Konoha Light Robbery

Chapter 158 Those who retreat live! Those who advance die! Sweep the enemy! (5K, please subscribe!)







The three-color aurora flashed away, followed by a series of screams as it approached.

Qian He entered directly from the front of Yunyin's army, and a second later, he appeared at the rear of the army.

At this time, a two-meter-wide gap appeared at the center of the army.

On both sides of the gap were Kumogakure ninjas who fell to the ground with blood gushing out.

Facing the dazzling three-color aurora, the Kumogakure ninjas didn't have time to respond.

With one blow, hundreds of people were seriously injured by Qian He!

Originally, these people were secretly mocking whether there was no one left in Konoha, but they actually sent two people to guard the gate.

Moreover, the powerful Jiraiya is gone, leaving a little brat here who doesn't even have full hair.

It was only Qianhe's move that made the Kumogakure ninjas regain their contempt.

Everyone looked at Qian He as if they were seeing a monster.

Qian He waved his arms and flicked his fist blades to both sides, causing blood drops on his sides to scatter.


He rubbed the fist blades against his chest. When the sharp blades crossed, sparks flew and made a harsh sound.

Then, the chakra under his feet instantly burst out and he rushed toward the crowd.

The speed just now was indeed astonishing. No matter how many times he used it, Qianhe himself was shocked.

But it's still a bit heavy on chakra consumption and physical burden.

Of course, in immortal mode, this consumption is not considered very large.

But Qian He prefers hand-to-hand combat, and a single use does not consume much. If he uses it continuously against three thousand people, it still won't work.

Qian He was like a wolf among sheep, frantically harvesting the lives of the surrounding Kumogakure ninjas.

Since he has no teammates and is surrounded by enemies on all sides, he can attack indiscriminately.


Qian He raised his left arm, and the arm blade of the arm guard instantly bounced, blocking the long knife slashes of the two ninjas on the left.

Then he pushed the two people away with a burst of arms, and waved the fist blade of his right arm, using the fist blade instead of the Du sword to use the vacuum sword, and hundreds of wind blades were fired from the fist blade.


Along with the sound of sharp blades cutting the air, more than thirty ninjas in front were instantly killed by Qian He.

Facing Qian He who was reaping life like a god of death, Yunyin around him seemed to be scared and all retreated.

"꺱Dun·Earthquake Core!"

At this time, Qian He suddenly felt a turbulence on the ground, and the ground with a radius of tens of meters centered on him suddenly rose rapidly.

"Attack him quickly!"

Boo hoo hoo hoo~

껗Thousands of kunai shot towards Qianhe.

"Thunder Release: Thunder Ball Scattering Flowers!"

껗Hundreds of fist-sized lightning spheres flew towards Qianhe following Kunai.

Then there are all kinds of thunder escape ninjutsu!

"Thunder Escape·Thunder Fang"

The silver-white electric arc resembles a giant python.

"Thunder Escape: Raging Thunder Tiger!"

The Thunder Chakra on the ground formed a huge blue tiger, surrounded by thunder and lightning. The thunder and lightning tiger suddenly jumped up, and the sound of crackling thunder and lightning could be heard.

for a while,

At this time, Qianhe jumped into the sky since he was a child, and his Sharingan quickly looked around.

Facing the kunai that blocked the sky and the sun, Qianhe looked calm and stretched out his arms.


Wind and light attribute chakra was injected into the fist blade, and the fist blade suddenly trembled.

His body spun rapidly in the air, and dense golden light blades followed.

"Aurora Blade!"

Compared with when Qianhe first developed this ninjutsu, this time he added light attribute chakra, and the golden light blade became thinner and thinner.

Ding ding ding ding!

All the surrounding kunai were bounced by the golden light blade and flew back downwards.

At the same time, the golden blade of light continued unabated, following the kunai towards the Kumogakure ninja army below, and came first, twice as fast as the kunai.



As he rotated faster in the air, fine golden light blades continued to fire from the fist blade, and all the thunder escape ninjutsu of the Kumogakure ninja was broken by him.

The wind attribute originally restrained the thunder attribute, and with the blessing of the light attribute, the surrounding thunder and lightning were shattered like paper by Qianhe's golden light blade.

