According to the coordinates given by Terumi,

Senju Takuya came to a sea not far from the village of Mist.

Over the sea,

Takuya Senju closed his eyes and adjusted his perception to the maximum.


And he found the depths of the ocean not far away.

There is an unusual cloud of chakra.

“Found it!”

Senju Takuya opened his eyes.


He rushed directly into the sea.

“Human, why are you here?”

“Hurry up, or I’m welcome.”

Seeing the sudden appearance of Senju Takuya, Mio Isofu snorted coldly and said.

“Iso Fu, I want to talk to you.”

Takuya Senju smiled and spoke.

“I don’t have much to talk about with humans.”

“Get out of here.”

Isofu urged impatiently.

Humans come to it,

It is nothing more than coveting its power.

“Three Nine Zero” is now finally free, and of course it does not want to return to that dark seal.

“Nine Lamas, Shouhe, and Lu, a few of you come out and talk to Isofu.”

Takuya Senju didn’t bother to explain.

Directly summoned the three tailed beasts in his body.

After seeing the Nine Lamas, Shouhe, and Youlu, Isofu’s eyes suddenly widened.

“You guys… How did you three end up here? ”

“Nope… I mean, how did the three of you end up here at the same time? ”

Isofu asked in shock.

“Isofu, isn’t that something obvious?”

“All three of us have been sealed into Boss Takuya’s body.”

Shouhe spoke.


“This… What’s the situation? ”

“Boss Takuya?”

“You recognize a human as the boss?”

After hearing Shouzuru’s words, Isofu became even more strange.

According to reason,

A human pillar force body can seal a tailed beast at most.

After all

Just suppressing the power of a tailed beast is already very difficult.

Sealing all three tailed beasts into his body at once is no different from looking for death.

Once the tailed beast goes crazy, it wants to break through the seal.

Human pillar power can’t be suppressed at all.

Divide by addition,

What makes Isofu strange the most is that

Why does Shouzuru call the human “boss” in front of him.

And the brigade and the Nine Lamas also looked acquiesced.

What is the situation?

“Isofu, follow the boss to eat fragrant and drink spicy.”

“Isn’t it much better than your current life?”

Shouhe clasped his hands to his chest and whispered.

“What’s the use of you talking so much nonsense?”

“Isofu, take your hand, I’ll show you and you’ll understand.”

The Nine Lamas said impatiently.

“Stinky fox, can’t you just shut your mouth while I speak?”

“You should shut up, right?”

“What, do you want to fight?”

“Cut ~ you who only have one tail, are not qualified to be my opponent yet.”


Shouhe and the Nine Lamas did not say a few words and began to quarrel again.

Fortunately, after seeing Takuya Senju’s expression become a little impatient, he took the initiative to touch his fist with Iso Fu.

This is a special way of communicating between their tailed beasts.

Through physical contact,

You can see the picture in the memory of the other person.

“You guys… This is your daily life?! ”

“How is it possible, what a joke!”

Seeing the picture in Youlu’s memory, Isofu opened his mouth in disbelief.

In the memory of the brigade.

It sees,

You can bask comfortably in the sun every day,

You can also eat a lot of food.

Even if someone passed by while sleeping, no one disturbed them.


While swaggering down the road,

Those ninjas who fight when they see them,

He would even respectfully shout “Lord Traveler”.

It’s just too hard to believe.

“This kind of thing can’t be fake, and I don’t have to lie to you.”

“So, join us.”

“In this way, you will be able to enjoy this kind of life in the future.”

Another trip persuaded.


Hearing Youlu’s words, Isofu fell silent.

It acknowledges that

It was heartwarming.

As a tailed beast, the ninja world does not know how many people covet its power.

Even now it is not sealed into the body of the human pillar force and enjoys freedom.


But he still has to worry about the attack of those ninjas.

At the same time, (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

In order to avoid the tracking of the ninja,

It can only stay in the depths of the dark seabed.

Going out to breathe occasionally is already an incomparable luxury.


For the lifestyle of travel, it is very yearning.

“Another brigade… I’m afraid you’ve been deceived! ”

After a moment of silence, Isofu spoke again………


“Isofu, you said we were deceived?”

“Are you underestimating me?”

“This ninja world, can someone deceive Uncle Ben?”

Shouhe was the first to say unpleasantly.

“Isofu, why did you say that?”

You Lu asked a little puzzled.

“You haven’t figured it out yet?”

“This man in front of you, the reason why he gave you this kind of life is nothing more than paralyzing you.”

“His purpose is obvious, to collect tailed beasts.”

“Although I don’t know how this human figure knows, his purpose is definitely to resurrect the Ten Tails!”

Isofu affirmed.


I want to use this way to get them to give up resistance.

Pipe dream!


“So that’s what you thought?”

“Isofu, you’re so funny.”

After listening to Isofu’s analysis, Shouhe, Youlu, and the Nine Lamas all laughed heartily.

This guy is a serious analysis,

Is that the result?

“Hey, what are you laughing at?”

Isofu asked a little angrily.

It doesn’t find it funny about it.

“Isofu, of course we know about this.”

The Nine Lamas spoke.

“You know?”

“Then you guys…”

After hearing the words of the Nine Lamas, Isofu was shocked.

Now that you know,

So why not resist?

Resurrection of the Ten Tails,

They’re going to really die. 0.0

“Isofu, your worries are superfluous.”

“Boss Takuya promised us that when he resurrected the Ten Tails, he would only use our Chakra.”

“He will strip our consciousness away.”

You Lu explained.

“Can human words be believed?”

“You guys are naïve.”

Isofu retorted.

After spending so much time with humans, it knows very well that humans are the most cunning creatures.

Their words,

There is simply no credibility.

“Well, with the strength of Boss Takuya, there is no need to lie to us at all.”

After Shouhe finished speaking, he put his fist on Isofu’s fist.


The memory of Senju Takuya came to Isofu’s mind.


“This human … It turned out to be stronger than the old man of the six paths?! “。

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