Chapter 17: The Flying Thunder God’s Art Begins to Show Its Power

“Hmph, hmph… Boy, you are still too tender, if the grass pheasant sword is really dispensable to you, you will not explain so much to me. ”

Orochimaru snorted.

Ye Yu didn’t care about Orochimaru’s taunt: “I’m just trying, what if you are really willing to exchange the method of making and manipulating the Grass Pheasant Sword with me?” Try anyway and don’t need money. ”

Without waiting for Orochimaru to speak, Yoru continued, “In this way, I will use a piece of information that is very important to you to exchange with you the method of making and manipulating the Grass Pheasant Sword. ”

“Yes, if your intelligence is really very important to me.”

Orochimaru wanted to know how many secrets there were in Yoruha’s body.

Therefore, for Ye Yu’s proposal, he did not immediately refuse.

After all, the other party knew that he was secretly studying forbidden arts.

In the eyes of the big snake pill, the other party may really have the important information he needs.

“I know an art of immortality, called immortal rebirth.”

Ye Yu looked at the big snake pill and slowly spoke.

The Art of Immortality!

The big snake pill, who was originally very leisurely, suddenly changed his expression after hearing these four words.

Orochimaru lost both parents at an early age.

Therefore, he has long understood the fragility of life.

It’s just that he was young at that time and couldn’t change anything

As an adult, he watched his disciple, Tsunade’s younger brother, Ropeki, be killed in front of him

Tsunade’s lover, Kato, also died tragically on the battlefield.

These two things deeply stimulated him.

Once a person dies, there is nothing.

There are still so many ninjutsu in this world that are worth learning and studying.

It’s just that human life is so short.

Even if you spend your whole life learning ninjutsu, you can’t learn the vast ninjutsu.

He wanted to not die, he wanted to live forever.

Over the years, he has studied various forbidden techniques and done various taboo experiments in order to develop the method of immortality.

Right now, Ye Yu told him that someone had already developed the method of immortality.

And this method of immortality, called the rebirth of an undead body.

Where does the big snake pill know that the person who has studied the rebirth of an immortal corpse is none other than himself.

It’s just that he will be more than ten years in the future.


Not corpse rebirth, he

Orochimaru looked at Ye Yu with an excited face, stuck out his tongue and licked his cheek, and then said: “Yes, I agree to this deal, as long as you hand over the immortal rebirth to me, I will give you the method of making and manipulating the grass pheasant sword.” ”

Hearing the words of the big snake pill, Ye Yu was a little speechless.

Where do I have [Reincarnation of the Immortal Corpse].

I just knew there was such a forbidden technique.

However, Ye Yu did not panic in the slightest.

He concluded that Orochimaru would definitely agree to trade with himself.

After all, for a researcher, a correct idea and a correct direction can make him on the road to success with fewer detours.

“I didn’t reincarnate without a corpse.”

As soon as Ye Yu’s words came out, the smile on the big snake pill’s face instantly disappeared, replaced by a killing intent.

You don’t have a corpse reincarnated, you say a chicken….

In the next second, the big snake pill’s mouth opened, and a grass pheasant sword swept towards the night feather at an amazing speed.

He was going to teach Yoba a lesson.

Grass pheasant sword fast.

However, the night feather is faster.

Just when the grass pheasant sword was about to hit Night Feather, Night Feather’s figure disappeared from the spot.

“Flying Thunder God Technique?!”

Seeing the night feather disappear out of thin air, Orochimaru was surprised.

He recognized at a glance that Ye Yu was casting the Flying Thunder God Technique of the Second Generation Hokage.

And looking at this proficiency, it doesn’t look like a beginner at all.

The big snake pill clearly remembered that he had handed over the forbidden arts such as the Flying Thunder God to Ye Yu a month ago.

Other words.

It only took Ye Yu a month to practice the Flying Thunder God Technique, which was difficult to learn and refine, to such a silky point.

If Orochimaru knew that Night Feather had practiced the Flying Thunder God Technique to such an extent, it was not a month, but only five days, what kind of expression would he show?

“Don’t be so excited, do it, and wait until I finish speaking.”

Holding a special kunai night feather, he walked out of the woods.

Seeing Ye Yu’s Flying Thunder God Technique, the big snake pill had no intention of making another move.

He knew that if he didn’t prepare in advance, it would be difficult to hurt the night feather who could fly the Thunder God Technique.

He didn’t speak, just moved his fingers, and the grass pheasant sword that flew out obediently flew back.

This scene made Ye Yu’s eyes extremely hot.

This is the fake and shoddy version of the imperial sword technique he wants.

“Although I don’t have an undead rebirth, I know the principle of this technique.”

“This principle should save you a lot of research time.”

Hearing Ye Yu’s words, Orochimaru’s narrow eyes narrowed slightly.

This guy not only knows that I am conducting forbidden research, but also knows that my research direction is immortality! Where exactly did he get this information? What else does he know?

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