Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 346: Triple Doors! Strange Place!


Standing independently on the mountain next to the giant pillar where the castle tower is located,


"Can this thing really break Susanoo's defense?"

With his eyes wide open, Hinata Shota cast his peripheral vision on the smoke-emitting chakra cannon beside him. There was a hint of arrogance on his face, as if he looked down on Kumogakure's weapon.

"Only you Yunyin can do this kind of despicable trick."

"To a ninja, this kind of scrap metal is useless!"

On the side, Kirabi pushed up his sunglasses and glanced at the Hyuuga clan's helper, who was supported by the Fire Nation daimyo, strangely, but he still explained in a good-tempered manner,

"In response to the skeleton giant defense revealed by Uchiha Ci in the last battle of Yunming Collapse,"

"We deliberately replaced the chakra cannon with a solid tungsten cannon with stronger armor-piercing ability. The penetration power is comparable to the power of S-level ninjutsu."

"Even the old man's strongest accomplishments, Lei Kai, will be slightly injured in front of this cannon."

"Uchiha Ci."

Kirabi lowered his face, looked at the north gate, and sneered.

"There is no way he can block such an attack!"

"That means that he will be defeated because of this little detail!"





There was a violent explosion, covered by surging smoke,

The shells that hit like meteorites instantly smashed a hole nearly a hundred meters in diameter on the ground in front of the city gate.

The earth shook!

Spider webs of cracks spread across the earth,

"That boy, is he dead?"

"Did our shot work?"

Standing on the city wall, you can feel the violent shaking like an earthquake. A group of ninjas and samurai looked at the place where they were bombarded from the front with horror on their faces, and there was a hint of horror in their eyes.

It was like thunder striking their ears. Even if they were ninjas, they would feel frightened when faced with such a terrifying battle.

"Quiet, everyone!"

Lamie turned his head and shouted coldly,

"Go back to your position and prepare for the next technique!"


After tightening his face and temporarily stabilizing his military morale, Lamie quickly looked at the motorcycle at hand and asked in a low voice,

"How's it going? Motoy, was that kid killed?"

"This this."

However, Motoyi was trembling all over, with his hands frozen, looking at the city shrouded in smoke in horror.

"So scary, so cold, so evil chakra!"

"Then what on earth is that!!"

Seeing this scene, Lamie's expression suddenly changed drastically, and he seemed to realize something, and shouted to his subordinates without hesitation:


"Call the end of the war, activate Plan B, and activate ninjutsu immediately!"

With an order, the ninjas who had previously used Thunder Release and Thunder Phantom Lightning Pillar immediately retreated, and a group of specially dressed ninjas walked up from the thousand-meter-long city wall.

They were wearing red Iwagakure uniforms and Iwagakure forehead protectors with red ties.

As soon as he came up, he immediately started to form seals.

And at this moment,

Before the city gate,

The smoke exuding the pungent sulfur smell suddenly trembled,

A huge palm flashing with blazing flames suddenly tore through the smoke, appeared in everyone's field of vision, and then waved around!

The strong wind suddenly rose, blowing away the thick smoke, revealing the terrifying thing behind it!

The skeleton giant surrounding Uchiha Ci,


The raised palms and bone arms were missing, and half of the shoulder blades and the ferocious skull face were smashed into pieces.

The fracture was burning with fire,

The entire Susanoo is covered with cracks,

But the most eye-catching thing was the boy who was only half protected by Susan.

At this moment, the left half of his body and half of his head were only bones. Traces of flesh and blood were spreading wildly along the pale new bones, forming various organs of the body.

"Cough cough cough"

"Damn it, you don't have any martial ethics. You even made armor-piercing bullets."

In an instant, all the injuries suffered were completely repaired. He took out a piece of clothing from the seal scroll under emergency care and put it on his body. Uchiha coughed hard twice and spit out a mouthful of black phlegm.

