Konoha Light Robbery

Chapter 106 Itachi: Smells good!

Qianhe said: "Where 놋그 is, 놋 fights, where 놋's 놆 stops at verbal battles, and where 놋's 놆 is put into action.

Therefore, there is no way to eliminate fights by just paying back the fight. At most, we can reduce the losses caused by fights.

Unless 그 and 그 can understand and consider each other, and all 놋그 abide by a common and reasonable rule. "

"Fight wherever you go...mutual understanding...mutual consideration, common and reasonable rules..." Itachi muttered in a low voice, making a thoughtful gesture, 놛feeling Qianhe say It made sense, but I also felt that what 꿀Shui told me before was also reasonable. For a moment, Itachi was a little confused.

After a while, Itachi raised his head and looked at Qianhe: "I really understand."

Qianhe smiled and then returned to Itachi's other question:

"As for the family and the village, which are inseparable, the family is part of the village, and the village is composed of various families and many civilians.

The family becomes powerful because of its special cohesion, but it also has strong limitations.

As the clan leader, your father considers many things at the family level, but at the same time he is also a ninja of Konoha.

The family must be the family of the village, but the village is not just the village of the family.

When interests are aligned, the family will promote the development of the village and the village will become stronger.

When there is a conflict between the interests of the family and the village, although the "big family" of the village comes first, when the family sacrifices too much for the village, it will naturally become dissatisfied.

Dissatisfaction will lead to resentment and suspicion, which will lead to divisions within the family. Some people still put the village first, while others want to seek benefits for the family.

The village and the family have always been compromising and considerate of each other, neither giving without limit nor taking without limit.

When the family pays and sacrifices certain interests for the village, if the village can show enough sincerity and pay something, the family can naturally ensure that most of the people are satisfied. If only most of the people are satisfied, then Even if some people are dissatisfied, it will not affect the overall situation.

Because nothing can satisfy everyone, after all, even money is annoying.

However, if one party does not show sincerity, resentment and suspicion will take root, continue to grow, and finally grow into division and fighting. "

In fact, Qianhe didn't say a word. The village's biggest advantage over the family is that it has won over most families and targeted a very small number of families.

"Each house sweeps the snow in front of its own door and doesn't care about the frost on the tiles." This sentence is universal no matter in the world.

Those who have nothing to do with themselves are always the most popular type.

The village only asked most of the families to "eat" and then shut up. The few targeted families seemed to have no better choice but to endure.

After all, once you resist, you will be outnumbered.

No matter how strong the Uchiha were, they couldn't defeat the entire village.

Of course, the top management cannot represent the entire village.

In fact, if the Uchiha clan really launches a revolution in the village, Fugaku, Itachi, and Mizuna, all masters with the Mangekyō Sharingan, will have a very high success rate against the top leaders alone.

But the aftermath is the biggest problem.

Taking power through violence is the biggest problem.

So even if the Uchiha clan succeeds, it will give all families a bad start - since the Uchiha clan can take power through violence, why can't I?

Our generation is no match for the Uchiha clan, what about the next generation? What about the next generation?

Once high-level officials such as 꺘dai and Danzo are destroyed by the Uchiha group, Tsunade and Jiraiya will naturally not sit idly by.

Although they can't stand the style of 꺘dai and others, the village was built with hard work by Senju Hashirama.

Once Tsunade comes back, Jiraiya will definitely come back, and Qianhe can't just sit idly by then.

In the end, it will definitely turn into a big fight, and the result will be that Konoha will be severely injured, and then the other four countries will attack it.

Uchiha may have the ability to break the rules of the game, but they don't have the ability to re-write the rules.

Unless Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara are as powerful as each other, no one will be able to oppose them, because all the opponents are dead.

When a country can defeat a country and dominate the world, there is no need for teammates unless they fight equally.

Qian He did not forget the first task given by his system.

If you want to dominate the ninja world, you need Konoha's help.

No matter how strong you are, you still need someone to do things for you, so you can't do everything yourself.

For someone like Itachi, who is jokingly called the "author's son" in the original work, if he is not properly trained and used as a tool, wouldn't it be a waste of resources?

It's September in Konoha 50, and the Uchiha clan has been exterminated. Konoha 56 is such a long time, which is enough for Qianhe to do many things.

Although the current wooden leaves are gradually decaying, only part of the rotten roots have been eradicated, and there is still a towering giant tree.

"Qianhe, what you said makes sense, but how can we make the family and the village eliminate their bad feelings and be honest with each other? Many things can be done without talking.

Just one village has already had so many unstable factors affecting peace. What about a country? What about the entire ninja world?

When can true peace be achieved? Will the era of mutual understanding between 그 and 그 really come? "

After hearing Qianhe's explanation, Itachi was silent for a long time, with a sigh and sigh on his face at the end.

He is a handsome 7-year-old boy, but his facial expression and tone of voice are like an old man.

Looking at Itachi's thoughtful and sighing look, Qianhe's heart moved slightly. He likes to think about good things, but this is a typical example of thinking too much.

"Itachi, I'll tell you something." This time, Qianhe did not answer Itachi's question, but looked at Itachi sincerely.

Itachi also opened his bright eyes and looked at Qianhe with desire. He felt that Qianhe knew a lot, and what he said was more reasonable than water.

"Don't think too much in many cases. It's better to take positive actions than to daydream.

Wouldn't it be nice to exercise more when you have nothing to do?

Wouldn't it be nice to spend more time with Izumi and Sasuke?

For example, I'll treat you to ramen now, and treat you to rouge balls later. Wouldn't it be nice?

Don't think about things you don't understand for the time being. Isn't it good to enjoy life?"

Qianhe chuckled.

Itachi was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he didn't expect Qianhe to say that. Because of his habit of thinking, he never thought about why he didn't think about those problems that gave him a headache for the time being.

"Itachi!" As if he had figured out something, Itachi nodded heavily to Qianhe.


After a full meal, Itachi's mood also improved.

Back home, looking at his mother who was setting up the dishes, the smile on Itachi's face suddenly stagnated...

He ate too many balls.

When eating ramen, in order to prevent him from not being able to eat at night, Itachi deliberately poured most of the ramen into Qianhe's bowl, but he couldn't help it when he saw the colored balls.

Not only was his will not firm, but the temptation was too great.

When Uchiha Fugaku finished dinner and was about to leave, Itachi stopped him:

"Dad, can I talk to you?"

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