way.】

【"What do you think of our Konoha companions?"】

【Suddenly, a roar】

【With a raging rage, Naruto leaped over】

【Sasuke was so dismissive, he had to wake him up】


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