“Agreed, or… Die? ”

Senju Takuya looked at the daimyo and asked lightly.


In his eyes,

This daimyo who rules the most powerful country of fire in the entire ninja world,

It’s just a plaything to kill.

“I choose…”

“You die!”

The daimyo suddenly gulped.

Followed by

Twelve ninja~s rushed out from his back.


“Guard the twelve ninja, everyone has the strength of superior ninja.”

“Together, it is even more invincible in the world.”

“Mean ninja, give me death!”

The daimyo sneered a few times, a triumphant smile in his eyes.

Really thought he was just afraid?

He was just stalling for time.

Now that there are twelve guardian ninja guarding him, who in the entire ninja world can hurt him?

Trying to make him submit?

Stop dreaming!

Although he heard the words “lowly ninja” said by the daimyo, the guardian Shinobu had no expression.

In their hearts, it seems that they have long agreed with such a title.

Under the orders of the daimyo, the twelve Shinobi directly surrounded Senju Takuya.

Seeing this scene, a smug smile appeared on the daimyo’s face.

Although he couldn’t look at this group of ninjas.


I have to say,

Sometimes this group of brainless guys is still easier to use.

“Konoha ninja, offend the daimyo, you have already committed a capital crime.”

“Today, let us punish you.”

The ninja at the head said coldly.

The rest of the ninjas also all took an offensive stance.

“So, is this your confidence?”

Senju Takuya smiled.

Guardian Twelve Shinobi?

Each of them has the strength of Shangnin?

Together, the world is invincible?

It is worthy of being a guy who is willing to follow the big name.

I can really put gold on my face.


“Laugh, I see how long you can laugh.”

Looking at the disdainful smile on Senju Takuya’s face, the daimyo’s heart became angry again.

As a daimyo, he certainly does not go out of his way to understand the strength of a group of “tools”.

In his eyes, Shangnin is already the top combat power in the ninja world.

Even if Senju Takuya is also very strong, can he still be stronger than twelve upper Shinobi?


After receiving the order from the daimyo, the guardian twelve Shinobi immediately launched an attack on Senju Takuya.

They attacked simultaneously from different directions, without any dead ends at all.

Seeing this scene, Senju Takuya stood in place, not even meaning to dodge.

The Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye opens.


Nearly 100 meters tall complete Susa can break through the sky.

The tall and magnificent palace also looked very small in front of Susano.

“This….. What is this? ”

“Liar, is this also a power that a ninja can master?”


Looking at the towering Susano, everyone present couldn’t help but swallow.

The terrifying aura that constantly emanated made them feel a little difficult to even breathe.

The Guardian Twelve Shinobi were even more horrified.

In order to please the daimyo, just now their attack did not leave the slightest, and they were all out as soon as they struck.


The attack of the twelve of them did not leave any trace on this huge demon god statue.

“Look, what’s that over there in the palace?”

“Demon God! It’s the Demon God coming! ”

“It’s scary, everyone run.”

“Could it be that the heavens are coming to punish His Royal Highness?”

The appearance of Susanoo also attracted the attention of everyone in the capital.

Looking at Susano, who looked like a demon god, everyone gasped.

What the hell is going on?

Why did the Demon God suddenly appear in the palace?

What did the daimyo do?

Everyone’s minds were full of questions.

Inside the Royal Palace,

Senju Takuya folded his hands to his chest and stood above Susano’s forehead.

With a thought, Susanoo raised his legs high.


With a loud bang, the whole earth shook.

Just one hit…

The twelve guardian Shinobi who were considered invincible by the daimyo all died tragically at the feet of Susano.

“Kill chickens with a cow knife.”

Senju Takuya muttered.

These so-called guardian forbearances were even weaker than he thought.

Not even a single move survived.

But I have to say that Susanoo is worthy of pretending.

At this time, the daimyo had collapsed to the ground in fright, his whole body trembled, and even his pants were wet.

Seeing that the goal had been achieved, Senju Takuya lifted Susano.

“I agree to your request!”

“I promise you anything you say.”

“In the future, you have the final say in the Land of Fire.”

Before Senju Takuya could speak, the daimyo knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

This daimyo, who has been pampered since childhood, is really afraid now.

The terrifying demon god statue just now was simply like a heavenly god, and it was not something that humans could deal with at all.

“I like your attitude now.”

“But it’s already late.”

Senju Takuya smiled slightly, and waved the long knife in his hand.


The daimyo’s head was cut off.

Seeing this scene, all the people who were still alive on the field plopped down on the ground.