Just like chopping melons and vegetables, the area within a hundred meters with Xiao Qianhe as the center was cleared without a single ninja standing.



"Ah! My legs!"


Dozens of Kumogakure ninjas died under the golden light blade! 껗Hundreds of people were seriously injured and fell to the ground.


At this time, Qianhe slowly fell from the sky, his footsteps lightly touched the top of the 꺱껚, and he looked indifferently at the Kumogakure ninjas around him:

"Retreat! Or die!"


As soon as Qian He finished speaking, two Yunyin ninjas wrapped in arcs suddenly appeared behind him. At some point, they came to Qian He's side.

Facing the long knife coming from behind, Qian He seemed to have eyes on his back.

He first raised his right hand and swung the sword-wielding ninja on the right away.

Then his head tilted to the right, and the thunder chakra wrapped in the long knife that struck from the left was only ten centimeters away from his neck.

Qianhe retracted the fist blades and arm blades of both arms, reached behind him with his left hand, and grabbed the wrist of the attacker. At the same time, he used his right leg as an axis to turn his body and swing the man's body in a circle in the air. , and hit the person from before.

When the two were about to collide in the air, they actually regained control of their bodies. Then the ninja behind him leaned back in the air and kicked his feet in the direction. The Kumogakure ninja in front of him stepped on his feet and flew towards Qianhe again. He was wrapped in the lightning chakra, and the chakra burst out from then on, like an arrow from a string.

The ninja who assisted was accelerated by the effect and fell downwards. Seeing this, Qianhe flashed and suddenly disappeared.

The ninja wrapped in the lightning chakra was stunned by Qianhe's sudden disappearance. Suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he saw Qianhe behind him.

In order to prevent being paralyzed by the lightning chakra, Qianhe also wrapped his hands in lightning chakra, and then he put his palms on the back of the Kumogakure ninja.


The two disappeared at the same time.


"Ah! How could this happen?"

"What happened?"

When Qianhe appeared again, he moved the man to the bottom of the falling Kumogakure ninja. Both of them were shocked and held long swords, piercing each other.


Using Flying Thunder God again to return to the world, Qianhe held four special kunai in each hand.

Swish, swish, swish!

Under Qianhe's control, eight kunai instantly shot in eight directions.

At the same time, he quickly formed seals with both hands: "Shuriken·Shadow Clone Technique!"

Thousands of kunai covered the sky and covered the entire Kumogakure army below.

Swish, swish, swish!

"Hurry, Kumogakure ninja!"

The Kumogakure troops responded quickly under the command of more than a hundred ninjas.

Various defensive ninjutsu were used in turn, and then weapons were used to block Qianhe's shuriken.

Qianhe naturally didn't think that this trick could deal with many people.

He just fought back and forth, and although he dealt with two or three hundred people, there were still nine-tenths of the Cloud Hidden Army on the scene, so these people were nothing.

Moreover, he had just avoided several waves of ninjas in the front. With the powerful perception of the Sage Mode, Qianhe could easily sense the approximate strength of these people's chakra.

In order to avoid being trapped by the siege of the one or two hundred ninjas, he rushed into the crowd first, and the fact proved that the effect was immediate.

Because there were too many people, it was better to use large-scale ninjutsu to deal with him, but Qianhe let go.

"I still like to use a knife." Looking at the turbulent crowd below, Qianhe did not use the fist blade and arm blade, but drew the budu sword behind him.

After his body became bigger, the Budō Sword, which was originally a long sword, now felt just right to use. He did not feel that his body had changed and his swordsmanship was not smooth at all, but on the contrary.

When everyone was about to continue attacking Qianhe, he suddenly disappeared on the mountain.






Almost at the same time, several ninjas screamed.

At this time, the Kumogakure army took Qianhe as the center, and a large no-man's land appeared directly because of the corpses all over the ground.

"Flying Thunder God Slash Super Energy Light Escape, Wind Escape Two Consecutive Slashes... Forget it, it's too long!"

When Qianhe stopped, he hadn't finished reading the name of this move.

This move is much faster than pure light escape, and with the bonus of Sage Mode, Qianhe's last transfer did not stop, which is truly worthy of the word "Aurora".

