Konoha Village.

Thousand Hands Land.

Senju Takuya looked at Yue Xiyan, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

“Well, after a period of special training, your current strength is already very good.”

“The matter of special training, let’s stop here.”

Hearing Takuya Senju’s words, Yue Xiyan, who was originally still elated, instantly became lost on his face.

“Naruto-sama, I feel that my strength is far from enough!”

Yue Xiyan said in a low voice.


Her strength has improved a lot compared to before.


In front of Takuya Senju,

But there is still no way to fight back.

Such a force,

And how can you keep Naruto-sama safe?


During this period of time,

The day of special training every day,

It was the happiest day she’d ever had.

If possible,

She wanted the training to go on forever.

“Xi Yan, with your talent, it doesn’t make much sense to continue special training.”

Senju Takuya said lightly.

Yue Xiyan’s current strength has reached the level of elite upper patience.

This strength,

It’s already the ceiling of ordinary ninjas.

There is no special constitution, blood succession limit 16…

Want to go further,

It’s almost impossible.


Takuya Senju’s goal,

It is to incorporate Yueyue Xiyan into the harem,

I didn’t really want to accompany her for special training.

“I see.”

Hearing Senju Takuya’s words, Yue Yue Xiyan gritted his teeth and nodded.

She also understood in her heart.

Naruto-sama was already a great gift to be able to dedicate so much time to help her improve her strength.

She couldn’t have asked for more.

“Xiyan, although the special training has stopped.”

“But you can come here and train as usual in the future.”

Senju Takuya chuckled.

“Thank you Naruto-sama for your kindness.”

A reluctant smile appeared on Yue Xiyan’s face.

This is the ancestral land of the Senju clan.

It is the training ground of Naruto-sama and his children.

With her status,

After the special training,

There is absolutely no reason to stay here.

Even if Naruto-sama personally invited her, she didn’t have the thick skin to come here every day to train.

While the two were chatting casually, he ran over with a group of younger siblings.

This group of little guys, as soon as they saw the Xiyan of the moon, they enthusiastically surrounded them.


It made Yue Xiyan feel a little overwhelmed.

“Sister Xiyan, you can come to play more in the future, we all miss you very much.”

“Yes, like Sister Xiyan, if I can’t see it for a day, I won’t be able to sleep in the evening.”

“Sister Xiyan, this is the candy my mother bought for me, na, eat it for you.”


A group of little guys milkily surrounded Yue Xiyan in the middle, chattering non-stop.


He also took the initiative to share his snacks.


Yue Xiyan’s hand can’t take it.

“Oops, that’s too much.”

“Keep these things and eat them.”

“I promise you that I will come often in the future.”

Yue Xiyan said with a smile.

“That’s a decide~”

“Pull the hook.”

“Okay, pull the hook.”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Takuya Senju smiled and patted Pocket’s shoulder.

“Boom, well done.”

With this “bond”, even if Yue Xiyan comes over often in the future, she will not have any burden.

“Father, this is not my idea.”

“That’s Naruto’s idea.”

Pocket said with a gentle smile.



Senju Takuya raised an eyebrow.

Naruto that guy, with a big grinning personality, could actually think of this method?

“Listen to Naruto, this is the method learned from a book.”

“If you want to gain a woman’s favor, it is a good way to arouse the motherhood of the other party.”

“If memory serves, the name of that book seems to be ‘Intimate Paradise’.”

Pocket continued.

“Intimate Heaven?”

“How could Naruto read such a book?”

Senju Takuya frowned.

“Because Kakashi-senpai carried that book with him everywhere he went, Naruto was curious to get one.”

Pocket said everything he knew.

For fathers,

He won’t hide anything.

“Kakashi that guy…” (Read the Violent Novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Senju Takuya snorted coldly.

Completely forgot.

Back then,

It is because of him that

Kakashi will only come into contact with the book of Intimate Heaven.

“Pocket, let Kakashi and Naruto come to me.”

Senju Takuya said coldly.

These two guys,

A lesson must be learned.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome if it is crooked.

“Father, the two of them may not come.”

Pocket said.



Senju Takuya asked strangely.

“Did you go out on a mission?”

“It’s not.”

Pocket shook his head and continued to speak.

“Yesterday, Naruto said that he gained a lot of inspiration by reading the book Affection Paradise.”

“Immediately, in front of Kakashi, he cast a self-created ninjutsu-harem technique!”

“It’s just… It was seen by Jiu Xinnai’s mother. ”

“So, both Naruto and Kakashi are still recovering at Konoha Hospital.”

Pocket said unhurriedly.

Hearing Yu’s words, Senju Takuya smiled helplessly.

Harem art…

He could already imagine the scene.

“Father-sama, I heard Itachi say that Lord Xiyan has a suitor called Moonlight Wind.”

“Because he held a grudge against the Senju clan, he was killed by the weasel.”

The pocket opens slowly.


“Got it.”

Senju Takuya did not take it to heart.

Kill it, kill it.

Feeling that the time was almost up, he beckoned his younger siblings to leave.

After they left, Yuzuki Xiyan returned to Senju Takuya’s side.

“Xiyan, the children like you very much.”

Senju Takuya laughed.

“Naruto-sama, I like them a lot too.”

“These little guys, each of them is very smart.”

Yue Xiyan said with a smile.


“That’s not as good as … How about you marry me? ”

“That way, you’ll be able to stay with these little guys every day.”

Senju Takuya said suddenly.

“Obey… Yes? ”

Yue Xiyan opened her mouth wide in surprise.


Want to marry yourself?

“I’ve been happy staying with you for a while.”

“So… Be my wife if you want? ”

Senju Takuya said gently.

“Of course, if you don’t want to, just say it when I don’t have 290.”

Hearing Takuya’s words, Yue Xiyan lowered her head and squeezed the corners of her clothes tightly.

If it was before,

She will definitely refuse Senju Takuya without hesitation.

After all

Her dream,

Always be a good ninja,

Instead of becoming a woman who loves and teaches children.


After this period of getting along,

Yuzuki Xiyan has unknowingly fallen in love with Senju Takuya.

She likes this man’s gentleness, likes this man’s humor, worships this man’s strength, likes to frolic with the little guys of the Senju clan…


She never had the luxury of asking for it,

A woman like herself is able to arouse Naruto-sama’s interest.

“Xi Yan, you can think about it slowly, you don’t have to give me the answer so quickly.”

Senju Takuya said thoughtfully.

If he could, he generally didn’t like to force others.

Letting the woman agree to it herself is always his first choice.


He also wouldn’t spend so much time cultivating a relationship with Yue Xiyan.

“No thanks.”

“Naruto-sama, I’ll give you the answer right now.”

Yue Xiyan took a deep breath and calmed her excitement.

She felt like she was dreaming now.

Being able to become Naruto-sama’s wife is something that many women dream of.

What’s more,

Now she has also realized her heart.


There is nothing to hesitate about in this kind of thing.

Yue Xiyan looked at Senju Takuya and plucked up enough courage to speak.

“Naruto-sama, I do.”

“I would like to be your wife!”.

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