Konoha Light Robbery

Chapter 135 Your thoughts are dangerous (guaranteed 1/2, please subscribe!)

It has been a month since the Chunin Exam.

As the conflict between Konoha and Kumogakure intensified, a bloody incident finally broke out on the border between the two sides.

Kumogakure took the lead in attacking Konoha's outpost, and Konoha ninjas immediately retaliated. When attacking another outpost, Kumogakure ninjas laid an ambush, wiped out a Kumogakure Chunin team, and killed a Jonin.

At the same time, Konoha's secret sentry in the territory of the Land of Fields was attacked by suspected Kumogakure ninjas.

Fortunately, the Anbu ninja Kuroyuki led the team to arrive in time and killed all the attackers.

However, the secret sentry had to be transferred because it was exposed.

In order to prevent the border situation from further deteriorating, the third generation discussed with the Hyuga clan and directly sent a 12-member Hyuga branch squadron to the border for garrison.

With the addition of this special reconnaissance squadron, the many sneak attacks and harassments of the Kumogakure ninjas were resolved, and the two sides once again resumed the stalemate.

Kumogakure stopped harassing the Konoha border, but it was unknown how long this short peace would last, not the calm before the storm.


At this time, Konoha training ground.

Two boys were fighting fiercely, which lasted for half an hour.

Until the boy holding the small sword made a "pause" gesture, the other boy stopped.

"Itachi, your injury is not long, don't fight so hard, okay?"

"Shisui, I want to become stronger!"

Facing Shisui's concern, Itachi looked determined.

"Itachi, why are you so obsessed with power now? I remember you were not like this before." Shisui looked worried.

Itachi replied: "Only by having power can you protect your companions. If I were strong enough, Mizunotsuki, Tenma and Koko wouldn't..."

"I heard about that, but it's not your fault.

Even your jonin teacher couldn't fight back, what else can you do? Don't force yourself too much.

Indeed, your starting point is good.

But excessive pursuit of power will make people lost."

Shisui comforted Itachi like a caring big brother.

It's just that Itachi's behavior seems to have changed a little. Shisui has an obvious feeling that he feels that it is not only caused by Itachi's experience, but also some external factors.

"Thank you, Shisui." Itachi didn't say much, but thanked Shisui.

It's just that Itachi's thanks can't make Shisui open up. He feels that Itachi is not as close to him as before. He has been gone for nearly a year. Who changed Itachi in this year?

"Shisui, will there be a war between the current village and Kumogakure? Why do lives fight? Can people really get along with each other?"

Itachi didn't want to talk about this issue anymore, so he raised his own questions at the right time and changed the topic.

Because before, whenever Itachi had questions that he couldn't figure out, he would ask Shisui to answer them for him.

Now he wants to know which one is more acceptable to him after listening to Shisui's answer and Qianhe's answer.

Faced with Itachi's three consecutive questions, Shisui was obviously stunned for a moment, then thought for a while and gave his own answer.

"I hope the village and Kumogakure can sit down and negotiate calmly, and stop fighting meaninglessly. No one is sure about the war, but I think the third generation will handle it well.

All we need to do is to strengthen our beliefs and believe in the third generation."

Unlike the Kirigakure, when Shisui, the Uchiha clan and the Chunin Battalion were stationed on the eastern border, the Kirigakure seemed very restrained.

Even though they harassed the border of the Land of Fire from time to time, there was no major conflict between the two sides.

Shisui's famous battle was because the patrol team encountered the Kirigakure ninja head-on, and the two sides fought hard. After that, Kirigakure acted as if nothing had happened. They didn't even think about getting back at the place, but just retreated.

The Hidden Cloud Village is different. The Hidden Cloud Village is famous for its bellicosity. Once it really starts, it will definitely be more than just a lot of noise.

"I believe that the era of mutual understanding between people will eventually come, when the struggle between lives will stop, and people will be able to get along with each other."

Shisui then answered Itachi's other two questions, but rather than answering Itachi's questions, it's better to say that he just put forward a beautiful wish.

If the Itachi of the past would definitely be moved by the beauty and peace that Shisui yearned for, then now, after the conversation with Chiho, Itachi felt that Shisui's answer was too empty.