Finally, with the second Sharingan in his left eye and the third Sharingan in his right eye, the speed and reaction are superimposed.

Qianhe felt that even if Minato Namikaze was resurrected, as long as he used the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, he could not compete with himself in the attainments of Flying Thunder God Technique.

"The rear troops retreat! The front troops attack Hulu Valley! Jonin follow me!"

After a brief panic, the Cloud Ninjas once again restored order under the command of the leader.

On the battlefield, anything is possible, although they never dreamed that an army of more than 3,000 people would be blocked by a child.

Since Qianhe was in the middle of the Kumogakure ninja army, the area behind him was ‘empty’.

In this narrow terrain, although there were three or four thousand people in the Kumogakure ninja army, there were only about six people surrounding Qianhe, and most of the remaining people were still crowded at the outermost edge and could not use large-scale attack ninjutsu.

Under the order of the leader, several senior ninjas led three or four people to rush towards Hulu Valley.

In their opinion, as long as they conquered Hulu Valley, they would be halfway there. As for this difficult kid, no matter how strong he was, so many people could drag him to death. No matter how powerful he was, he was just one person. Could he have unlimited chakra at such a young age?

Moreover, too many people crowded together would not be conducive to fighting. They should first break through Hulu Valley, and then deal with Qianhe.

It must be said that their approach was very clever, but Qianhe must be able to give them a breakthrough, otherwise the people behind them could not hold on.

Although there were still his six Light Robbery clones guarding behind him, and they could sneak attack at critical moments, it was still safe. Qianhe was helpless and prepared to use his big move.

"It seems that I'm going to kill people! It just so happens that there is a lot of senjutsu chakra left, so use one or two range ninjutsu to clear the field." Qianhe's red eyes flashed coldly when the light robbery transformed.

He had used up most of his senjutsu chakra, but it was not a big deal for him to lose the sage mode, anyway, he still had the Sharingan to help him observe.

But without the perception and all-round enhancement of the Sage Mode, there is no such feeling of close combat.

"I will use Redemption after I finish using the Sage Mode."

Since he has not yet reached the level of refining senjutsu chakra while fighting, the chakra restored by [Redemption] is only ordinary chakra. If he uses it now, it can only restore senjutsu chakra, and it will also disrupt the proportion and cause problems.

Thinking of this, Qianhe bit his finger and quickly formed seals with both hands: "Summoning Technique!"


A huge smoke rose, and a red toad the size of a mountain appeared in the narrow passage. Its body was so big that it almost filled both sides of the narrow passage.

Qianhe summoned Gamabunta. The reason for summoning it was because Qianhe had experience with it. In addition, Gamabunta had a deeper attainment in ninjutsu than Gamahiro and Gamaken, and could cooperate in the use of combined ninjutsu.

Obviously, Gamabunta was prepared for this battle in advance, and he didn't curse as usual when he was summoned.

Qianhe also ordered immediately: "Boss, jump up! Jump higher!"

"Hmph! Just what I want! This passage is narrow and tight, it's so uncomfortable!" Gamabunta supported himself on all fours and jumped up suddenly, his huge body flying directly into the air.


As it jumped, its body rubbed against the stone walls on both sides, and the rocks rolled down, directly injuring more than a dozen Kumogakure ninjas.

At this time, Qianhe, who was standing on top of Gamabunta and walking with him, shouted:

"Boss, adjust your position and spray all your oil towards the place where the enemies are most concentrated! Cooperate with me to use the Fire Escape Immortal Technique!"

"Hmm? Are you going to use that trick, kid? I'm not as good as my dad and mom, and the Immortal Technique Chakra in my body is far better than them." Gamabunta was stunned when he heard this.

Qianhe immediately responded: "It's okay, boss, as long as the range is enough! The power is second!"

"Okay, kid, it's that direction, you get ready!"

Gamabunta immediately turned in the air and looked towards the exit of the narrow passage, and at the same time, his cheeks bulged suddenly.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Qianhe's movements were also slow, and he quickly split a shadow clone.

Then, Gamabunta spurted all the oil in one breath, and Qianhe followed up with a fire ninjutsu filled with senjutsu chakra.

