Konoha Light Robbery

Chapter 154 If there is no fourth generation, there is still me! (Two in one, please subscribe!) (1/

There were many people in the living room, but at this moment, it was in a strange silence.

However, someone soon spoke up to break the depressing atmosphere. Danzo spoke first:

"Hiruzen, what are you going to do?"

The third generation frowned slightly when he heard this, and seemed to be in a dilemma.

"The envoys are asking for the body of Hiashi-sama, Kohe..." Looking at the expression of the third generation, Nara Shikaku added in a deep voice, giving an answer that everyone could not accept.

"Hmph! How dare you make such an impolite request!"

The elder Hyuga on the side was furious.

Although the other elders did not speak, they were also angry.

As the leader of the Kumogakure envoys, he entered the courtyard of the clan leader on the day of the Hyuga clan's celebration and attempted to kidnap the eldest sister of the main family. He deserved to be killed!

At this time, everyone turned their attention to the third generation again.

"Ah~" The Third Hokage sighed, "This matter is very difficult. The leader of the envoy group and another ninja died in succession in the Hyuga clan. Even if they really had bad intentions, it is hard to explain now.

If it is not handled properly, it will cause a war between Kumogakure and Konoha, which is a situation that no one wants to see.

I hope this matter can be handled through negotiation."

The Third Hokage's attitude and position are very vague, and this sentence is as good as nothing.

However, how many of the smart people present don't understand?

It seems that he is pushing the problem back to the Hyuga clan.

The attitude of Kumogakure is very clear and tough. Don't hand over people? Start a war!

Hand over people? What should Hyuga do? As the Third Hokage, how can he convince the people in the future if he hands over the head of the largest ninja clan in the village?

He watched coldly on the side. He didn't expect that a series of changes would involve him in this matter.

But he was not panicked at all. He was not the same person as before. Even if the third generation handed him over, he was not afraid, because he was not someone who could be easily manipulated.

Besides, could the third generation hand him over?

No! Maybe for the sake of peace, the third generation would sacrifice him, but he himself would not agree, and Jiraiya would certainly not agree.

Maybe the Hyuga clan would go back to the past, but he would not die stupidly.

Even if time went back and he was allowed to choose again, he would still send Ayane, and he would not be soft-hearted when he met the Kumogakure jonin.

"In that case, hand him over to them." Hyuga Hiashi was silent for a long time, and stepped forward and said.

껜禜: “???”



“How can we let the clan leader die!”

“Even if the Hyuga clan is exterminated, we cannot agree to such an excessive request!”


Hyuga Hiashi’s words caused resistance from the clan elders, and they all looked at the third generation angrily.

What a joke! Hand over the clan leader? Doesn’t the Hyuga clan have face?

“Yes, only in this way can the Cloud Village be satisfied, otherwise, war is inevitable.” Hyuga Hiashi looked embarrassed.

The great elder Hyuga Muneaki coughed twice and prepared to speak.

However, Ayane was one step ahead of him and immediately said excitedly: "How can that be? How can I hand over Uncle Rizu! Moreover, if Uncle Rizu is handed over... then won't 껜禾..."

"Ahem!" Before Ayane finished her words, Hyuga Muneaki coughed violently, interrupting her next words, and then glared at her.

Seeing the grandfather's beard blowing and glaring, Ayane shrank her head and knew that what she said just now was wrong.

껜禾 looked at Ayane's defense of herself, and her heart was immediately warmed. Then she pulled her to her side and signaled her not to speak for the time being.

Ayane still looked angry when she saw this, but she stayed by his side obediently.

At this time, Hyuga Muneaki walked to the middle of the crowd with a cane and said, "People, if you don't surrender, I will fight you. Even if it's just the Hyuga clan, even if it's just me, I will never compromise!"

Just now, Ayane had made it clear that she was also attacked by the Kumogakure ninja. If it weren't for He, the consequences would be disastrous.

