“Jiu Xinnai, are you sure you want to do this?”

Takuya Senju asked again.

“That’s right!”

“Only in this way can a thousand hands be revived in the shortest possible time!”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai said with a firm look in his eyes.

After marrying Takuya Senju, her biggest goal is not to become Hokage.

It’s about reviving the Thousand Hands!

Compared to the Fuxing family, the little sacrifice she made was nothing at all!

“In that case, let’s start implementing the plan!”

Seeing Uzumaki Jiu Shinai so firm, Senju Takuya no longer hesitated.

He hired a group of villagers and handed them the leaflets they had printed in advance.

Some people are responsible for posting these leaflets on various streets of Konoha.

Others are responsible for distributing these leaflets to villagers in the streets of Konoha.

After doing all this, Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai’s face reappeared with a smile.

With these leaflets, I believe that it won’t be long before the news of the Senju clan’s public concubinage will spread throughout Konoha!

With the heritage of the Senju family and the charm of her husband, Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai believes that there must be countless women who want to marry into their family!

“That’s right, Takuya.”

“Today I went shopping with Mikoto.”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai said suddenly.


Hearing Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai’s words, Senju Takuya’s eyes lit up.

Oh, yes.

He almost forgot Mikoto Uchiha.

Uchiha Mikoto’s appearance is not inferior to Jiu Shinnai, but her personality is completely opposite to Jiu Shinnai, and she is the kind of character who obeys her husband and is very docile.

How did he forget her?


You have to find a chance to marry Mikoto Uchiha back!


“I know you can’t forget Mikoto!”

Uzumaki Shinna couldn’t help but snort softly when she saw Senju Takuya’s expression.

Fortunately, he has been thinking about the candidate to marry his wife for him, but he did not expect that people may have already started the idea of their best friend in their hearts.

“That… Jiu Xinnai, all this is to revive Senju. ”

“Mikoto, like you, has a powerful bloodline.”

“You are the bloodline of the Uzumaki clan, and she is the bloodline of the Uchiha clan.”

“With the bloodline of the Uchiha clan, the child she gave birth to will definitely be very talented.”

Senju Takuya said righteously.

“Well, that’s what I thought too.”

“It just so happens that Mikoto is struggling with not wanting to marry that guy Fugaku Uchiha recently.”

“You think of a way, go to the Uchiha clan to raise a relative, and strive to marry Mikoto back as soon as possible.”

Seeing Senju Takuya’s serious look, Uzumaki Jiu Shinai also said positively.


“This needs to be well planned.”

The relationship between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan was not very harmonious in the first place.

In addition, Mikoto Uchiha’s marriage partner is Fugaku Uchiha.

If you want to cut your beard, I’m afraid it’s not that simple.

“By the way, you think about things on Mikoto’s side first, and you can’t stop publicly choosing a wife.”

“In order to revive the thousand hands, we must redouble our efforts!”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai continued.

She also knew that Mikoto Uchiha was not so easy to solve.

Therefore, before that, the selection of wives must also be carried out at the same time.

“Jiu Xinnai, you’re right.”

“However, you missed one more thing.”

Senju Takuya looked at Uzumaki Jiu Shinai and said lightly.

“Missed something?”

“What’s going on?”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai asked a little strangely.

“While choosing a wife, you also have to help me conceive a child as soon as possible!”

“You’re my first wife, so you have to fight a little!”

After Senju Takuya finished speaking, he took Uzumaki Jiu Shinai into his arms.

“Hmm… You scoundrel, big colored wolf… Hmm…”


Konoha Village.

A bulletin board on Short Book Street.

“For the revival of the Thousand Hands Clan, after careful consideration by the Patriarch and the Patriarch’s Madame, it is now decided to implement the Revival Thousand Hands Plan!”

“As long as it is a young, healthy and excellent woman, you can come to the Thousand Hands Clan to apply!”

“The chosen woman will become the wife of the Senju patriarch Senju Takuya, and have the rights of the wife of the Senju patriarch.”

“Not only can you get rich monetary rewards, but you can also learn the ninjutsu scrolls within the Senju clan.”

“A woman who marries into the Senju clan, with a childcare fund of 500w taels per year below the upper Shinobi.”

“Shangnin and above, the childcare fund of 1000w taels per year, the upper is not capped.”

“If you give birth to offspring for the Senju clan, you can unconditionally read the various ninjutsu and cultivation methods accumulated by the Senju clan over thousands of years.”

