Konoha Light Robbery

Chapter 162 Butterfly Effect, Sudden Attack! (5K, please subscribe!) (1/2)

Konoha 52, January 20th.

More than 20 years have passed since Konoha and Kumogakure fought in the Land of Fields.

That battle shocked the ninja world.

Even the Tsuchikage Ohnoki of Iwagakure personally took action and fought with the two Jinchūriki of Kumogakure at the border of the Frost Country.

On the other hand, after Konoha's 'ally' Sand Village received the news of Konoha's victory on the front line, they really led hundreds of ninjas to the border for a change of guard, and even sent someone to notify Konoha to avoid 'misunderstandings'.

When the envoys of the Kumogakure envoys learned that the 1,000-strong army led by the Fourth Raikage was defeated by two Konoha men, they were shocked on the spot and left Konoha in a hurry without even saying a harsh word.

After that battle, Kumogakure seemed to have stopped fighting and was not prepared to fight Konoha to the death.

The Daimyo of the Land of Lightning sent envoys to the Land of Fire to ask for accountability, but the Land of Fire took a tough attitude and only admitted that it was a misunderstanding.

After all, they won the battle, and it was a great victory that could be recorded in history, so their attitude naturally could not be weak.

However, the matter of the double alliance was temporarily shelved.

And Jiraiya, one of the two protagonists of this battle, is still recovering from his injuries in Myoboku Mountain.

For Jiraiya, who has learned the Sage Mode, his physique has been enhanced by the Sage Chakra.

And Myoboku Mountain is naturally full of energy, which is conducive to his recovery from injuries for someone like him who has entered the Sage State.

But even so, Jiraiya has been recuperating for more than 20 years and is still lazy every day. It is conceivable that his injuries are far more serious than he said.

However, from this point, it can be seen that the injuries of the Fourth Raikage are probably not going to get better.

As for Qianhe, after using the light BUFF, he was unable to move because the BUFF was removed in advance.

Fortunately, he used the second day of [Redemption] to cool down, which allowed his body to recover and escape the torture of sequelae.

However, Qianhe felt weak all over in the next week, as if his kidneys were overdrawn and not replenished. He was not motivated to do anything and entered the sage mode.

Of course, the news that he was seriously injured and dying was naturally false.

And this news was released by Qianhe on his own initiative.

For his behavior, the first generation Hokage and Jiraiya both praised him, thinking that he was not arrogant or impatient after becoming famous, and knew how to keep a low profile.

As for the large reward for Tsunade, it started with Danzo.

Danzo used the failure of the alliance between the two countries and the war as an excuse to force the first generation Hokage to abdicate.

The first Hokage seemed to have anticipated this and announced on the spot that he would give up his position to Jiraiya. However, given Jiraiya's personality, he would naturally refuse.

What neither the first Hokage nor Danzo expected was that Jiraiya nominated Tsunade as the candidate for the fifth generation.

The other two advisors, Koharu Utatane and En Mitomon, both agreed.

Danzo opposed this proposal on the grounds that Tsunade was not in the village and her whereabouts were uncertain.

However, the first Hokage was unwilling to let Danzo succeed him even if he abdicated, so he insisted that Tsunade succeed him, and he would act as Hokage until Tsunade returned.

Although Danzo still opposed it, the second Hokage took Chiho to meet the Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

The Daimyo met the two of them separately.

The Daimyo also highly praised Chiho's idea of ​​hiding his shortcomings.

Moreover, he gave Qianhe the title of "the first young man of the Fire Country" under Qianhe's confused expression, and rewarded Qianhe with 10 million taels.

He even proposed to marry his young daughter to Qianhe when she was younger, which frightened Qianhe so much that her face turned pale on the spot.

With the appearance of the Fire Country Daimyo, his wife must be very beautiful to bring up the appearance of his daughter.

However, he considered the Daimyo's face and did not directly refuse, but was vague, saying that he would wait until he grew up because he was too young.

The next generation Hokage was also covering for Qianhe, which made the Daimyo temporarily give up.

The Daimyo also praised the proposal of the next generation Hokage and let him continue to serve as the acting Hokage.

At the same time, he offered a reward of 100 million taels to find Tsunade on the grounds of treating Qianhe, so that she could come back to succeed the position of the fifth generation Hokage.

Although it was a reward, the task was actually given to the Konoha ninja.

However, the real reward for the mission is 10 million taels, and the remaining 90 million taels are given to Tsunade.

The daimyo knows Tsunade's character very well. In recent years, in addition to Jiraiya, the daimyo has also helped Tsunade to pay off a lot of gambling debts in private.

After all, Tsunade is the nominal princess of the Land of Fire, and the title of Tsunade Princess is not obtained for nothing.

