“Little Takuya, now you have another child, really congratulations.”

Uzumaki Mito looked at Senju Takuya and smiled.

Now the children of the Thousand Hands,

There are already more than seventy.

As you can imagine,

In the future,

The Thousand Hands are back to prosperity,

It’s almost a sure thing.

“Grandma Mito, it’s a little annoying to have more children.”

Senju Takuya said casually.

These little guys,

All of them inherited his bloodline,

Each one is energetic.

If he hadn’t found a lot of people looking at this group of guys,

They probably give him headaches every day.

“Takuya, you can’t say that.”

“Children are your children, even if they are naughty, you can’t favor one over the other.”

“Moreover, if you want to revitalize the Thousand Hands Clan, you have to continue to work hard.”

Uzumaki Mito quipped.

“Oops… Grandma Mito, don’t worry, I’m working especially hard every day now. ”

“But… You are also getting younger now, do you want to also contribute to the revival of the Senju clan? ”

Senju Takuya laughed.

“Little Takuya, you are looking for a fight!”

Uzumaki Mito blushed, and then twisted Takuya Senju’s arm fiercely.

This guy is really getting less and less.

Even she dared to tease.


“I’m kidding.”

Senju Takuya snorted and quickly ran out of the ward.

“I still have things to deal with, so I’ll go first.”

After Senju Takuya finished speaking, the figure immediately disappeared.

“It’s true, this guy’s personality is really helpless.”

Uzumaki Mito shook his head a little helplessly.


Sighing lightly,

So he continued to chat with Tsunade and the others.

Thousand Hands Land.

Inside a wide cultivation field.

A few children sat on the grass, looking at the two people in the center of the field, all looking very excited.

“Big brother, this time you must defeat this guy!”

“That’s right, brother Pocket, come on!”

“Give it your all, let Kakashi see how powerful we are!”

Several children shouted.

“It seems that these little fart children have a lot of confidence in you.”

Kiki Kakashi looked at the Senju pocket in front of him, and a playful smile appeared on his face.


He was cultivating in the Thousand Hands Clan as usual.

But I didn’t expect it,

Six-year-old pocket,

I actually chose to challenge him.

“Naruto, Itachi, Sasuke are still young, please seniors don’t mind.”

Qianshou said with a serious face.

“Don’t worry.”

“You are all teachers’ children, I won’t be angry.”

Kiki Kakashi said casually.

“That’s good.”

Senju heard Kakashi’s words, and a smile appeared on his face again.

“But… Fight me, I won’t show mercy. ”

“You… Ready to die? ”

After Kiki Kakashi finished speaking, the temperament of his whole body changed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The whole person is like a sharp blade out of the sheath.

His body exudes an extremely dangerous aura.

“Ask seniors for advice.”

Qianshoubi’s face was still calm, but he bent down slightly.

“Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!”

Kiki Kakashi’s hands quickly froze.

A huge fireball rushed towards the Thousand Hands Pocket.

“Water Escape Water Array!”

The Thousand Hand Pocket is also quick to seal with both hands.

A huge wall of water rises into the sky,

Blocked the huge fireball.

“Little ghost, well done.”

Kakashi appeared behind him, his eyes full of appreciation.

Whether it is the speed of sealing or the power of ninjutsu,

The performance of the pockets is impeccable.

“Wind escape, big breakthrough!”

It was as if he had been prepared.

The moment Kakashi appeared, he directly cast the Wind Escape Ninjutsu.


Kakashi’s body was immediately cut by the sharp wind blade.


With a muffled sound,

Kakashi’s body turned into a piece of wood.

“‘~Ah! It’s a stand-in! ”

“Really, I thought it was over.”

“It’s too cunning, brother Pocket should be careful.”

Seeing that Pocket’s attack did not hit Kakashi, Naruto and the others who were watching all looked regretful.

“Where did you go?”

Pocket calmly looked around, but did not notice Kakashi at all.


A pair of hands broke through the ground and grabbed his legs.

“The art of beheading in Tudun’s heart!”

With a low drink,

The body of the pocket was immediately pulled into the ground,

Only one neck was left exposed.

“Little ghost, you lost.” (Lee’s)

Kakashi crouched on the ground and said with a smile as he looked at the pocket in front of him.


Pocket also smiled a little.


Kakashi felt the whole earth begin to loosen.

The originally hard ground was like quicksand at this moment, dragging his body down quickly.

“This is … Magnetic escape?! ”

Kakashi exclaimed.

“Sandstorm funeral!”


With a muffled sound.

Kakashi’s figure turned into a puff of white smoke.

Pocket also took the opportunity to stand back on the ground.

“It’s a horrible purchase.”

“I didn’t expect you to master this power.”

Kakashi performed a teleportation technique, came behind Pocket, and placed Kumu on Pocket’s neck.

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