Seeing that no one dared to disobey him anymore, Senju Takuya asked people to bring back the descendants of the daimyo.

Six people in total.

There were four boys and two girls.

Takuya Senju did not hesitate and killed all the boys.

The two remaining girls knelt on the ground and shivered.

“What’s your name?”

Takuya Senju asked.

“My name is Yukimi, and my sister’s name is Yukino.”

The older girl replied with fear.

“Now, I’ll give you a chance to live.”


Looking at the two girls, Senju Takuya said lightly.

“Please order, my lord.”

Yukimi said immediately.

“You follow me back to Konoha, and the other stays here to succeed the daimyo.”

Takuya Senju pointed at Yukimi and said.

“Do everything at the commandment of the adults.”

After seeing Takuya Senju’s cruelty, Yukimi had no intention of resisting at all.

Even though her father and brother were killed by the man in front of her, she did not have the slightest idea of revenge.

Just now in the harem, she also saw the demon god statue.

A strong person with this kind of power, obeying the other party is the wisest choice.


“You’re much smarter than your father.”

Senju Takuya nodded in satisfaction.

After a few brief conversations, Takuya Senju asked all the people in charge of the capital in the name of the daimyo to call over.

After cleaning up some of the “stubborn” guys, everyone knelt before him and surrendered to him.

And Yukino, in the presence of everyone, successfully inherited the title of daimyo and became the ruler of the country.

The day after Yukino became daimyo, a series of announcements were made to enhance the status of ninjas.


The entire ninja world was shaken.

The daimyo submits to the Hokage…

This kind of thing shocked everyone.

Considering that Yukino was only a teenager, Senju Takuya asked Kiki Shuo Shigeru to come to the capital with some of the ninjas of the “Shadow”.

Help Yukino take control of the entire Fire Nation.

After stabilizing the situation, the Fire Nation is completely in the hands of Senju Takuya.


Just step by step to transform the Fire Nation into what you want.

After finishing what he was supposed to do, Takuya Senju stayed in the capital for a few more days, accompanying Tsunade and Kushina to have a good time.

After all the fun,

He rushed towards Konoha with Yukimi, Tsunade and the others. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Other than that

It is worth mentioning that when Tsunade and the others saw the “noble and elegant princess” groveling in front of Senju Takuya, the last trace of awe in their hearts for the daimyo disappeared.


This group of self-proclaimed superiors,

In the face of absolute force, such flattery will also be revealed.

When Takuya Senju returned to Konoha Village, he was greeted with great grandeur.

Almost all the villagers and ninjas of Konoha came to the entrance of the village and cheered for him, shouting “Long live Takuya-sama!” Such words.

“Takuya-sama, we have all heard about your deeds, thank you so much!”

A boy said with tears in his eyes.

His father, died to protect the nobility.

However, it received such a rating as “waste that can’t even make tools”.

He hated the guys who stood tall.

Why can’t ninjas be respected?

However, as he grew older, he gradually recognized reality.

Ninjas are tools.

This is a well-recognized fact in the entire ninja world.

No one can change the tradition.


He wept when he heard that Takuya Senju was in the Land of Fire and made the daimyo bow his head and submit.


It will be respected in the future!

“It was Takuya-sama who allowed us ninjas to regain their dignity, and no matter what happens in the future, I will stand firmly behind Takuya-sama!”

A female ninja shouted.

After becoming a ninja, her self-esteem was trampled on again and again by others.

Strive for the task, but get no respect.


Once her employer tried to force her to have a relationship, she didn’t agree, and she was called a “fool who doesn’t know how to do it.”

She didn’t know how many times she wanted to stand up and resist, but she didn’t have the courage.

And Takuya Senju helped her do it.

She didn’t know how much pressure Takuya Senju had to bear to have the courage to make this choice.


She knows,

No matter what time it is in the future, she will firmly support Takuya Senju!

Not only the two of them, but all the ninjas present were excited.

In this era when ninjas were called “tools” and had no status.

Senju Takuya gave them dignity.

How can such a person not be respected?

“Husband, you are so good.”

“I’m really married to the right person.”

Sitting in the carriage and watching the cheers of the crowd, Uzumaki Jiu Shinai had a happy smile on her face.

Uchiha Mikoto’s eyes were also full of adoration.

Ye Cang is even more colorful.

Even Tsunade no longer talked back at this time, but obediently was held in his arms by Takuya Senju.

Ask for flowers

Seeing this scene, in an inconspicuous corner of the crowd, Ape Fei Ri had a constipated look.