Until this moment, Hyuga Muneaki was still afraid.

After experiencing so many things and living for so many years, his mentality has changed.

At the end, Hyuga Muneaki glared at the Third Hokage fiercely.

In response, the Third Hokage didn't react at all, because he was one generation older than him.

And Hyuga Muneaki glared at him, obviously seeing his true thoughts.

"Yes! We will never hand over the people!"

"What the elder said is right!"

"If you fight! I will be the first to go to the battlefield!"

"Count me in!"

No matter how big the conflicts are within the tribe, when facing foreign enemies, this group of old men who are hundreds of years old excitedly hoe the ground with crutches, showing unprecedented unity.


As the situation gradually got out of control, the door of the living room was pulled open.

A Hyuga elder came in again with Hyuga Hiashi's twin brother Hyuga Hiashi.

Just now, 껜禾 noticed that when Hyuga Hiashi proposed to sacrifice himself, Hyuga Hiashi was called out by the elders.

Now, after Hyuga Hiashi came back, his face clearly looked like he was ready to die generously.

"Chief, let me go in your place!"

As expected, Hyuga Hiashi stepped forward and asked to die in his place.

"You are twin brothers, and Kumogakure cannot recognize you. This not only meets Kumogakure's conditions, but also does not require you to die. Moreover, even if they get your body, the Byakugan will be destroyed by the 'bird in the cage' because of your death. They will get nothing except the body. This is the best way."

Speaking, Hyuga Hizashi looked at Kohe and said, "As for Kohe's matter, you can argue with reason.

It is an indisputable fact that their ninjas sneak attacked the elder sister of our main family. As long as they get your body, I think their main purpose has been achieved."

Kohe glanced at Hyuga Hizashi. He didn't expect that he had not forgotten himself at the last moment. He really has a spirit of sacrifice!

"No! Hizashi, you killed the person, how can you die in your place! Neji is still so stubborn, he can't lose you as a father! You, the clan leader, should come to protect the Hyuga clan and the village."

Hyuga Hiashi rejected his brother's proposal, but after he said this, the third generation could no longer remain silent.

"In fact, things haven't come to this point yet. I believe there are other ways to solve it!" The third generation still looked embarrassed.

At this time, Danzo, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said:

"Hiratsune, haven't you told the Hyuga clan about the previous unusual movements of Kumogakure?"

Then, Danzo told Jiraiya about the top-secret intelligence he had sent before, including the third generation's telling that Kumogakure sent two Jinzhu to the Frost Country.

The third generation suddenly looked back at Danzo with a shocked face. He didn't expect Danzo to give him this trick at this time.

At the previous high-level meeting, the third generation did not make this matter public, but just found an excuse to let all tribes strengthen their vigilance.

The reason is that the third generation did not come up with a good solution from Nara Shikaku.

Unlike other countries, although Konoha is the strongest, it is located in the center of the continent and surrounded by four powerful countries.

Once Konoha responds to the actions of Kumogakure and sends troops to the northern border, the envoys of Kumogakure will inevitably make trouble.

Konoha cannot move if it is not 100% sure that Kumogakure will definitely go to war with Konoha.

In short, Konoha must be the first to fight before it can fight back.

Konoha can only do this now.

Because on the day when the intelligence of Kumogakure was learned, spies in the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Earth sent news that the two countries each sent troops to the border.

Today's Konoha is no longer the Konoha of the Third World War.

It is absolutely impossible to fight three with one.

Once a large number of elite troops are sent to the northern border, the defense lines in the west and northwest will inevitably be tight.

In addition, although there is no movement in the eastern Kirigakure for the time being, there is no guarantee that they will intervene once Konoha is caught in the dilemma of fighting on three fronts.

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After experiencing the three wars, no village has an easy time.

Konoha does not want to fight, and other villages will not take the initiative to start a war as long as they are not given a chance.

