Chapter 41: Rebirth of Dirt

Ghost Lantern Moon is the target of the splinter body's imminent disguise.

Therefore, Yoruha didn't just have to obtain his [Hydration Art].

His other ninjutsu, memories, personality, habits, Yoruha all have to figure it out.

Over time.

The memories of Ghost Lantern Wuyue's life were like slides, presented one by one in Ye Yu's mind.

General memory, Ye Yu just glanced at it casually.

He focused on some memories of Ghost Lantern Wuyue's learning of hydration and other ninjutsu.

Half an hour later, Ye Yu finished reading all the memories of Ghost Lantern Wuyue.

At the same time, "Ghost Lantern Without Moon" also slowly opened his eyes.

Without the support of Chakra, who has no moon, the Fog Concealment Technique has been lifted.

The thick fog that permeated the surrounding space also dissipated within this half hour.

"Okay, you can look like this guy."

"Ghost Lantern No Moon" spoke, and said to the split body.

Soon, the appearance of the split body turned into the appearance of a ghost lamp without a moon at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I share all the memories of this guy with you."

"I'll learn all his ninjutsu later."

"From today onwards, you will be a ghost lamp without moon."

"Your purpose is to lurk in the Mist Hidden Village and learn other ninjutsu in the Mist Yin Village."

Speaking of this, Ye Yu paused for a moment.

He remembered the fifth generation of Water Shadow in Wuyin Village, Zhao Meiyu.

Zhao Mei has two blood succession limits: [Dissolving] and [Boiling].

These two blood succession limits, Ye Yu naturally wants to get it.

And Zhaomei in this period should be about the same age as him.

"You don't have to worry about Zhaomei, I will personally go to find her when I have time."

After listening to Ye Yue's words, the split body, oh no, Ghost Lantern Wuyue launched the Flying Thunder God Technique and disappeared into the space of the Origin Ball.

The ghost lamp in the spiritual world has no moon Buddha-figure, and naturally sees everything in front of him in his eyes and hears it in his ears.

Seeing the split body turn into its own appearance, and then hearing Ye Yue's words, Ghost Lantern Wuyue's heart trembled.

At this moment, where did he not know that the Konoha imp in front of him, this is to let the guy who just became his own, completely replace himself, lurking in the Mist Hidden Village.

At this moment, his brain made up an inner drama of spy lurking, sowing discord, foggy civil war, foreign enemy invasion, and finally triggering the third ninja world war.

If Ye Yu knew what Ghost Lantern Wuyue was thinking at this time, he would definitely say lightly: You think too much.

Ye Yue already knew all the memories of Ghost Lantern Wuyue, so naturally there was no need to keep him

He directly used the original function of the [Spiritual Transformation Technique] to kill the soul of the ghost lamp Wuyue.

After killing the ghost lamp no moon, Yafea's soul returns to his body.

"Next, it's time for the proficiency of liver hydration."


Three days later, somewhere in the space of the Origin Sphere, a huge pool appeared.

This pool was specially created by Ye Yu for the liver [Hydration Technique].

In the memory of Ghost Lantern Wuyue, he practiced the art of hydration, and he cultivated in water.

And Ye Yue also soaked his entire body in water according to the cultivation method in the memory of Ghost Lantern Wuyue.

When he practiced according to the secret method, the mechanical prompt sound of the system in his mind also sounded continuously.

Ding, congratulations to the host [Hydration Art] proficiency +1

Ding, congratulations to the host [Hydration Art] proficiency +1


"I originally thought that the proficiency of liver hydration would be difficult, but I didn't expect to just lie in the water."

"It's just a pity that the Hydration Technique, like the Spiritual Transformation Technique, can only be cultivated by the body, and cannot be accelerated using multiple shadow avatars."

Ye Yu lay in the water and thought beautifully.

Suddenly, in Ye Yu's perception, two chakras appeared.

One of them is his own Chakra, while the other is very strange.

It is clear that another splinter brought back the target.

Night Feather immediately burrowed out of the water.

Just out of the water, Ye Yu's entire body was like a liquid robot in the Terminator, only the humanoid outline condensed by water, and there was no appearance.

But soon, Yoruha returned to his original appearance.

When Ye Yu performed the Flying Thunder God Technique and came to the location of the split body, he saw that the split body brought back a sand ninja.

This time, there were no unexpected surprises.

This Sand Shinobi is just a very ordinary ninja in Sand Hidden Village.

Yoruha uses the art of spiritual transformation, reads his memories, and learns his ninjutsu as usual.

Finally, let the splinter become his form and replace him.

After doing all this, Yoruha was just about to use the Spiritual Transformation Technique to kill this Shinobu when he suddenly stopped.

"Wait, it's too wasteful to kill him like this, you can use him as a sacrifice to brush the proficiency of soil rebirth."

The forbidden scroll that was traded with the Great Snake Pill contained the rebirth of dirt.

It's just that the rebirth of dirt is very troublesome to cultivate.

All this time, Ye Yu had been busy cultivating the Spiritual Transformation Art and the Flying Thunder God Technique.

The rebirth of dirt did not begin.

Right now, the sacrifice is there - Shinobu

The flesh and blood of the dead are also there - ghost lamps without moon.

All the materials are complete, just enough to brush the proficiency of soil rebirth.

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