
Ape Fei Ri spat out a mouthful of blood, and under the rapid attack of the fire, he actually fainted directly.


Seeing this scene, the dark part behind the ape flying sun immediately stepped forward to help him.


“Send Naruto-sama to the hospital.”

The ninja in the dark department glanced at Senju Takuya and found that the other party had no idea of blocking it, and then rushed towards the direction of Konoha Hospital with the ape flying sun.

“Tuan Zang, what should we do?”

Sleeping Koharu and Mito Menyan looked at Shimura Danzo with a somewhat flustered expression.

Today’s event is something they never thought about.

Originally thought that as usual, stand on the high ground and say a few words, and the other party will obediently tie up.

Unexpectedly, things would develop to this point.

“Let’s go too.”

Shimura Danzo gritted his teeth.

He knows

Today is a plant.

The Hokage family, represented by him and Sarutobi Hinata, has completely lost the support of the Konoha ninja.


If you can’t plan it well,

Then they will become playthings in the hands of Takuya Senju.

Shimura Danzo, Koharu, Mito Menyan and others led their subordinates to leave.

Looking at their backs as they fled, everyone present felt comfortable.

Especially Uchiha Kurishima and Hinata Hinata.

Since Sarutobi Hinata and others came to power, the suppression of the Uchiha clan and the Hinata clan was the most serious.

But due to the identity of the other Hokage, they can only swallow their anger.


Finally took a bad breath!

“Patriarch Takuya, just let them go like this?”

“Do you want us to go back and jointly issue a statement to scrap the Hokage of the Ape Flying Sun!”

Uchiha Kuroshima said excitedly.

“What’s the rush?”

“What I want is for them to be ruined and their families to be destroyed.”

“Now the fun is just beginning.”

Senju Takuya said lightly.

Right now

Although he can unite with Konoha’s ninja clan to slash the ape flying sun.


That was not the result he wanted.

After all

In the hearts of most civilians, the wind evaluation of the Hokage series is still very high.

Especially the ape flying sun chop.

In the eyes of most people in Konoha, he is a kind-hearted, amiable, and endearing Hokage.

The image of the ape flying sun slash established 07 is all destroyed.

Let the other party also experience the feeling of watching the family wither and helpless.

That’s what he wants.


With his strength,

Wouldn’t it be simpler to find a random opportunity to kill Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo?

Hearing Takuya’s words, everyone was secretly stunned in their hearts.


You definitely can’t provoke Takuya Senju.

This guy,

Whether it is scheming or strength, it is too terrifying.

Even people like Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo were toyed with to death, not to mention them.


The prestige of Takuya Senju in the hearts of everyone increased again.

Thousand Hands Land.

“Takuya, good news for you.”

Tsunade rushed to Takuya Senju.

“What good news?”

Senju Takuya asked a little strangely.

“Mikoto is giving birth!”

After Tsunade finished speaking, he pulled Senju Takuya and walked in the direction of Konoha Hospital.


The two went outside the delivery room.

Uzumaki Mito, Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai and others were already waiting.

“Takuya, here you are.”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai stepped forward, and the expression on his face was very happy.

“How’s it going?”

Takuya Senju asked.

“I’ve been in for a while, and it’s estimated that I’ll be able to come out soon.”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai said with a smile.

Hearing her say this, Senju Takuya nodded secretly.

After waiting for a while, a loud cry came out.


Hearing the child’s cry, Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai and the others couldn’t help but get excited.

But not long after, a cry that was not quite the same as the previous one sounded again.


“Why are the two cries a little different?”

“Is it…”

Tsunade was keenly aware of the abnormality, and a look of surprise could not help but appear on his face.

The rest of the people also opened their mouths as if they had thought of something.

It wasn’t long before the door to the delivery room opened.

Mikoto Uchiha was pushed out.

In her arms, she held a child on her left and right.

“It’s really twins!”

“Mikoto, you’re too powerful, aren’t you?”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai said in surprise.

Just now she felt that something was wrong, but she didn’t expect that Uchiha Mikoto really gave birth to two at once.

“Jiu Xinnai, calm down.”

“Let Mikoto and Takuya talk.”

Tsunade pulled Uzumaki Jiu Shinai aside.

