Shimura clan land.


“Abominable little devil of the Thousand Hands Clan!”

Shimura Danzo angrily tore up Takuya Senju’s reply.


After sending the marriage letter, he happily waited at home for Takuya Senju to come with a rich dowry.

By the way, imagine the scene where you will become a Hokage in the future.

But I didn’t expect it

The dowry did not wait

Wait for it,

It’s an abusive letter from Takuya Senju!

At the first glance of the contents of the letter, Shimura Danzo almost had a heart attack in anger.

Senju Takuya not only refused his marriage, but also mocked his daughter as a fat pig that no one wanted, and would not marry him.

Konoha didn’t know how many years no one dared to talk to him like that!

“Father, what’s wrong?”

Shimura was fortunate enough to look at Shimura Danzo’s gloomy face and asked strangely.

“It’s okay.”

“It’s just that the marriage matter was rejected by Takuya Senju.”

Shimura Danzo took a deep breath and calmed his mood.


“How dare that guy refuse your request?”

Hearing Shimura Danzo’s words, Shimura said in surprise.

In his opinion,

The Shimura clan is willing to marry the Senju clan, and that is to look up to them.

But the other party actually refused!

Could it be that Takuya Senju really thinks that now is still the era when the Senju clan reigns king?

Looking at Shimura’s lucky surprise, Shimura Tuan Zang secretly complained in his heart.

Not only was he rejected, he was also scolded.


This kind of thing is too humiliating

Shimura Danzo is also not good to say to his son.

“Father, what are you going to do?”

“I can’t swallow this breath.”

Shimura said viciously.

In Konoha, he has always been the only one who bullies others, and no one dares to bully him!

“What else can I do?”

“Hurry up and me, I’ll be annoyed when I see you.”

Shimura Danzo waved his hand impatiently.

With Uzumaki Mito and Tsunade there, he really didn’t dare to take Senju Takuya.


This matter cannot be known to others.

Not so

He Shimura Danzo was not only dismissed from the marriage, but also insulted.

Then the prestige that he has built up over the years is estimated to be ruined.

Seeing Shimura Danzo angry, Shimura was fortunate enough to retreat.

It’s just,

The expression on his face became more and more gloomy.

“Abominable Senju Takuya, when I meet him in the future, I must make him look good!”

“Aren’t you trying to revive Senju by having children?”

“Then I’ll cut you off!”

Thinking of this, Shimura Yuki had a gloomy smile on his face and quickly left the Shimura clan land.

Konoha Village.

Short Book Street.

Mikoto Uchiha walked on the road, and the corners of her mouth turned up in a good-looking arc from time to time.


She was in a very good mood.

Those inexplicable words that Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai said to her that day, she finally understood now.


Not long ago,

Senju Takuya actually ran to the Uchiha clan and proposed a kiss to the patriarch Uchiha Kurishima!

And the dowry turned out to be ten copper mines!

Although I don’t know how much a copper mine is worth, from the recent rumors, Uchiha Mikoto can also guess the approximate.

The most important thing is,

The Senju clan and the Uchiha clan have always been at odds.

Once Senju Takuya is rejected, I am afraid that he will become the laughing stock of the entire Konoha.

But even so, Takuya Senju still came to the Uchiha clan to raise his family.

How could a man who was willing to pay such a big price for her?


Just when Uchiha Mikoto’s thoughts were flying, she suddenly bumped into a man head-on.


Uchiha Mikoto exclaimed, and fell back uncontrollably at any time.

But in the next second, a pair of warm big hands grabbed her waist and buttocks and gently supported her.


Feeling the man’s palm on his hip, Uchiha Mikoto was furious.

He raised his hand and hit the man hard.


But her wrist was easily grabbed by the man.

“Mikoto, don’t you know me?”

Takuya Senju helped Uchiha Mikoto up and asked with a smile.


Mikoto Uchiha exclaimed.

Seeing her fiancé in such a scene, Uchiha Mikoto’s heart couldn’t help but jump wildly.

“It’s not a good habit to walk distracted.”

Senju Takuya laughed.

“Really… I’m so sorry. ”

Looking at the familiar face that was not much different from what he remembered, Uchiha Mikoto lowered her head and whispered.

“Hahahaha… Mikoto, you are still the same as before, not changing at all. ”

Senju Takuya smiled.

“Takuya, you too.”

“It’s still so… Handsome. ”

Mikoto Uchiha plucked up courage and said with a red face.

These were the words she wanted to say at the ninja school, but she didn’t have the courage to say them until today.

“Mikoto, what are you going to do?”

Takuya Senju asked.

“Nothing, just casual shopping.”

Mikoto Uchiha replied.


“I just don’t have anything to do, so let’s just go together.”

“Speaking of which, we haven’t seen each other in years.”

Senju Takuya laughed.


Mikoto Uchiha nodded vigorously.


She is Takuya Senju’s fiancée.

Her future husband invited her to go shopping, she couldn’t refuse, right?

Just as Mikoto Uchiha was thinking, Takuya Senju naturally took her hand.


He came specifically to find Mikoto Uchiha to get in touch.

Although in a few days, the other party will become his wife.


It is still necessary to properly connect with the relationship.

“Look, that’s the patriarch of the Thousand Hands Clan, Thousand Hands Takuya!”

“Huh? Who is that woman next to him? It doesn’t seem to be the wife of the Takuya patriarch, right? ”

“Stupid, seeing that she is wearing the clothes of the Uchiha clan, she must be the future wife of the Takuya patriarch, Uchiha Mikoto!”

“This is Mikoto Uchiha, it’s really beautiful, no wonder Patriarch Takuya is willing to offer ten copper mines as a dowry.”

“It’s a blessing to be chosen by Patriarch Takuya.”

“That’s right, handsome and rich, it’s the perfect husband template.”

He was held by Takuya Senju and went shopping, listening to the discussion of the villagers on the street.

Two blush appeared on Uchiha Mikoto’s face.

She was originally a very introverted person and liked to be alone.

Every time she was watched by other people, she felt a little uncomfortable.

But I don’t know why, today I was held by Takuya Senju to go shopping, and it became the focus of everyone’s discussion…

In her heart,

It actually feels a little sweet.


This is what happiness feels like?

Mikoto Uchiha couldn’t help but think.

Looking at Mikoto Uchiha’s smirk from time to time, Takuya Senju’s mood was also very good.

In his previous life, he was very fond of these female characters in Hokage.


They are standing alive in front of them, and they are about to be married home by themselves.

This feeling,

It’s wonderful.

It’s a pity,

Good times are always short.

Just as the two were shopping happily, a shrill voice sounded.


“Isn’t this the waste patriarch of the Thousand Hands Clan?”

“After marrying so many wives, how can you have time to hang out when you are not busy going home and making people?”


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