When Konoha was not sure about the number of frontal troops of Kumogakure, it knew that the other side was coming to fight, but it did not react first, which caused the problem of reduced strength.

When Kumogakure went to war, he only had to defend one position on his western border and then let the remaining troops go south.

In addition to the front battlefield, Konoha had to defend at least three places, and the two sides were not comparable.

What's more, Konoha is not much stronger than Kumogakure now. If it has troops on four sides, it will definitely lose!

Kumogakure obviously knew this.

If Konoha wanted to fight, it must instantly hit the frontal troops of Kumogakure with the force of thunder, so as not to give other countries a chance to take advantage of it.

Before thinking of this, the third generation regretted that the fourth generation Kage had died, otherwise there would be no headaches for this problem.

Even if this difficult time was overcome, if it was not handled well, the third generation would step down again, and then Danzo's chance to take the throne would be gone. Obviously, the third generation did not want him to do so.

At the critical moment, Danzo told the third generation that he really wanted to seize this opportunity.

"Third generation! Is what Danzo said true?"

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"It seems that Kumogakure is sure that Konoha dare not start a war easily. How dare you provoke Konoha and humiliate our Hyuga clan!"

"We can't swallow this anger!"

Once the matter was exposed by Danzo, the fig leaf was removed, and everyone was no longer pretending to be confused.

In fact, everyone knows that the leader of Kumogakure, Gao Kugawa, must have lost his way and asked Miss Hinata to lead him to the backyard of the clan leader's house, right?

As soon as he was killed, the Kumogakure envoys came on the spot as if they had agreed to catch him.

On the other side, Ayane was attacked and was found on the spot.

They clearly had a plan in advance, and they were attacking from two directions!

In fact, everyone understood the reason, but for the sake of the situation, no one would break this membrane first, but Danzo explained the movements of Kumogakure.

Considering the behavior tonight, Kumogakure's conspiracy was bound to blame Konoha and Hyuga.

The ones who died were indeed the real leaders and the real high-ranking members of Kumogakure.

Perhaps their real purpose was not just to get the White Eyes, but to alienate the relationship between Hyuga and Konoha, and at the same time find an excuse to start a war.

They had calculated that Konoha would not dare to move lightly.

And the third generation pretended not to know at the beginning, which clearly showed that the problem that he, the Kage, should handle was thrown to the Hyuga clan.

After figuring this out, the Hyuga elders present looked at the third generation with some unkindness.

They, the Hyuga, were die-hard supporters of the Kage family, but they did not expect the third generation to treat them like this at the critical moment, which was really too chilling.

Even if they understood the third generation's painstaking efforts, understood the current situation of Konoha, and knew not to fight, they still wanted to force the third generation to take a stand.

The Third Hokage glared at Danzo fiercely, and then comforted the Hyuga elders, but they were not willing to listen to him.

"Third Hokage, if Konoha goes to war with Kumogakure now, what are you going to do?"

At this time, Hyuga Muneaki directly led the question to the key point.

Seeing that this question was inevitable, the Third Hokage replied in a deep voice: "If a war breaks out, in addition to being wary of the other three countries, the strength of the Kumogakure vanguard is also a problem. Everyone knows the current situation of the village.

Konoha wants to fight, but it is better not to fight.

Even if they know that this matter was provoked by Kumogakure, their leader died in Hyuga and Konoha after all.

They are right, and once this matter is exposed to the public, If we go there, we will be charged with the crime of actively provoking the war.

I think that Kumogakure is doing this to force the people of the Land of Lightning to express their views!

After all, the dead are ninjas of Kumogakure, but the more serious thing is that they are here on behalf of the Land of Lightning, and they are slapping the faces of the people. "

In fact, the third generation has not said a word. If the war can be stopped by the death of one or two people, then the people of the Land of Lightning will obviously be very happy.