When he was a Hokage, he was not less troubled by the daimyo.


In order to be able to ask for more financial support, he has to break his lips.

But now?

Senju Takuya actually solved it by force.

The daimyo submits to Naruto, and the ninja is the highest class…

I’m afraid no one dared to think about this kind of thing before, right?

The point is,

After Takuya Senju did this kind of thing, not only was he not ostracized by everyone, but he was also so greatly supported.

I already knew this, what grandson did he pretend to be!

In the midst of cheers, Takuya Senju returned to the Senju Clan.

Uzumaki Mito took Yakushi Nono Yu and the others out to greet him in person.

“Little Takuya, you did this really well.”

“If I ran into you when I was young, there would be something between the pillars.”

As soon as he saw Senju Takuya, Uzumaki Mito said happily.

Back then,

When determining the system of one country and one village, she did not give a thousand hands to the ears.

It’s just that Zhuma is too stubborn and refuses to use force against the daimyo if he says anything.

It is also said that for thousands of years, there has been no reason for ninjas to do things to employers.

Slowly, the status of ninjas became lower and lower.


Kotaku changed all that.

How could she not be happy?

“Hahaha… Grandma Mito, don’t tease me. ”

“After such a long journey, let’s go back for a meal first.”

Senju Takuya laughed a few times and led everyone towards the clan land.

Looking at the luxurious Senju Clan Land built, Yukimi couldn’t help but open her small mouth in surprise.

She never expected that there was a more luxurious place in the world than the royal palace.

A few more days later.

The Hokage succession ceremony also officially began.

Thinking that he was about to become a Hokage, Takuya Senju couldn’t help but feel a little excited.

Become the Hokage and lead Konoha Village to become the most powerful ninja village in the entire ninja world and unify the entire ninja world.

But what he had always dreamed of in his previous life.

Coming to the backyard, Senju Takuya couldn’t help but be stunned when he saw the graceful and luxurious Yukimi who was dressed up.


It’s so beautiful!

The current Yukimi is wearing a costume unique to the princess of the Fire Country.

Yellow silk with delicate embroidery makes the whole person look luxurious.

The coiled hair was also covered with precious gold ornaments and precious stones.

Combined with the aristocratic temperament cultivated from childhood to adulthood.

Even Takuya, who was used to seeing beautiful women, was a little surprised at this time.


Yukimi slowly saluted Takuya Senju.

“Ahem… Are you all ready? ”

Senju Takuya returned to his senses and asked lightly.

“All ready.”

Yukimi said respectfully.


Takuya Senju promised to keep her and Yukino behind, and one of the requests was that she wear the costume of a princess and personally hand over the Hokage Tokasa at the Hokage succession ceremony.

It was also a public expression of the daimyo’s submission to Hokage.

“That’s good.”

“Let’s go.”

After Senju Takuya finished speaking, he walked out.

Yukimi, on the other hand, was behind him, surrounded by a group of servants, walking in the direction of the Hokage Building.

“Mother-in-law Haori, can you hurry?”

“We’re going to be late.”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai watched the time pass little by little, and said anxiously to an old grandmother who was threading needles.

“Don’t be in a hurry!”

“Right away.”

The grandmother, called Mother-in-law Haori, slowly lifted her reading glasses and continued to carry out the work at hand unhurriedly.

After another while, just when Uzumaki Shinnai’s red hair was fluttering and she couldn’t help but get angry, Granny Haori finally finished the work in hand.

“The first generation, the second generation, the third generation…”

“I sewed all their Hokage cloaks.”

“Something so important, you can’t go wrong…”

Mother-in-law Haori was still muttering.


Uzumaki Jiu Shinai didn’t have the patience to listen.

Picking up the Hokage cloak that had just been made, he rushed out of the room.

Looking at the time, it was not too early, and Uzumaki Mito rarely wore a gorgeous costume.

This is the clothes she wore when Senjukuma became a Hokage.

Right now

In order to show her importance, she turned it over again.

Tsunade followed Uzumaki Mito with a group of sisters and a child.


For the Thousand Hands,

It’s a very big day!

Uchiha Mikoto also specially found a camera to take pictures of all today’s pictures as a souvenir.

Konoha Village.

The villagers all spontaneously raised banners and walked in groups in the direction of the Hokage Building.

In the ninja world,

The Hokage succession ceremony has always been the grandest event.

What’s more,

Today’s successor to Hokage is still Takuya Senju, who is admired by countless ninjas.

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