“Sorry, I was a little too excited.”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai stuck out his little tongue.

Her biggest wish is to revive the Senju family, and now that her good girlfriend has given birth to two children at once, she is a little overjoyed.

But fortunately, Mikoto Uchiha knew her character and didn’t think much about it.

“I’m so happy, both are boys.”

Two lines of tears flowed from Uchiha Mikoto’s eyes.

Not only did she help Takuya give birth to children, but she also gave birth to two boys at a time.

The Thousand Hands clan has grown a little more!

“Mikoto, hard work on you.”

Senju Takuya wiped Uchiha Mikoto’s tears and comforted him softly.

“Lord… Takuya, it’s better for you to choose a name for our child. ”

“The one on the left is the older brother, and the one on the right is the younger brother.”

Mikoto Uchiha’s mood slowly calmed down.

In front of Uzumaki Mito, she was embarrassed to call out the word “master”.


“Then my brother is called Itachi.”

“Thousand Hand Weasel.”

“If my brother is called, let’s call it Sasuke.”

Senju Takuya still followed the previous method of choosing names, and directly took out the names of Itachi and Sasuke.



“Nice name, I like it.”

“Thank you, Takuya.”

Mikoto Uchiha said happily.

She has an indescribable fondness for these two names.

【Ding! 】

[Heir +1, get rewards: Physique +10, Chakra +10, Spiritual Power +10! ]

Kaleidoscope Sharingan! Monthly reading! Amaterasu! 】

【Ding! 】

[Heir +1, get rewards: Physique +10, Chakra +10, Spiritual Power +10! ]

Eternal kaleidoscope chakra eye! Add a dirt life! 】

The system’s prompt sounded in his mind, and the pupil power of Senju Takuya’s eyes began to grow rapidly.

A pair of scarlet three-hook jade writing wheel eyes spun rapidly.


It was transformed into a special pattern.

“Huh….. Unexpectedly directly possessed the Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye. ”

“That’s nice.”

Closing the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Takuya Senju slowly opened his eyes.

He was also very happy with the reward this time!

“Okay, Mikoto, you just gave birth, you should be tired too.”

“Go get some rest.”

Uzumaki Mito said kindly.

“Got it, Grandma Mito.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Uchiha Mikoto nodded obediently.

After everyone left, Uzumaki Mito patted Takuya Senju on the shoulder.

“Kotakuya, thank you so much.”

“After I leave, there is nothing to worry about.”

Uzumaki Mito’s eyes narrowed into a slit with a smile.

She was really grateful to Takuya Senju.

The other party not only let her live for ten more years, but also took good care of both Tsunade and Kushinna.

Little Takuya awakened Mu Duan, and the first few babies were all boys.

It seems that even God is hinting that the Thousand Hands clan will definitely prosper in the future.

In the past, every day she was afraid to worry about these few things.

I am afraid that after I die, the Thousand Hands clan will decline again.

Now, she finally had nothing to worry about.

“Grandma Mito, don’t worry.”

“I won’t let you leave so easily, you still have to watch the Thousand Hands clan regain its former glory.”

Senju Takuya laughed.

Before, he couldn’t do anything.

But now, after mastering his own rebirth, it is not difficult to keep Uzumaki Mito alive.

Thousand Hands Land.

Tsunade sat on Takuya Senju’s lap with a somewhat complicated expression.

“What’s wrong?”

Takuya Senju asked.

“Jiraiya, that guy left the village.”

“It is said that he will not return until he finds the child of prophecy.”

Tsunade said softly.

Although she didn’t have any thoughts about Jirai, her companions who had grown up chose to leave the village from childhood were still a little depressed in her heart.


“That’s best.”

Takuya Senju thought it was good.


Another day when he sees Jiraiya, maybe he will beat him again.

Dare to make trouble at his own wedding.

Now he is still angry.

“Stinky brother, don’t say self-help.”

“What have you been up to lately?”

Tsunade looked at the pile of papers on Senju Takuya’s table and asked curiously.

“I’m going to start a newspaper.”

Senju Takuya laughed.


“What is that?”

Tsunade asked a little puzzled.

“A newspaper, a kind of disseminator of information.”

“Its role is to collect, edit and publish newspapers.”

