Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 209 Conspiracy? Sorry, I didn't think of it

Senju Hashirama?

After hearing this name, Danzo and others were also stunned. He looked down at the voting ninjas below, scanning each other's eyes one by one, trying to see who it was, and actually wrote the first generation Hokage.

After scanning the Uchiha group, I saw that the chair in the middle of the group was empty. Uchiha Fugaku was supposed to be sitting there, but he was not present today.

Obviously, Uchiha Fugaku knew that he had no chance of becoming Hokage, so he made an excuse to not attend this meeting.

On the right, the Hyuga clan looked up to the ceiling one by one, their pure white pupils scanning the people in the hall from time to time, and then continued to look up at the ceiling, with an expression that had nothing to do with me.

Uchiha Asuka desperately covered Tsunade's mouth, as if you should not speak to me. Although it was degrading, he had already heard about the conflict between the two, so it was not a big deal.

As for others.

Danzo looked around and after scanning everyone, he looked back at Hiruzen and the others. Seeing the confused and shocked expressions on their faces, he took a deep breath, suppressed the irritability in his heart, and then continued.

"What a fuss, maybe some people wrote it wrong, keep reading!"

After hearing this, the person reading the ticket took a deep breath and took out a piece of paper from the bucket again. He looked down at the name on it, his voice was clear and powerful.

"Uchiha Asuka, one vote."

"Shimura Danzo, one vote."

"Thousands of hands between pillars, one vote."


This time, everyone in the hall heard it clearly. They looked at Senju Hashirama's name on the blackboard and the number of votes below, and their expressions became weird.

Elder Danzo is so unpopular that some people would rather die than surrender to him.

At this time.

Danzo also figured out the joints. He glanced at the people below with a calm expression, and listened to the constant discussion in his ears, speaking in a low voice.


After saying that, he pushed away the person who was reading the ticket, went to the ticket store in person, took out a piece of paper from it, and continued to read.

Danzo was not afraid that Senju Hashirama would have more votes than him, because he was a dead man, and a dead man would not compete with him for the position of Hokage.

What makes him feel a little uncomfortable now is that these people in the village would rather choose a dead person than choose himself.

It seems that only when I become Hokage can I fully gain their approval.

at this time.

In the corner of the hall, Asuka glanced at Tsunade, who was pale and with a few drops of cold sweat on her forehead, then slowly released the hand covering her mouth and whispered.

"Tsunade-sama, be quiet!"

Hearing this, she raised her eyelids and looked at the blackboard on the high platform. After seeing that the number of votes for the grandpa above actually exceeded 300, Tsunade wanted to eat Uchiha Asuka.

This bastard vowed yesterday that he would not tell anything about the great grandfather.

Today we are going to forcibly elect Grandpa to become Hokage.

I'm really frustrated and crazy.


After watching the Senju Hashirama's votes increase, Tsunade gave the Uchiha tribe a hard look.

This number of votes is very wrong. It has already exceeded the original number of votes for the Uchiha family.

If she remembered correctly, on the day of voting for the Fourth Hokage, Uchiha Fugaku seemed to have received more than 200 votes.

But now, the great grandfather has exceeded 400.

This is definitely not a family.

Are you planning to push Grandpa to the top?

at this time.

In the northeast corner of the hall, a group of Uchiha were sitting carelessly on chairs. After they discovered that Senju Hashirama's votes were far ahead of the rest, they all turned to look at Elder Yili sitting in front, with a look of admiration on their faces.

The elder was indeed right. As the most admired person in the Uchiha family, Senju Hashirama, he had already arranged everything.

After noticing the eyes of the people around him falling on him, Elder Yili puffed out his chest, squinted his eyes and smiled mysteriously.

Although he didn't know why Senju Hashirama's votes suddenly increased so much, as long as he remained silent and smiled mysteriously when others asked him, those people would naturally figure out the drama.


Elder Yili looked up at Danzo Shimura, who looked not very good-looking. He stroked his beard with one hand and said mysteriously.

“The most unsolvable conspiracy in the world is that there is no conspiracy, it all depends on fate.

And this is Danzo’s fate.”

Hearing this, the elder sitting next to him twitched his cheek. He looked at the tribesmen around him who obviously believed this nonsense, shook his head, and murmured in his heart.

"I didn't think about it. I just didn't think about it. What is the arrangement of fate?"

After a while, Feiniao also came and sat down next to this group of tribesmen. He looked at the longing in the eyes of the tribesmen around him, and then looked at the great elder sitting beside him, wondering.

"Great Elder, what are you going to do next?"


The great elder sneered, then nuzzled at Ilinun and said in a low voice.

"This old guy said that fate has its own arrangements. He has calculated that the fate of the first generation is related to the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. Then he wrote a very simple and crude letter to the Daimyo, describing the fate of Senju Hashirama to become Hokage again. Come up."

After saying that, he saw Feiniao staring at him in confusion, and the great elder also had a mysterious smile on his face.

As Yili's companion for decades, he naturally didn't believe that old guy who talked about fate.

After so many days of thinking, he had thought of something.

for example

Let the villagers accidentally discover Senju Hashirama's traces first, and then give them some mental preparation, lest they suddenly see Hashirama's shadow and become a little unbearable for a while.

Finally, after seeing Senju Hashirama return as Hokage, the villagers should not feel any panic.

As for who will pretend to be Hashirama?

"Eli, give you a chance to pretend to be an idol"

at this time.

On the high platform.

Danzo looked at the tally of votes on the blackboard behind him, with an expression neither sad nor happy.

These days of coercion and inducement were not in vain, and all the results were reflected in the voting.

He was first, Senju Hashirama and Sarutobi Hiruzen were tied for second, far ahead of third-place Asuka by more than 500 votes.

Now, he has almost guessed who the families who threw Senju Hashirama are.

Looking at the names of Hinata Hizashi, Uchiha Fugaku and others disappearing on the blackboard, he thought that the votes of these two people before were two to three hundred, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Only when the two major families join forces can they get such a terrifying number of votes for Senju Hashirama.

"These two idiot families actually voted for a "dead man" who left me speechless."

After cursing secretly in his mind, he looked up at Sarutobi Hiruzen's vote count with a smile on his face.

Hiruzen was far behind him in votes, could he really pull this off and become Hokage again? ?

"That's really shameless."

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care about his own votes. He looked up at the name Senju Hashirama on the blackboard and was slightly startled, with a flash of memory in his eyes.

I didn't expect to see Lord Hashirama's name again in this way.

If Lord Hashirama is really alive

He looked at the number of votes behind his name, then looked at the number of votes behind Danzo's name, and shook his head slightly.

"The two of me combined may not have as much as the fourth one."

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