Konoha Light Robbery

Chapter 89 Jiraiya VS Yukito (Please recommend)

In the forest, a figure was walking quickly. Although he was fast, his movement was very small.

After walking for about a few hundred meters, He stopped.

"This distance is about the same."

껜He confirmed that there was no one around. He slowly closed his eyes and activated the 'Kagura Heart Eye'.

Under the perception of the 'Kagura Heart Eye', 껜禾 first sensed 뀖chakra, which was the other 뀖그 of the second team.

As the sensing radius increases, 껜禾 senses the chakra in the 껚 valley.

"1, 2, 3...29...39, 40 그? The chakra induction is not strong, there are about a dozen chuunin and a few genin, how come there are ordinary 그? Are they villagers? Where are the two ninjas from Tang Ninja Village?"

껜He had some doubts in his heart, and then with the help of his powerful mental power, Chakra, he continued to expand the perception range of Kagura's Heart Eye until the entire 껚 Valley was covered.

"Huh? There are more 그 under the ground behind the 껚? 1, 2...15 그. Why haven't you found those two 그 in Yunin Village yet?"

껜禾 considered that the two ninjas from Tang Ninja Village had just set out not long ago. They might not have successfully sneaked in. They had already moved their perception range to the east, but they still didn't find them.

"If the two of them didn't escape before the battle, it means that they were within the fifty-five 그 just now, but the distance between these two groups was very close.

The chakra induction inside was normal, and there was no fighting.

Then there are only two possibilities, either they successfully sneak in and sneak into the enemy.

Or they are simply the same group as the people inside.

The overall strength of these is not strong, I can solve it myself, but considering the innocent civilians, it is better to be cautious and inform Jiraiya-sensei first. "

껜He thought for a moment and decided to use the Flying Thunder God to notify Jiraiya.

Although he became a ninja and gained consciousness, many people died at his hands, but it was all a matter of stance.

Those who killed him were hostile forces, or they were thieves, robbers, and wandering ninjas who committed all kinds of evil.

He has his own bottom line. He still can't take action against unarmed civilians without threatening them.

If you want to avoid accidentally hurting innocent people, you should discuss countermeasures with Jiraiya. After all, he is good at attacking and escaping, but not good at protecting.

Thinking of this, He threw out a kunai from his ninja bag, then dug a small hole in the ground, buried the kunai in the ground, and then activated the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Brush it.

껜He disappeared in place.


The Kingdom of Tang is located in the northeast of the Kingdom of Fire, but it does not border the Kingdom of Fire. Instead, it is separated by a strip of water and across the sea from the Kingdom of Fire.

To the north of the Kingdom of Tang is the powerful Kingdom of Thunder, to the southeast is the Kingdom of Water, and to the west is the Kingdom of Iron, a powerful samurai country second only to the five major kingdoms.

Although surrounded by powerful countries, the Kingdom of Yu still stands strong.

The reason is that the military strength of Tang Country is not strong, and its domestic Tang Ninja Village loves peace and hates war. It can be called a "Buddhist" Ninja Village.

The country of Tang is rich in natural resources, so it is naturally a big piece of fat.

It's just that Tang Zhiguo is very self-aware and tries its best to make friends with other countries.

꿯The five major powers will only think about touching the Kingdom of Yu after they decide the outcome. After all, the battle on land is not over yet. It would be meaningless to cross the sea and land in the Kingdom of Yu.

What's more, the most important resource of Yuno Country is its beautiful natural scenery, famous for its hot springs, and tourism industry. If any country attempts to occupy Yuno Country, it will inevitably attract other big countries.

If the natural resources of Tang Country are destroyed due to war, no one will benefit at all, and it will get a bad reputation among other countries, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

After all, we are still separated by the sea, and Yuno Country has a good temper and pays a lot of money. Ninja Village is indifferent to the world and has no ambition to make progress. It is better to let it develop its economy and allow other countries to earn Yuno Country's money.

In contrast, those countries that directly bordered the big countries, even if their strength was far superior to the country of Tang, could not get better in the previous ninja world wars, and they were still reduced to battlefields and ravaged by the flames of war.

Now that the war is basically over, there is still a fire country between the country of 꺱, the country of wind and the country of soup. The country of water, Kirigakure, has always been "isolated" and has almost no interaction with the outside world except for war.

At this stage, the Kingdom of Tang only needs to please the Kingdom of Fire in the southwest and the Kingdom of Thunder in the north.

Originally, the big winner in the First Ninja World War was Konoha, and it was best to form an alliance with the Country of Fire. However, due to the Nine-Tails Rebellion in Konoha, the village's strength was greatly damaged.

Under this situation, the strength of Yunyin Village, which defeated the Kingdom of Thunder, cannot be underestimated.

The Kingdom of Tang must carefully consider forming an alliance there.

After all, even if the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder form an alliance, there must be a priority. Whoever gives more money and who gives less will also have to pay attention to it.

At this time, in Tang Country, on the northeastern coast.

In the past, the seaside was calm and calm, but today there were shocking sounds, explosions from time to time, and huge waves on the sea surface.

Two figures were vaguely visible fighting on the sea.




The two fighting against each other are tall and medium-sized men. He has a resolute face. He is wearing a forehead protector with the word "oil" written on it. There are red oil paint marks under his eyes. He has long white hair that reaches his waist. Wearing a red coat and wooden clogs, it was Master Jiraiya of 껜禾놅.

Fighting with Jiraiya 놅The other 그 was wrapped all over, and through the chakra wrapped around the body, it could be seen that inside was a slender, fair-skinned, blonde beauty with a ponytail, it was Kumogakure 놅two tails 그 The pillar force is made of wood 그.

"Fire rat jade!"

Yuki's red lips opened slightly, and a rat-shaped flame was fired from his mouth, and the flame shot towards Jiraiya.

Just as Jiraiya dodged, the flames instantly dispersed into a large number of blue flame-seeking bullets and attacked Jiraiya.

"It's endless." Jiraiya's face turned cold, and then he quickly formed seals with his hands, "Fire Release: Great Flame Bullet!"

He trained chakra into oil, and when he filled his mouth with oil and spit it out, he used fire ninjutsu to burn it. A huge fireball flew towards Yuki and engulfed all the blue flames that had just been dispersed.

Yuki's face changed slightly, and when she and Jiraiya were shaking, she could feel that Jiraiya was at ease.

‘꺘bearance’ is indeed worthy of its reputation.

Thinking of this, Yumu increased the chakra output, and a tail made of blue cat demon pattern chakra appeared behind her buttocks.

Seeing Yuki 그 entering the one-tailed state, Jiraiya's expression changed slightly, making it difficult for him to control his strength.

The battle between Konoha and Kumogakure is about to break out. If the second-tailed 놅그chuuriki is killed, it will be an international dispute, and Kumogakure will definitely use this to start a war.

Jiraiya could feel that Yuki 그 seemed to have some kind of purpose, just to hold him back.

"Rat Tail Ball Dama!"

Ten strands of high-concentration compressed chakra are emitted from the wood. The direction of the chakra is controlled by controlling the chakra lines with her ten fingers.




As soon as the strands of chakra touched the water, they exploded and the flames immediately spread out.


Just as the battle between the two was in full swing, He suddenly appeared next to Jiraiya.

Jiraiya and Yuki were both startled by the sudden appearance of 놅껜禹.

As soon as 껜He appeared, he saw 놅Yuki그 in 누One-Tail state, and she was controlling 놅궝 chakra balls flying towards him from all directions.


Faced with the sudden attack, 껜He instantly spit out fragrance.

He instantly sensed the position of his kunai and returned to the starting point.

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