“Naruto-sama, urgent intelligence!”

The Dark Ninja handed an intelligence scroll into the hands of Takuya Senju.

“The Land of Bears… Star Shinobi Village? ”

After receiving the intelligence scroll, a hint of surprise flashed on Takuya’s face.

Country of Bears,

Located southeast of the Land of Fire.

It is a very small country.

In the Land of Bears,

There is a small ninja village,

It’s called Star Shinobi Village.


Two hundred years ago, a meteorite fell from the sky and fell near the village of Star Shinobi.

The original Star Shadow accidentally discovered that he could cultivate Chakra by using meteorites.


Successfully created the Peacock Secret Method.

The original star shadow named this meteorite “star”,

And the original prototype of the Star Shinobi Village was established.


Senjukuma and Uchiha join forces to establish a new order of ninja in one country and one village.

The Star Shinobi Village was also established.

After quickly flashing information about the Star Shinobi Village in his mind, Senju Takuya set his eyes on the intelligence scroll with some doubt.

Star Shinobi Village,

It’s just a small ninja village that can’t be smaller,

What urgent information can there be?


Was the village invaded?

With doubts,

Takuya Senju quickly scanned the contents of the intelligence scroll.

“So it is.”

Senju Takuya smiled bitterly a little helplessly.

Hoshinin Village asked Konoha for help this time because the “star” of their village was stolen.

This made him a little crying and laughing.

After all

In his opinion,

The so-called “star” is just a radioactive meteorite.


Takuya Senju thought about it,

Or decided to go for a run in person.

After all

These days,

He also felt a little bored.

I can take this opportunity to go to the country of bears and have a good time.

After making up his mind, Senju Takuya waved his hand at the dark part.

“You go and inform Jiu Xinnai and let her handle my affairs for a while.”

“I’m going out of the village.”


Land of bears.

In a town not far from Hoshinin Village.

Takuya Senju was wearing civilian clothes and walking down the street, looking very comfortable.

Although the country of bears is a small country, its geographical location is very superior.

Surrounded by the sea on three sides, the four seasons are like spring.

The setting is beautiful.


A wide variety of fruits are produced.

If it is developed into a tourist attraction, it will definitely attract tourists.

While strolling around, I bought some food.

Takuya Senju walked slowly on the street like this.


Soon he found out,

There was a guy who had been following him since shortly after he appeared in town.

‘Kind of interesting’.”

The corners of Takuya Senju’s mouth turned up slightly, and he did not choose to open his voice, but continued to wander aimlessly around the town.

The town is not big and not very prosperous.


It only took Takuya Senju to walk around the entire town in half a day.

After shopping,

Takuya Senju casually found a hotel and stayed in it.

late at night

Just when Takuya Senju was sleeping,

The door to the room was gently pushed open.

Followed by

A man in black, whose whole body was covered by black cloth, quickly flashed into the room.

After entering the room,

The man in black immediately looked around.

After seeing the sleeping Senju Takuya, the black shadow walked to the package that Senju Takuya was carrying and began to rummage.

“What are you looking for?”

In the dark,

Suddenly, a magnetic voice sounded.

The man in black was taken aback.

Looking back in horror,

The Man in Black discovered,

Takuya Senju, who was originally “sleeping”,

I don’t know when,

It actually came behind her.

“Don’t move.”

“It’s going to die.”

Senju Takuya squatted in front of the man in black and pushed the kunai in his hand forward.


A little bright red blood flowed from the neck of the man in black.

“You… How did you find me? ”

The man in black asked with a trembling voice.

Listen to the sound,

It turned out to be a girl.

“Your tracking methods are not particularly sophisticated.”

Senju Takuya replied lightly.

“Who are you and why are you stalking me?”

Takuya Senju asked curiously.

“I am a ninja from Hoshinin Village.”

“This time, I came to investigate your identity.”

The woman in black replied a little nervously.

“It turned out to be a ninja from Star Shinobi Village.”

Hearing the woman’s words, Senju Takuya put away the bitterness.

“What’s your name?”


The female ninja called Summer replied softly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“What are you?”

Seeing Senju Takuya put away the kunai, Summer asked curiously.

“I’m a ninja from Konoha.”

“This time, I was commissioned by your village to investigate the theft of the Star. ”

Senju Takuya said lightly.


Looking curiously at the summer day.

“Your reconnaissance ability is quite strong, I was targeted by you when I first came.”

“Oh… It’s just luck. ”

Summer lowered his head a little embarrassed.

The reason why she noticed the man in front of her was entirely because of the other party’s outstanding appearance.

It is difficult for a man with this kind of appearance not to be noticed.

“So… Every outsider who comes here, will you first secretly investigate? ”

Takuya Senju asked curiously.

“Not so.”

“It’s just that the “Star” was recently stolen, so we will pay extra attention to it. ”

Summer explained.

Hearing her words, Tezuya nodded.

“By the way, I haven’t asked for your name yet.”

Summer asked.

“Takuya Senju.”

Senju Takuya said lightly.

“Oh, it turned out to be Senju…”

“Senju Takuya?!”

“You… You… You are……. Naruto-sama?! ”

Summer asked a little panicked.

“That’s right.”

Senju Takuya nodded lightly.

Seeing Senju Takuya nodding, Natsuhi couldn’t help but open his mouth wide.

Although “Star” is very important to Star Shinobi Village.


It won’t be enough to recruit this Hokage-sama, right?

As the ruler of the ninja world,

Shouldn’t you be busy to death every day?

How can there be time to deal with such a thing?

Summer’s heart became a little flustered.

This one…

I’m afraid it’s troublesome.

“‘~What’s wrong?’

“You seem to be a little more nervous.”

Senju Takuya looked at Natsuhi and said deliberately.

In the original,

It is the “star” stolen by summer,


He also did not choose to directly debunk the other party.

“Ahhh… Anyone who hears your identity can’t help but be nervous, right? ”

“Naruto-sama, if nothing happens, I’ll go first.”

Natsuhi barely squeezed a smile out of his face and stood up to turn away.

“Wait a minute.”

Senju Takuya suddenly spoke.

“Naruto-sama, do you have any other orders?”

Summer wondered.

“I’m a person who doesn’t sleep well, and I’m afraid I can’t sleep when I get up by you tonight.”

“The long night is long, it’s better for you to stay with me as a companion.”

Takuya Senju laughed.

Like Xiaori, there are names and surnames in the original work, and the figure and appearance belong to the top beauties,

He won’t miss it.

Although he generally tends to cultivate feelings first.


Since the other party has sent it to the door today, he doesn’t plan to let it go.

A proper change of taste is also a good choice.


“Naruto-sama, please be respectful!”

“I… You don’t want that. ”

Summer was pulled into his arms by Takuya Senju, and his body struggled desperately.


Soon she felt her body lose its strength.

“Naruto-sama, please don’t do this.”

Summer said pleadingly to Takuya Senju.

“Summer, I’ll just ask you one question, do you have a man?”

Senju Takuya asked domineeringly.

He remembered,

In the original,

Natsuhi married a star Shinobu named Hotaru and had a child.


He had to confirm it in advance.

After all

He doesn’t have a hobby of picking up broken shoes.

“I… No. ”

Under Takuya Senju’s gaze, Natsuhi found that she couldn’t even tell a lie.


“After that, you will be my private property.”

A smile reappeared on Takuya’s face.

Followed softly,

There was a sound of a woman whimpering in the room.

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