Chapter 240 [Do not look at any evil! 】

Yecang naturally accepted the white soil.

Bai Tu’s “Sister Ye Cang” screamed so sweetly, and she promised Hyuga Bin to accept Bai Tu, how could she repent and refuse again.

Moreover, she feels that she has become Bai Tu’s “sister”, and it’s not bad to press Tsuchikage under her as Fengying.

She has helped Sunagakure become famous, right? !

At that time, Iwagakure’s Tsuchikage, Cloud Shinobi Village’s Raikage, Kirigakure’s Mizukage…all have to call her sister.

Hum hum!

A week later, Hyuga Bin finished his business trip in Iwagakure and flew back to Konoha Village with the delegation.

After handing over the task to Hokage Namikaze Minato, Hyuga Bin was left alone as usual.

Obviously, now Fourth Tsuchikage is sure that Hyuga Bin has also completed the communication to Iwagakure this time.

The entire Ninja World, except Konoha, are all female shadows.

Namikaze Minato, as Fourth Hokage who wants to abdicate, should also let Hyugabin fully realize the ownership of Fifth Hokage.

“Bin-kun, you take the time to find Tsunade and come back for Hokage these two days.” Namikaze Minato’s arrangement for Hyuga Bin is just one sentence.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

After working in Hokage’s position for almost four years, he was tired.

Since his last serious injury, his strength is not worthy of the name. He hasn’t played in the past three years. It is not suitable to continue to be Hokage of Konoha Village.

“Well, I’ll clean up and go.” Hyuga Bin smiled and nodded in acceptance.

Say goodbye to Namikaze Minato.

Before leaving Hokage’s office, Namikaze Minato added a threatening word to Hyuga Bin: “You don’t come back until you bring her back!”

“Senior Minato, is it so cruel?” Facing Namikaze Minato’s ruthlessness, Hyuga Bin spit out.

“I’m avoiding your paddling.” Namikaze Minato smiled and gave his explanation.

“I can only say that I try my best.” Hyuga Bin did not give Namikaze Minato a definite answer. After all, he could not control Tsunade’s psychological thoughts: “In case Tsunade-sama really doesn’t want to come back, I can’t tie her back to Wuhuada. ?”

“I remember she promised you.” Namikaze Minato said with a smile: “And, if she really regrets it, tie her back, she can’t beat you anyway.”

He was sure enough about Tsunade’s return to the village.

For the strong, commitment is very important.

Even in some cases, it is more important than life.

The next day, afternoon.

Hyuga Bin, who had been resting at home for a whole day, started to move. It took a few seconds to confirm that he sensed the location of Tsunade Flying Thunder God and flew over.


As soon as Hyuga Bin appeared, he saw the misty, sparse water currents, and Tsunade’s “fruit-eating” ketone bodies.

Obviously, Tsunade is in the bathroom of the hotel…

White, big, pretty, warped!

18 banned pictures of seeing no evil.

After the time freezes for a moment, Hyuga Bin uses the Body Flicker Technique to leave the bathroom and go outside the room.

At the moment he left, Tsunade just waved his fist, flicked somewhere, and hit Hyuga Bin in the face.

In less than five minutes, Tsunade wore a bathrobe and walked out of the bathroom angrily.

“Master Tsunade, I’m sorry.” Hyuga Bin chose to apologize immediately when Tsunade was still several meters away.

Regardless of the various reasons, he should apologize if he saw it.

Tsunade was indifferent.

“This is the hotel. You will lose money if you break something.” Hyuga Bin tried to stop Tsunade again.


Hyuga Bin was punched through the wall by Tsunade and flew out.

After more than ten minutes, I returned to the hotel and went to the front desk to discuss compensation for the destroyed wall Hyuga Bin walked back to Tsunade’s room.

Tsunade’s anger was also mostly gone.

Seeing Hyuga Bin who was still handsome after being punched, Tsunade immediately asked, “Why don’t you say hello in advance?”

“There is something important.” Hyuga Bin said with a smile.

Although he wanted to complain about Tsunade in the afternoon, he would think of taking a bath and putting Flying Thunder God Kunai in the bathroom, but when he thought of seeing the fruit body of Tsunade bathing, O Nana was blocked.

Tsunade: “What matters?”

“You should go back to the village to be Hokage!” Hyuga Bin said directly.

“Don’t worry.” Tsunade put down the bundled hair and combed it briefly.

“This matter is very urgent.” Hyuga Bin emphasized.

“Minato is not good at all?” Tsunade asked a question that Hyuga Bin couldn’t answer very well.

“Yeah… Almost, and now the other Ninja village movies are all women, and we can’t be special in Konoha Village.” Hyuga Bin nodded and replied jokingly.

“Kage of Ichimura, what kind of specialization is it?” Tsunade was amused by Hyuga Bin’s words.

“It’s really very special, and Minato-senpai is not good anymore. Faced with so many female movies, he, as the only male movie, can’t stop him.” Hyuga Bin promised him before mentioning Tsunade: “You said before. After all, as long as the other Ninja villages are female shadows, you will return to the village to become Hokage.”

“I said that I would go back to the village, but I didn’t say that I would go back soon. I’m taking a break for a while.” Tsunade and Hyuga Bin played a word game.

“How long is it?” Hyuga Bin needs an accurate answer.

“Let me think about it, I will give you the answer when I have dinner tonight.” Tsunade obviously didn’t think about it.

“All right.” Hyuga Bin nodded.

“Then you go out.” Tsunade reached out and motioned to Hyuga Bin.

“Why am I out?”

Hyuga-bin didn’t understand. Tsunade had just made an appointment with him for dinner, but he would be sent away in the next second?

“I want to change clothes, do you want to see?” Tsunade pointed to the bathrobe on his body.


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