Konoha Village.

The streets are particularly lively at night.

There was laughter everywhere.


This most prosperous place in the ninja world,

It has become a sacred place in everyone’s mind.


Faced with such a scenario,

Yue Xiyan only felt irritated.

What Takuya Senju said to her kept echoing in her mind.

For the first time in my life, I was criticized like this.

Or criticized by the most powerful ninja in the ninja world today, Takuya Senju.

The loss in Yue Xiyan’s heart is self-evident.


An excited shout came from behind.

Yue Xiyan heard it, but did not choose to pay attention to it.


Behind her, there was a sound of hurried footsteps.

“Xiyan, what a coincidence.”

A man ran to Yue Xiyan’s side and said hello cheerfully.

“Blast, what’s the matter?”

Yue Xiyan looked at the front side and asked expressionlessly.

“It’s nothing.”

“It’s just that I saw you, so I came over to say hello.”

Moonlight said with a smile.

“I’ll go first, if nothing happens.”

Yue Xiyan said lightly.

She has no interest in talking to anyone now.


“Xiyan, what’s wrong with you today?”

“Did something unhappy happen?”

Moonlight asked puzzled.

“Blast, I’ll say it again.”

“It’s impossible for the two of us.”

“In the future, don’t come to me again.”

Yue Xiyan said coldly.

From a young age, she aspired to become a ninja as powerful as Senju 187 Takuya.


Love or something,

It was completely out of her mind.

The moonlight wind came to annoy her every day, which already made her a little angry.


“I just heard that you became Naruto-sama’s guard.”

“So…. I just want to invite you to a meal. ”

Moonlight Swift forced a smile.

“No need.”

Yue Xiyan coldly refused.

“Don’t follow me anymore.”

“Otherwise, I will kill you.”

Feeling the substantial killing intent on Yue Xiyan’s body, the moonlight wind stopped his steps.

“Is it still not okay?”

“Xi Yan, what do I have to do to make you look at me squarely?”

Looking at the back of Yue Xiyan’s departure, Moonlight Swift Wind couldn’t help but sigh in frustration.

He’s worked really hard to make himself great.

But I didn’t expect it,

In exchange for this treatment.


Should I really choose to give up?

Back home,

Yue Yue Xiyan lay on the bed.

Start quietly reminiscing about what happened today.


When she was notified that she could become Naruto-sama’s personal guard, she couldn’t contain her excitement.

After all

Only good enough ninjas can earn this honor.


When she met Naruto-sama hopefully, the man who stood tall gave her a heavy blow.

The sword art she had been proud of since she was a child, in front of that man, was so vulnerable.

At that moment,

All her pride was shattered by the blow.

“Because of your weak strength, the consciousness of paying your life is also light.”

Recalling Takuya’s words in his mind, Yue Xiyan sighed.

Oh, yes.

With such a weak strength as her,

Even if he was willing to pay with his life to defend Naruto-sama, what could he do?

She couldn’t even take a move from Naruto-sama.

How could she resist the person who could hurt Naruto-sama?

Has the duty of guard, but does not have the ability to escort…


It’s really bad!

Yue Xiyan curled up on the bed, bent her legs, and wrapped her arms around herself.


Stayed without arguing.

After a long time,

Yue Xiyan suddenly raised her arm and wiped her tears.


His eyes gradually became firmer.

“I’m definitely not going to just give up.”

“Naruto-sama is right, consciousness is more important than strength.”

“Since I’m ready to give my life for Naruto-sama at any time, what can this setback count?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“I’m weak, so make yourself stronger instead of giving up.”

“That’s right, Naruto-sama must have thought the same way.”

“Otherwise… With his identity, how could he waste time on me? ”

Yue Xiyan took a few deep breaths.

She has decided,

at all costs

She will never give up!


Just practice harder.

Hokage Building.

Hokage Office.

Senju Takuya looked at Yuzuki Xiyan with a cat face mask and raised his eyebrows.

“You have the answer?”

“Yes, (Beah) Naruto-sama!”

Yue Xiyan said firmly.

“Talk about it, your decision.”

Senju Takuya leaned back in his chair and looked at Yue Xiyan and asked lightly.

“I’m going to stay.”

“In the future, I will definitely cultivate harder, and I will definitely not disappoint you like yesterday.”

Yue Xiyan calmly spoke.


Senju Takuya nodded noncommittally.

“Take your mask off.”

“In the future, you won’t have to wear a mask all day.”

Senju Takuya said casually.

A big beauty like Yue Xiyan wears a mask all day, which is simply a violent thing.


For Senju Takuya’s order, Yue Xiyan naturally would not resist.

She is affiliated with the Dark Ministry, though.

But Naruto-sama’s order is the order she will obey unconditionally.

“You… Yesterday all night practice? ”

Looking at the dark circles on Yue Xiyan’s face, Takuya Renute frowned.

Only then did he notice that Yue Yue Xiyan’s hands and feet were covered with bandages.

On the bandage,

There seems to be some blood leaking faintly.

“My strength is too weak, I have to work harder.”

Yue Xiyan said in a low voice.


“Come here, I’ll help you see.”

Senju Takuya reprimanded, and then grabbed Yuzuki Xiyan’s hands.

A powerful and vigorous vitality was injected into Yue Xiyan’s body.

Yue Xiyan only felt that her body became extremely relaxed.

Not only the scars left by yesterday’s training have healed, but some dark injuries in the body have all disappeared.

“Is this Naruto-sama’s means?”

Sensing the situation in her body, Yue Xiyan couldn’t help but show a shocked look.

It is said that Tsunade-sama is the best medical ninja in the ninja world.


Compared to Naruto-sama,

Even Tsunade-sama, I’m afraid he has to bow down, right?

Of course Yue Xiyan doesn’t know,

Takuya Senjutsu’s use is not medical ninjutsu at all,

It’s a life force directly instilled.


Naturally, it cannot be the same as the same.

“Thank you Naruto-sama!”

Yue Xiyan half-knelt on the ground and said with some excitement.

She didn’t think about it,

Naruto-sama, who was so stern yesterday, not only did not criticize her, but also gave her such a big benefit.

This made Yue Xiyan feel like she was dreaming.

“In the future, don’t work so hard.”

Senju Takuya said lightly.

“But… That my strength…”

Yue Xiyan was a little hesitant.

If she didn’t train hard, how could her strength be improved to the point where Naruto-sama was satisfied?


“In the future, I will dedicate time to help you practice.”

Senju Takuya said strongly.

Hearing his words, Yue Yue Xiyan opened her mouth wide in disbelief.

Did she hear you right?

Hokage of Konoha,

The patriarch of the Thousand Hands clan,

The strongest in the unified ninja world…

You actually want to personally guide her to practice?

Yue Xiyan couldn’t swallow the saliva generated by excessive surprise in her mouth, and spoke.

“Naruto-sama, what you said is… Honor Toot Fake Toot? ”

Looking at Yue Yuexi’s cute appearance, Senju Takuya smiled helplessly.


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