“What is a newspaper?”

The more Tsunade listened, the more confused he became.

“A newspaper is a regular publication…”

Takuya Senju told Tsunade in detail about the newspaper and the newspaper.

In the end, I finally let Tsunade figure it out.

“Takuya, why did you suddenly think of getting this thing?”

Tsunade asked softly.

“Of course, it is to control public opinion.”

Senju Takuya shrugged.

Right now

Konoha is already in his hands, but Sarutobi and the others are still nominal Hokage.

He wanted to make Ape Flying Sun Chop and others discredited.

That first step,

Of course, it is necessary to control public opinion.

However, he was a little blind to the practice of sending people to secretly spread gossip that Sarutobi and Shimura Danzo often used.


Takuya Senju decided to start a newspaper.

Newspapers are published every day, and various interesting stories, ninja world news, serialized novels are published in the newspaper…

Through a variety of content, we will attract the villagers of Konoha.

When the time is ripe, casually publish some articles in the newspaper about Sarutobi Hinata, Shimura Danzo and others…

Ruining them is no more than a breeze.


As the circulation of newspapers gradually increases, it will definitely attract some businesses to place advertisements in newspapers.

When the time comes, bids will be made through mutual bidding.

Making money every day is not a problem.

“Stinky brother, how long your brain is, this kind of thing can come up with.”

Tsunade said with some admiration.

“What’s in this?”

“I’m not the best at these things.”

Senju Takuya said proudly.


“So what are you most good at?”

Tsunade asked a little dumbfounded.

“You don’t know my best…”

Senju Takuya chuckled, and his hands began to become dishonest.


“You… You hurry up and let me go, broad daylight! ”

Tsunade bit his lower lip, and his two faces immediately turned blushing with shame.

“Oh, you’re so bad, you know how to bully me.”

“Big color wolf, at least go to the room!”

“Stinky brother, you… Not…… Can you please stop interrupting while I’m talking…”

A month later.

The Konoha newspaper was officially established.

In order to have a good start, Senju Takuya personally publicized a wave for the Konoha newspaper.

This success aroused the curiosity of the villagers of Konoha.

They all wanted to know what was the thing that could make Takuya Senju publicize so hard.


When they learn that the price of a newspaper is not much more expensive than a bowl of rice…

On the day the newspaper was released, there was a long queue at the door of the Konoha newspaper office.

Almost all the villagers in Konoha came to line up to buy newspapers.

Some of those who can’t come have also asked other partners to help them buy.

For this hot phenomenon, Senju Takuya nodded with satisfaction.

He had confidence in what was in the newspaper.

I believe that after reading the newspaper, these villagers will definitely develop the habit of reading the newspaper.

The truth is the same as Takuya Senju thought, after reading the first newspaper, the villagers were all attracted by the content on it, and many people directly chose to subscribe to the year.


The streets of Konoha are full of discussions about what is in the newspapers.

If you haven’t read the newspaper, then sorry, you can only listen to other people’s talk, and you can’t interject a word yourself.

“I read today’s newspaper, the ninja world has not been peaceful recently, and the front line has been friction again…”

“The companion was killed on the way to the mission, and the teammate decisively took on the responsibility of taking care of the companion’s wife, woo-woo, it was so touching…”

“The newspaper said that there is a Ichiraku ramen shop that tastes very good, let’s try it together another day…”


Similar discussions abound.

The restaurants that were published in the newspapers were also full.

This has led many businessmen to see the potential of newspapers and compete for them.

Spend a lot of money to be able to buy a slot in the latest issue of the newspaper.

This also made Takuya Senju earn a lot of money.

After all

As long as the content is right, there is no big cost to publish a newspaper.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the most popular in the newspaper is the novel “Ninja Perseverance”, which is also serialized.

This made Takuya Senju a little unexpected.

The patriarchs of many families are looking for thousands of hands and want a piece of the pie.


This time Takuya Senju did not agree.

After all

This kind of thing,

It’s better to be completely in your own hands.

In addition to the commercial value, what shocked everyone in Konoha the most was Takuya Senju’s use of the newspaper to justify the Uchiha family.

This is also the first time that this public opinion killer has shown its strength in front of everyone! .

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