At the same time, the shadow clone also spurted out the wind ninjutsu chakra amplified by senjutsu!


The toad oil poured down like a torrential rain, and the fire ninjutsu instantly ignited the toad oil, and then the wind ninjutsu blew, spreading the high-temperature hot oil.





Gamabunta fell from the air to the back of a distant mountain wall.

After this move was used, the orange-yellow senjutsu eye shadow at the corner of Qianhe's eyes slowly faded, and his senjutsu chakra was used up.

"Use redemption!" Qianhe muttered silently.

[Redemption release countdown 4, 3, 2, 1]

As the system sounded, Qianhe felt that infinite energy suddenly emerged from all parts of his body.

The fatigue caused by the release of the Sage Mode disappeared instantly, and the chakra in his body was directly filled, and he returned to his peak state again.

The only difference from before was that the Sage Mode was gone.

As for the remaining summoning scroll, Qianhe was not ready to use it for the time being. In the current situation, he could keep it for the time being to prevent any unexpected situation.

Standing on the head of Gamabunta, Qianhe looked down, his eyes were a little cruel.

He was soft-hearted towards the enemy, but the power of this move was too amazing, and it looked even more cruel!

If he had a choice, he didn't want to do this.

Although he also wanted to be a good person, he had no choice, and for Konoha, he was now a 'good person'.

The boiling oil directly burned the stone walls on both sides of the lower side red, and the stone walls sizzled. Even stones were like this, let alone people.

Under this move, half of the Kumogakure ninjas on both sides of the narrow passage were directly washed away by the hot oil.

If the oil at this temperature touches anything, it will probably cook on the spot.

The entire Kumogakure army was split in two from the front.

Qianhe's eyelids jumped when he saw it. This move probably killed nearly a thousand people.

As the hot oil rolled, the ninjas at the back quickly retreated.

The Kumogakure ninjas who were still in the narrow passage used several waves of ninjutsu·ninjutsu flow wall in succession to barely block the attack of the hot oil.

At this time, they had no way to retreat.

Compared with the combined ninjutsu fire escape·toad oil fire bomb used with Gamabunta before, this move is stronger, with a larger range! And it lasts longer!

The move of "Senjutsu·Kuemon" uses boiling oil to attack. The principle of this move is exactly the opposite of the toad oil fire bomb.

The Toad Oil Flame Bomb uses Toad Oil to increase the power of Fire Style, and the ultimate means of attack is fire. Gamabunta uses Fire Style to boil Toad Oil, and the ultimate means of attack is oil.

The attack range of hot oil will continue to expand, and everything it touches will be reduced to ashes.

The surface of hot oil is blazing flames, and the inner layer is a high temperature that cannot be blocked by human power.

In terms of power, no fire style ninjutsu can match it in terms of range.

And Qianhe used the complete Immortal Technique·Gamabunta!

His current attainments in Fire Style are still a long way behind himself, and Gamabunta is also a little behind the two great immortals.

The same Immortal Technique Chakra is used to refine Toad Oil, but Gamabunta is simply not comparable to the Immortal Technique level of the two great immortals.

The higher the concentration of senjutsu chakra, the higher the concentration of toad oil, the longer the burning time and the higher the temperature.

This is what Sennin Fukasaku mentioned when he taught Qianhe senjutsu.

This is also why Qianhe strongly asked Sennin Fukasaku and Sennin Shima to follow Jiraiya to deal with the four Raikages.

Because they are three to one over there, but it is one to one, so that Jiraiya can win.

"Toad Boss, the people behind you are left to you. If you are blocked, go back first, don't force it."

"Okay, I know, leave it to me. The oil just now consumed a lot of my chakra, and I can only help you delay for a few minutes."

Looking at the toad oil that was burning and spreading, Qianhe jumped off Gamabunta.

Gamabunta went to the right, and Qianhe ran to the side.

I saw the Kumogakure ninja hiding behind the stone wall attacking his six light robbery clones, and people on both sides were approaching the mouth of Hulu Valley at a rapid speed.

Seeing this, Qianhe immediately used the Flying Thunder God Technique to transfer.


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