It is too embarrassing for a princess of the largest country in the ninja world to be chased by a group of people for debts.

The daimyo praised Tsunade for succeeding the fifth generation and wanted her to be cautious and stop gambling.

No matter how rich the Land of Fire is, it can't stop Tsunade from doing charity activities all over the world.

There are many creditors who come to the Land of Fire to collect debts when they can't find Tsunade.

Although most people don't even have the qualifications to see the daimyo, some creditors are really powerful and can't be fooled.

After meeting the daimyo, the daimyo took Qianhe back to the village.

After returning to the village, Kitahara Chiho was no longer in Team 7 of the Konoha elite ninja Kawashima Kaede.

Since then, although he still appeared in front of everyone and lived the same life as usual, he no longer "did not do missions".

Because after Chiho returned to the village, he was transferred to the Anbu directly under the previous Hokage.

Chiho was not wrong about this.

After all, it was announced that he was seriously injured and died. Even if he survived, he obviously would not be able to be a ninja anymore, and he still had to perform the full set of acting.

Now the only people who really know about his situation are Itachio, Danzo and other high-level and ANBU teammates, and others who are close to Qianhe.

After all, no matter how bad things get between Daidai and Danzo, considering their friendship is so good that they can wear a pair of trousers, how could Danzo not know the truth.

In addition, there are also many "root" members who are loyal to Danzo among the ANBU members.

Since entering the Anbu, Danzo has not once hinted or explicitly stated that Qianhe has entered the "root" part.

But now he is no longer what he used to be, and he no longer needs to act based on people's faces.

After experiencing the attack by Kumogakure's envoy, Qianhe had become distant from the Hokage. Strictly speaking, he was no longer a member of the Hokage lineage.

And Dai obviously also knew that his ambiguous attitude made Qianhe break away from him, but now Qianhe is no longer someone he can deal with with force.

Let Qianhe enter the Anbu to find a chance to appease him.

Although Qianhe today is not from the generation lineage, he is still from the Hokage lineage.

It's just that he is a direct descendant of the next Hokage.

After all, whether it is Jiraiya or Tsunade who succeeds as the fifth generation, based on the relationship between Jiraiya and Tsunade, Qianhe is their hardcore direct descendant.

As for why the generation and senior leaders tolerate this situation, in addition to the unstoppable strength of Qianhe and Jiraiya, it also has to do with the current attitude of the Xiang clan.

Originally, the Xiang clan, the most powerful family in Konoha, was respected in the village, but their attitude after the attack by the Kumogakure mission made the Xiang clan feel cold.

Qianhe and Jiraiya's masters and disciples who repelled Kumogakure's army rescued Xiang 꿂, the leader of the Xiang clan's branch family, and Xiang Caiyin, the granddaughter of the clan elder.

꿂The Xiang Branch family's favorable impression of Qian He doubled for a while, and the lineage of the clan to which the great elder belonged made no secret of its attitude toward Qian He.

And the most important thing is that 꿂Xiang 꿂’s twin brother, 꿂Xiang 꿂’s clan leader, and leader of another branch of the clan, 꿂Xiang 꿂, directly gave the master a personal name when Qian He and Jiraiya returned. The two disciples gave a big salute to express their gratitude to Xiang Chai for saving his life.

Because 꿂Xiang 꿂's touching affection for his younger brother also moved the elder, he suddenly took this incident as an opportunity to greatly ease the relationship between the 꿂Xiang clan and the clan, and the branch family's view of the clan was also greatly changed.

Nowadays, the attitude of the Xiang clan is very clear, almost openly supporting Jiraiya and Qianhe.

Even though the generation that had allowed 꿂 to "change its alignment" towards the clan regretted it, there was nothing they could do about it.

After all, the Xiang clan is still the direction of Konoha, but they are no longer his die-hard supporters.

Treating the Xiang clan is completely different from treating the Uchiha clan.

Konoha can be without Uchiha, but once there is no direction, if there is another war in the future, generations can imagine what the result will be.


March 10, noon.

Since he had no mission, he left home early with the fragrance.

Qian He was wearing the same white suit as usual, except that the Budu sword he used to carry was placed behind his back, and instead was stored in a storage scroll.

He is now light and flexible... Injured patients always look frail and helpless.

"Ahem..." Qianhe had developed a habit of being in front of outsiders. Even though he had just gone out and there was only fragrance around, he still coughed twice habitually.

Because he has been teammates with Moonlight Gale for more than a year, Qian He now has some experience in pretending to have kidney deficiency.

"Brother Qianhe, there is no one here now." Xiang Liao complained angrily.