At this time, Qianhe, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "Who said they are right! ? "

Faced with Qianhe's sudden voice, several Hyuga elders were displeased. Although this little boy saved Ayane, he was not qualified to speak.

And everyone present knew that the Kumogakure envoys were not right, but who let them be right on the surface? Konoha can only suffer a loss in silence!

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Qianhe continued, "According to the Kumogakure envoys, their envoys mistakenly entered the backyard of the Hyuga clan and were killed by Hiashi.

But we can say that they have been planning for a long time and are plotting to get the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan.

Not only that, Miss Ayane of the Hyuga clan was also attacked by the assassin of Kumogakure and was seriously injured. Her life is at stake. The elder is old and is bedridden because of his worry about his granddaughter's injury.

And the assassin may not be a member of the envoys, but secretly followed the envoys.

As for the evidence, the assassin left a Kumogakure forehead protector at the scene."


As he said that, Qianhe threw out a Kumogakure forehead protector from the storage scroll. These were the two Kumogakure forehead protectors he found in the scroll when he was sorting out the spoils. I don't know which two unlucky guys contributed them.


"Isn't this a little too..."

Seeing the hesitation on everyone's face, Qianhe continued:

"Kumogakure is shameless, why should we have shame in Konoha? Compared to shamelessness and shamelessness, do we still lose?

Anyway, if we argue, our losses will be more serious.

When the time comes, we will bring the matter to the name of the person, I think he will support us."

"That's a good idea." At this time, a person who Qianhe didn't expect spoke up. That person actually praised Danzo. He didn't refute, but praised Qianhe's idea.

However, Danzo then asked Qianhe: "But have you ever thought about it? Doing this will only help Konoha win back a victory on the surface.

Kumogakure can still use this as an excuse to start a war!

Although in my opinion, Kumogakure may not fight Konoha to the death.

But if we lose the first battle, other ninja villages will see that Konoha is no longer as strong as before.

Have you thought about the consequences?"

Qianhe suddenly showed an arrogant smile: "What if we win?"

Danzo shook his head and laughed, saying: "Young people think that Konoha will naturally win against Kumogakure alone.

But what Konoha needs is a crushing victory in the first battle to deter other countries and boost morale.

So we can't rely on the advantage in the number of troops to win, and we don't have the opportunity to win by numbers.

At least one-third of the troops in the village must be kept to guard against the invasion of the other three countries. Attack.

Now there are more than 200 Konoha elites on the northern front. They have to face an enemy force that is ten or even dozens of times larger, led by the Fourth Raikage.

Jiraiko can stop the Fourth Raikage, but what about the other thousands of Kumogakure ninjas?

Konoha can only summon thousands of ninjas to support the front line. How to solve the problem of material supply in the meantime?

The country of lightning is in a dangerous position, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Once Kumogakure is defeated, he They can withdraw, and we can't pursue them.

The border of the Kingdom of the Dragon King is long, and the territory is mainly in the Dragon Plain, which is easy to attack but difficult to defend.

If we win, we can't take advantage. Once we lose, there will be no smooth road ahead for the Cloud Village, and then we will be defeated on all fronts.

In the past, Konoha has won with fewer people, and has never won by the number of ninjas.

In all previous battles, the enemy was blocked outside the Kingdom of the Dragon King.

Only this time, I'm afraid I can't do it.

It will take at least three days for thousands of troops to rush to the front line. During this period, the border has already been lost. Once it is lost, who will lead us to retake it?

If the fourth generation shadow Namikaze Minato is still there, relying on the mysterious appearance of the Flying Thunder God Technique, the army will take the enemy's head and cause chaos in Kumogakure.

Maybe it can be done, but who else in Konoha can lead thousands of Konoha to resist thousands of Kumogakure?

Me? Or Hiruzen? We can't do it. "

Faced with Danzo's doubts, Qianhe said confidently: "Without the fourth generation, there is still me! Flying Thunder God, I can do it!"

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