Konoha: Medical Ninja? One Punch Fly Six Paths Madara

Chapter 355 Destination, Zou! Akainu's Doubts

The Feiyu went out of the sea, and the coating that had been protecting the hull shattered with a 'boo' sound.

Counting the time in East Blue, after playing for more than a year, Qian Yu finally came to New World.

"Ah! Is this the air of New World, it feels different!"

Nami opened her arms, took a deep breath, and let out a hearty cry.

Although there is air in The fish men island, it still does not have the freedom above the sea, and has a little depression.

"It's no different from Paradise, it's just as calm."

Perona flew to the highest point, looked around, and suddenly exclaimed: "Qianyu, there are several warships in the distance!"

"Are you here to catch us?"

Qian Yu, who had already sensed it through Observation Haki, was not surprised, and nodded slightly: "It must be, killing the Celestial Dragons is not so easy to pass."

Senju Tobirama also talked to him about it, but he didn't expect to meet so soon.

He is in a good mood today, and he doesn't want to be disappointed by this group of people.

After making seals with both hands, they patted the deck, and Qian Yu sipped softly: "Summoning Technique!"

Waves suddenly appeared on the originally calm sea.

In the depths of the seabed, several huge figures appeared out of thin air, cruising rapidly towards the direction of the warship.

This is the super-large Sea Kings that Qian Yu collected in The fish men island in the past few days, as one of the Six Paths, the Summoning beast of the animal road.

With the presence of Shirahoshi, it is easy to gather the super-large Sea Kings that are rarely seen in normal times.

Picking out the best ones, Qian Yu signed the Summoning contract and gave Chakra the seed.

In the distance, the observers on the warship also discovered the existence of Feiyu.

Momousagi was shocked by the news and ordered several warships to advance at full speed.

It didn't take long before several warships were attacked by the Sea Kings.

If it is on land, facing the Sea Kings, Momousagi, who is a great swordsman, can easily deal with them without saying a single blow.

But here is the sea, the home of Sea Kings.

Not to mention chasing Qian Yu, it is difficult for her to even protect other ships now.

Taking advantage of the chaos inside the Marine, Nami activated the explosive acceleration device of the Feiyu, and escaped from the encirclement in a flash.

The Sea Kings who received the order also gave up the fight and sank into the deep sea.

Only Marine was left impotent and furious.

"Huh, there is no danger~ `."

Nami wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, turned to look at Qian Yu: "By the way, you haven't told me where our destination is De Reiss Rosa.

Qian Yu stroked his chin, looked at the chart he got from The fish men island, and flashed through his mind the location he had already planned.

"Not De Reiss Rosa, but it should be around there."

"It's not so much an island as it is a gigantic creature.

Nami became even more curious: "What are you talking about, you can't tell the difference between creatures and islands?"

Chiba told Zou's special features, and Nami was dumbfounded after listening.

"Are you kidding, is there such a big creature in the world?"

An elephant with the size of a large island, what kind of fairy tale is this telling?

Qian Yu shrugged: "Wouldn't you know if you went to see it?"

"By the way, what are you going to do there?"

"Nothing, just looking for a pet."

"Okay, let's go like this, Mr. Kisame will be fine, I heard that Whitebeard..."

"Don't worry, I've arranged it.

As the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard's every move will be watched by those who care.

"No problem, it's really time to develop a hobby."

So, Marine once again became the focus.

It's just that the big news made by Qian Yu covered up this wave, so it didn't seem so popular.

This time, it was clearly to save face.

When did the relationship between these two become so good?

But he always felt isolated.


A group of senior executives gathered together again, and even Akainu, who was stationed at New World before, was called back.

In the past three days of Admiral, he and Aokiji had different political opinions, and they were often at odds with each other. Kizaru existed as an amicable mud, and neither side could offend.

""||Today is a good day. "

It seems to be after returning from Sabaody.

Although there was no loss in personnel last time, Whitebeard will never swallow his anger after suffering such a big loss.

Last time it was Marine's conspiracy, and Kisame was just a pawn.

When did it start?

Listen to the words of Vice Admiral, the headquarters of Lin Faduo, who was left behind (Nuowang's).

"Well, it's really a pity." Kizaru spread his hands helplessly, very perfunctory.

"Phew... the old man doesn't have such a leisurely mood, the evil in the sea is breeding again."

Sensing Akainu's gaze, Kizaru turned to look at him with a smile.

However, when the death of the Celestial Dragons gradually faded, Qian Yu entered The fish men island and disappeared into the sea.


"Yo, Sakazuki, do you want to go fishing with us too?"

Very nutritious.

"Yeah, it's a good day."

But recently, Kizaru and Aokiji have obviously gotten closer.

I just don't know if Marine will stand up to support Kisame and fight Whitebeard directly.

"I found another good fishing place the day before yesterday, when I'm free, I'll take you to have a look.

The two, as well as Naruto, often go to the izakaya after get off work and take a dip in the hot spring from time to time, and their lives are very pleasant.

People turned their attention to the New World again, only to discover in astonishment that such a big move by the Whitebeard Pirates turned out to be to recapture The fishmen island.

After experiencing the initial shock, many people also wanted to understand.

From Akainu's stand, it's easy to hear the conversation between them.

The transfer of dozens of ships shocked the sea even more, causing countless people to panic, thinking that they were going to fight another Four Emperors regiment.

"Time is urgent, let's go directly to the topic."

At this time Akainu was frowning, looking at Kizaru and Aokiji who were biting their ears, feeling something was wrong.

The people in the conference room were pushed away, Sengoku walked in with a serious expression, and stood in front of his seat.

Akainu, who was found to be eavesdropping, did not change his face, and lightly exhaled the smoke ring.

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