"Do you know how professional and dedicated he is?" Qianhe glared at Xiang Lian, "How dare you complain like this? Itachi passed the chuunin exam but he treated us to high-end seafood dishes! If I had known better, I wouldn't have taken you with me. !”

Hearing this, Xiang Ling knew that Qian He was joking, but she was still scared. She looked pitifully at Qian He with tears in her eyes and said, "That's wrong, I won't dare to do it again!"

"Hey! Okay, okay! Why don't you learn something from 놖? Why are you always blindly learning from Caiyin? Have you learned Caiyin's appetite?" Seeing this, Qianhe waved his hands repeatedly, shook his head and sighed. Helpless look.

However, Xiang Ling refused: "Who said that 놖 didn't learn from you? You are the one who learns the most. Just watch."

As soon as Xiang Ling finished speaking, she turned sideways and turned her side face towards Qian He. Then she lowered her head slightly, the corners of her mouth slowly turned up, her cheeks slowly puffed up, revealing a strange expression that was half-smiling but not smiling.

Then, she said something that made Qian He almost vomit blood: "놖Think of happy things! Hehe, do you think you can learn it well?"


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Qian He directly extended his palm to respond.

"Ah, it hurts! How can I be so strong? I'm not professional at all."

Looking at the tearful Xiang Phosphorus, Qian He knew that she was pretending because she didn't use any strength.

"Let's go quickly." After saying that, Qianhe did not argue with her, but chose to avoid the fight.

Qian He didn't tell her the truth at first. She thought Qian He was going to die, and she was so frightened that she cried.

Then he went on a hunger strike and said that he wanted to accompany Qianhe.

There was no other way. After making an agreement with her for three chapters, Qianhe told her the truth.

Xiang Ling didn't believe it at first, thinking Qianhe was bluffing her, so Qianhe asked her to sit on her back on the spot, and then did 200 push-ups, 200 squats and planks.

Only then did Xiang Luan believe 깊놛, and then he cried and laughed, and ate 깊three 꺶 bowls of Ilaku Ramen with tears in his eyes.

In fact, it doesn't matter even if Xiang Phosphorus really doesn't mean to spill the beans about this kind of thing.

Sometimes the truth is the most confusing.

Qianhe also knows why the Fire Country was named before, and he was named ‘the number one young generation of the Fire Country’.

Ever since this name spread, there has been an endless stream of challengers coming from all over the ninja world.

Some of them want to meet Qianhe, the 8-year-old number one ninja, and some want to take advantage of Qianhe's serious injury to challenge him and become famous in one fell swoop.

However, without exception, these challengers were all blocked from the gates of Konoha.

The gatekeeper ninja could excuse the challenge twice by saying that Qian He was busy and had no time.

But ten times or dozens of times, the news was naturally spread through deliberate spreading that Qianhe had lost his ability to fight due to excessive injuries.

Many challengers even directly claimed that 놛 defeated 깊 Qianhe and inherited 깊's title as 'the number one young generation of the Fire Country'.

Then the name changed hands several times, and in the end it had nothing to do with Qianhe Ben.

And Qian Heben was also happy like this.


Qian He brought Xiang Phosphorus to a high-end seafood restaurant.

To be honest, 놛 actually prefers to eat at places like Ilaku and BBQ Q. 놛 actually doesn’t particularly like seafood.

Of course, if you have a treat, let’s talk about it separately.

It is said that Itachi originally just wanted to invite friends to have a normal dinner.

But because Quan won the second prize in a joint lottery in the shopping street - a 20% discount coupon for a high-end seafood restaurant, finally at Quan's suggestion, Itachi decided to come here to treat guests to dinner.

When he entered the private room, Qianhe discovered that 놛 and 香霆놆 were the last two to arrive.

Ayane, Sasuke, Ming그, Izumi, and Itachi are all here.

"Qianhe is so slow, I'm starving to death!"

Seeing Qian He arriving, Cai Yin, who was sitting upright and looking like a lady, said coquettishly, and then naturally pulled Qian He to sit on the cushion next to her.

Xianglan, on the other hand, sat helplessly with Sasuke and Naru.

"Huh? Didn't you order food first?" Qian He said with a smile.

Itachi nodded: "I'll order it again when you are together."

As soon as Itachi finished speaking, Quan went to find the waiter.

Soon we finished ordering our meals.

"Would you like any drinks?" Since Qianhe's age was obvious to the naked eye, the waiter did not ask them if they wanted to drink.

"I want juice!"

"I want a soda!"

"께What kind of soda does the child drink?! Give me some milk!"

The proposals of Sasuke and Xiang Liansan were ruthlessly rejected by Qianhe.

After Qianhe ordered juice for himself and Caiyin, he ordered three cups of hot milk for the top three graders.

Itachi and Izumi drank a glass of soda, and jealous Sasuke's eyes shone.

