Chapter 46 I became a “grandfather” with me?

Uchiha Izumi woke up slowly, and a strange voice came from her head.

“Are you awake?”

Immediately afterwards, Izumi Uchiha found herself in a golden world.

And next to her, she was standing and saw the teenager before she passed out.

“Where is this?”

As if Izumi Uchiha had just woken up, the duck sat on the ground, and his small hands habitually rubbed his eyes.

“This is your spiritual world.”

Izumi Uchiha is not a sunset red, she is too young, only 4 years old, and she does not understand many things.

Ye Yu had to patiently explain it.

“My spiritual world?”

Uchiha Izumi tilted her little head and looked at Yoruha, still puzzled.

Yoruha just wanted to explain, but her attention quickly shifted to something else.

She found that the world she saw had changed dramatically.

Look at anything with extreme clarity and detail.

“This is … Writing wheel eyes? ”

Although Izumi Uchiha is only four years old, since she can remember, her mother has begun to tell her about the Uchiha family and about the Sharingan.

Naturally, she knew about the Sharingan.

And, like most Uchiha people, they are proud to open the Sharingan.

“I opened the Sharingan?!”

Izumi Uchiha knew that she had awakened the Sharingan and seemed extremely happy.

“Yes, you have opened the Sharingan, and as soon as you open your eyes, it is double-hooked jade.”

“I’m going to tell my father and mother that I’ve opened my chakra.”

Seeing Uchiha Izumi’s childlike heart, Ye Yu just smiled and shook his head, and then lifted the [Spiritual Technique], and the soul returned to his body.

It’s just that as soon as Yoruha left Uchiha Izumi’s body, Uchiha Izumi’s chakra eyes automatically became normal eyes.

During the time when Uchiha Izumi was in a coma, Yoruha kept her Sharingan open in order to brush [Experience Sharingan] proficiency.

If she had her own amount of chakra, she would have been like Kakashi, and the chakra would have been exhausted.

During this time, her chakra eyes consumed all of the chakra of the night feather.

Night Feather left her body, and Night Haze’s Chakra disappeared with it.

Since Uchiha Izumi’s Sharingan is original, due to the body’s protective mechanism, as soon as Yoba’s Chakra disappears, her Sharingan retreats to a normal eye state that does not require consuming Chakra.


The next day, when Ye Yu’s soul entered the little girl’s body again, the little girl complained to him that she didn’t know why she couldn’t open the Sharingan after she got home, and her parents just perfunctory her, saying that she would definitely be able to open the Sharingan when she grew up.

“Father and mother treat me like a child!” Uchiha Izumi was a broken thought.

Yoruha just listened and didn’t answer, he silently manipulated Uchiha Izumi’s body.


I saw that Uchiha Izumi’s eyes first closed, and then suddenly startled.

In the next second, her eyes changed from normal eyes to scarlet double-hooked jade writing wheel eyes.

“Huh? Writing wheel eyes? ”

At the same time, Izumi Uchiha sensed that she had entered the state of observation that she had yesterday.

“Why did I open the Sharingan again?”

Although Izumi Uchiha wondered how she could open the Sharingan again, she was childlike and did not think about the reason.

“This time, I must let my father and mother see my Sharingan.”

Seeing that the little girl was going to see her parents again, Ye Yu immediately spoke: “I helped you open the Sharingan.” ”

“Once I leave your spiritual world, your body will automatically close the Sharingan out of the protection mechanism, you are too small, and the Sharingan is a burden for you now.”

“So that’s the case, I said how I can’t control my Sharingan.”

Although Uchiha Izumi really wants to be praised and praised by her parents.

But knowing that her chakra eyes are not within her control now, she extinguished the joy of going home and telling her parents.

“Big brother, my name is Izumi, Uchiha Izumi, what is your name?”

“Night feather!”

“Night feathers? This name is so familiar, it seems to have been heard somewhere. ”


Ye Yu stayed in the little girl’s body, listening to the system constantly coming from the proficiency +1 prompt tone, while listening to the little girl’s continuous talk.

Suddenly, Ye Yu feels that his state is a bit like the grandfather that the protagonist obtains in some novels.

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