“Various industries under the name of the Thousand Hands family can be consumed unconditionally.”

“There are also countless benefits waiting for you to unlock.”

“Requirements: Single healthy women who have never been married and are clean!”

“Strength: Naka-ninja and above.”

“Note: This announcement is valid for a long time and there is no limit to the quantity!”

Looking at the notice that had just been posted, the villagers of Konoha were all boiling!

They still remember the wedding of Takuya Senju and Uzumaki Shinna not long ago.

Unexpectedly, in a few days, the other party actually wanted to marry his wife again.

Moreover, I still chose this open recruitment method!

“I rely on, I have lived for so long, I have experienced all kinds of winds and waves, but this kind of public choice of wife is the first time I have seen it!”

“Is this thing really fake? It can’t be someone making a prank, right? ”

“Hiss~~~ This treatment is also so good, even a man of mine has the urge to try it.”

“But no, as long as you are selected, you can become a wealthy man at once.”

“Revival of a thousand hands … Takuya Senju is really a ruthless person, this method can be figured out, I obeyed! ”

“Ah!! I just got married a month ago, and I was when I encountered this kind of thing! ”

“Ten million taels a year in the childcare fund? Obediently, this is worth the reward of ten S-class missions! ”

“If you don’t say anything else, just rush at the appearance of the Thousand Hands Patriarch, I also have to rush once in this wave!”

“Woooo I have only the strength to endure, it seems that I will have to cultivate hard in the future!” ”

This announcement by Takuya Senju is still very attractive.

For ordinary Konoha villagers, if they want to improve their strength, they need to perform various dangerous missions.

And after experiencing nine deaths, the reward received can often only be exchanged for some lowest-level C-level ninjutsu.

For them, the conditions offered by Takuya Senju were too tempting.

You know, the most common D-level task is paid less than 10,000 taels.

Even if it is a C-level task, the average is only about 50,000 taels.

Many ordinary people may not earn 10 million taels in their lifetime.


Money and other benefits aside

Just unconditionally reading the various ninjutsu scrolls and cultivation methods accumulated by the Thousand Hands clan over thousands of years was enough to drive countless ninjas crazy.

At any time, things related to practice are the most precious!

For a time, countless people rushed towards the Thousand Hands Clan.


Thousand Hands Land.

The most central luxury villa.


With a loud bang.

The gorgeous gate was kicked in half by Tsunade.

“Senju Takuya, you give me out!”

Tsunade shouted angrily.

“What’s wrong?”

Looking at the furious Tsunade, Senju Takuya asked a little strangely.


“You bastard!”

Tsunade snorted coldly, raised his fist and hit Takuya Senju.

The powerful fist wind even sounded a sound of breaking the air.


However, what Tsunade didn’t expect was…

Her fist was actually blocked by Senju Takuya.


Tsunade looked at Takuya Senju with some surprise.

Although she didn’t use her full strength in the punch just now, it was not something that ordinary people could block.

Senju Takuya’s strength, Tsunade understands.

At most, it is only forbearance among the elite, how can you block your attack so lightly?

At this moment, Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai had also arrived.

“Sister Tsunade, what are you doing?!”

Uzumaki Shinna blocked in front of Senju Takuya and looked at Tsunade with displeasure.

“Jiu Xinnai, is this guy bullying you?”

“You tell me, I will definitely call the shots for you!”

Tsunade asked, looking at Uzumaki Shinna.


“Why do you ask that?”

Uzumaki Shinna looked at Tsunade and asked with a puzzled expression.

“Not yet?”

“You’ve only been married for a few days, and this bastard is thinking of marrying another one!”

“Public choice of wife, I have never seen anything more outrageous than this!”

“Jiu Xinnai, you get out of the way, I have to teach this bastard a good lesson today!”

Tsunade huffed.

Today, she originally wanted to go to the tavern for a drink.

But I didn’t expect that as soon as I came out of the Thousand Hands Tribe, I found that the outside of the Thousand Hands Clan Land was crowded with people.

This startled Tsunade, thinking that something terrible had happened to Konoha.

But after Tsunade questioned a few villagers, he learned the cause and effect of the incident.

The reason why there are so many people blocking the door of the Senju Clan Land is because of the bastard Takuya Senju

He even wanted to publicly choose a wife!!


PS: Just finished eating, update a chapter, by the way, ask for some flower evaluation votes, thank you brothers for your support!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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