In contrast, Qianhe's answer was very pragmatic.

"Fighting cannot be eradicated. As long as there are people, there will be fighting, unless there is a recognized and reasonable rule that everyone abides by." Qianhe's answer at least gave Itachi a general direction.

However, Itachi did not argue with Shisui on this issue, and then asked:

"If Kumogakure keeps pushing, will Konoha still give in?

Just like this Chunin Exam, Qianhe faced the provocation of Kumogakure ninjas and directly injured one and killed one. What do you think?

He told me to either not do it or do it thoroughly.

Only when the person who provoked you is hurt or killed, others will not continue to provoke.

Konoha should not let Kumogakure suffer a big loss, how can they remember it?"

Shisui was surprised. He showed that the crux of Itachi's big change was actually Qianhe. It seems that he has a great influence on Itachi.

When I first saw the child, he clearly looked harmless and friendly. How could he be "distorted" like this?

Thinking of this, Zhisui felt that he needed to correct Itachi's thinking. He grabbed Itachi's shoulders and said seriously:

"You are wrong, Itachi, Qianhe껩 is wrong. How could you think so?

If you defeat me, I will only defeat the ninjas of Kumogakure, because I, the ninja of Konoha, cannot disgrace the village.

But I can only subdue them, not be cruel.

Once the seeds of hatred are planted, sooner or later they will take root and sprout.

Hatred will only continue to breed hatred, and only tolerance and understanding can lead to peace.

If, like what Qian He said, you are ruthless and ruthless, what will you do when Kumogakure is stronger than our Konoha?

Wouldn't they treat Konoha like this?

Both your and Qianhe's thoughts are dangerous. "

Facing Shisui's serious look, Itachi couldn't help but asked: "Konoha has always been the strongest village in the big country. The other villages are not as powerful as Konoha, but they have always waged war with Konoha.

Just like the current Kumogakure, Konoha is powerful, but doesn’t Konoha keep provoking Konoha?

When 놇Kumogakure was weaker than our Konoha, he was not willing to live with Konoha and 놂.

So if you don't defeat 돗 now, give 돗 enough lessons so that 돗 knows how to be afraid.

When 돗 becomes stronger, will he coexist with Konoha and 놂? "


Faced with Itachi's question, Shisui was stunned for a moment. He released his hands holding Itachi's shoulders, and then took a few steps back unconsciously. At this moment, he was stopped by Itachi's question.

놆Ah, others who are weaker than me can use my tolerance to provoke me. When they become stronger than me, will my tolerance still have meaning?

Looking at Shisui who was stunned, Itachi continued:

"Qian He said that repaying evil with kindness is not suitable between countries. It is enough to repay evil with straightness and repay kindness with kindness.

If Kumogakure is willing to have peace talks with Konoha, then let’s have peace talks. If Kumogakure wants it, Konoha is not afraid, so let’s do it. Isn’t that how it should be?

Can the peace gained by begging and forbearing last long? "

Kick, kick, kick...

Faced with Itachi's words one after another, Shisui retreated again, and he suddenly felt that his belief was shaken at this moment.

"But... violence often cannot solve problems..."

Shisui made the final struggle. He has always believed in this belief. Otherwise, the ninja world would not have had wars one after another for so many years, because violence cannot solve the problem.

"But some problems require violence. Shisui-san, please wait for me. I'll go back first."

After leaving these words, Itachi left.

But Shisui still stayed there, mumbling to himself, recalling what Itachi had just said, which had a huge impact on him.

"Some...problems...must involve violence?"

He discovered that he had been in the wrong place all along...

If reasoning worked, he wouldn't be photographed and stationed at the border. It's just that he has been unwilling to face such a cruel reality.

Or perhaps it is precisely because of the cruelty of reality that he firmly believes in his inner good wishes.


Qianhe didn't know that his words had such a profound impact on Itachi, and they had infected him subtly.

He was preparing to go to Ichiraku Ramen to solve his lunch problem.

After all, every time I go to Yile, I feel like I'm going home. He likes it there very much. The homemade noodles are delicious and Sister Changpu is super pretty.

Just as Qianhe walked to the door of Yile Ramen Shop, he suddenly stopped and looked at the street corner in a daze:

"Huh? What about the kid?"

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