Among them, Ming 그 is the most obedient. He obediently accepted the milk ordered by Qianhe and drank two cups of it. Sasuke was not to be outdone, just like Ming 그.

This feeling of gathering friends for dinner together in their free time really makes Qianhe feel comfortable.

After finishing the meal, the group was about to leave, but Sasuke and Naru walked out of the private room first, and looked swaying when they stood up.

They almost fell down when they were going out. It was so frightened that Itachi and Izumi rushed up to hold them up one by one.

"Can you two get drunk even if you drink milk?" Xiang Ling on the side looked at the two of them with disdain, but 놆 drank a glass more milk than her, and he couldn't even walk steadily.

Looking at Sasuke and Ming 그 who were swaying and about to fall down at any moment, Qianhe, who was sitting on the cushion and about to get up, had a smile on his face.

Suddenly, I thought of something, glanced at Caiyin, shook my head, sighed, and muttered to myself with some disappointment: "I also want to get drunk..."

"Huh? Qianhe, what did you just say? Don't you drink milk often?" Caiyin showed a cute expression and looked at Qianhe with confusion.

"Cough cough cough...it's nothing. I've been a little weak recently and need to take some supplements." Qian He immediately pretended to be suffering from kidney deficiency, changed the subject, and picked up the half cup of juice left to drink.

Caiyin said angrily: "Hmph, don't I know if you are empty or not? There are no outsiders here, so why are you pretending?"

"Cough cough cough cough..." This time Qian He didn't pretend to cough, but was choked.

"Look at you, I'm choking on this." Caiyin looked at Qianhe who was coughing violently, and hurriedly stroked Da's back to help him breathe.

After waiting for his breath to calm down, Qian He quickly waved his hand, "Okay, okay, let's go first."

With that said, Qian He stood up and walked out of the private room, followed closely by Ayin.

When the two came to the front desk, Itachi and Izumi were supporting Sasuke and Naru as they leaned against the counter. Itachi took out his wallet and was about to pay, while Izumi was looking for 20% off coupons.

At this time, a beautiful woman in her early twenties wearing a red yukata came over.

When she saw Qianhe at the counter, her eyes suddenly lit up. Under the stunned and surprised eyes of the crowd, she rushed over and held Qianhe in her broad mind.

Facing this sudden flesh bomb impact, Qianhe seemed to have no reaction.

She only felt that her eyes suddenly went black and she had difficulty breathing, and she was hugged in her arms.

"What are you doing to Qianhe?!" Caiyin was the first to react, her face full of anger.

The woman seemed to react and let go of Chiho: "Are you the hero Kitahara Chiho who saved Konoha?

I heard my brother mention you. If he didn't, he wouldn't be able to come back!

What a lovely brother.

I'm Nanako, the owner of this restaurant. Are you here for dinner?"

"Ahem... We've already eaten." Chiho cleared her throat and swallowed her saliva.

"That's a pity. I wanted to accompany you in person. But today's consumption is my treat, so you don't have to pay." Nanako smiled.

"How can I do that?" Qianhe smiled and continued, "My friend is treating today, maybe next time!"

Nanako was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect Qianhe to answer like this, and then smiled and said, "Okay, please let me know in advance next time, and I will definitely welcome you!"

"Definitely! Definitely!" Qianhe nodded.

After Quan and Itachi paid the money, Ayane quickly took Qianhe away.

However, before leaving, Ayane didn't defend herself and Nanako kissed Qianhe on the forehead.

In fact, Qianhe didn't think about the next time, after all, it was inevitable that she would take action.

As for being so popular, it was just a by-product.


Because of the butterfly effect brought about by Qianhe, Itachi, who was supposed to pass the Chunin Exam next year, took part in the Chunin Exam a whole year in advance under the special training of the family.

And Itachi was the only candidate who took the Chunin Exam alone and passed it with the first place.

For a while, Uchiha Itachi's name also resounded throughout the Land of Fire.

At the age of only 9, he passed the Chunin Exam alone and won the first place.

Just when the people of the Land of Fire regretted the fall of Chiho, the bright meteor, and the enemy country was celebrating, Uchiha Itachi, the rising star, was rising.

All countries couldn't help but feel tingling at the endless stream of geniuses in Konoha.

First, there was the 'Copy Ninja Kakashi' who was famous in the ninja world, then the 'Instant Body Shisui' made a name for himself, and then the 'Aurora Sword Master' Kitahara Chiho shocked the world.

Now there is another Uchiha Itachi, and in a few years, there will be another person comparable to Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Shisui.

As for being on par with Qianhe, everyone just thinks about it, that is a legend.



ps: Meat bomb impact, sweeping the couch to welcome [funny]

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