"No wonder Orochimaru was beaten away. There is something wrong with the technology tree climbed by these barbarians!"

On the city wall, after hearing the angry young man's curse and seeing the intact Uchiha Ci in the huge pit,


Suddenly fell into a deathly silence!

Uchiha Ci was stunned for a moment, raised his head in confusion, and looked back,

"Young Uchiha Ci probably didn't leak out, why are they so shocked?"

The next moment, relying on his strong ears, he heard the whispers of the people on the city wall.

"Sure enough, is that kid the leader of that terrorist organization!?"

"This dress is sizzling."

"That's right, Akatsuki! This evil organization is indeed inseparable from Uchiha!"

Following the sound to find the focus of everyone's attention, Uchiha Ci discovered that what he pulled out from the scroll was actually the Akatsuki robe given to him by Yahiko.

At this moment, as soon as Xiao robe with black background and red clouds was put on, the villain's temperament suddenly appeared.

Uchiha's words were slightly astonished,

Looking around at the huge pit, a feeling suddenly appeared. I am Pain, and I am attacking Konoha now. As long as you give me money, my brother will miss you when he releases Super Shinra Tensei. I will protect your house. The illusion of rising value like a rocket.

Shaking his head to clear away the jokes he had read from the Horns Forum in his previous life, Uchiha Ci coughed again. He was just about to say, "How many floors does a bag of rice have to carry?" to boost the atmosphere on the field.


East of the city gate, there was a roar!

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a trembling sound that shook the earth and the mountains, gunpowder smoke also rose from the east like the city gate.

And the next moment,

"Quick, we can't let him break through now!"

On top of the city wall, Lamiy slapped the battlements on the city wall and roared in shock,

"Use ninjutsu on me!!!"

If Uchiha Ci is fine, then they will be in trouble!

If he doesn't initiate the next step of his plan, he will be completely doomed!

Uchiha Ci immediately turned his gaze and landed on the city wall.

at this time,

A row of Iwagakure wearing red ninja costumes raised their hands to perform spells and pressed them on the city wall.

next moment,

"United Ninja Technique, Earth Release, Ten Thousand Miles Earthflow Wall!"

Accompanied by the roars of a group of Iwagakure ninjas,

The ground was shaken violently,

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Ci discovered that the twenty-meter-high city wall in front of him began to rise continuously!

Thirty meters, fifty meters,.

One hundred meters!

The surrounding area suddenly fell into a deep shadow. As the earth trembled, the earth and rocks rose high.

The city wall, which was originally made of black stone, was actually turned into clay at this time.

The one-hundred-meter-high city wall, looking up from the bottom, looks like a chasm in front of me!

Uchiha Ci was suddenly startled,

Only then did I realize through the changes in the surrounding environment,

It's not that the city wall is rising. In fact, the height of Lamie's group of clouds has not changed at all.


The land beneath my feet is sinking and collapsing!

This ninjutsu looks like Earth Release: Wanli Earthflow Wall!

However, raising the city wall to nearly 100 meters in a short period of time not only wastes manpower and material resources, but also makes it difficult to take into account defense. Moreover, this is not a project that can bear fruit in the short term.

However, in fact, if the idea is reversed,

Things will become simpler if you use Earth Release and Seismic Core to perform underground magic in advance, hollowing out the land with a radius of one kilometer around the inner city from the middle, causing the attacker to fall into a hundred-meter-deep ditch.

Therefore, this ninjutsu was performed by many Iwagakure ninjas.

Combined Ninja Technique·Earth Release·Super Earthquake Core!

At this time, in the inner city,

The second line of defense used a completely opposite method to display the art of Kumogakure's entire plan.

Countless Kumogakure's elites jointly performed another ninjutsu,

Earth Escape: Earth Current City Wall.

Taking the second ring of defense as the boundary, the entire terrain in the center of the inner city was raised nearly fifty meters high, forming a fifty-meter-high earthen wall that was difficult to penetrate by conventional means.

Combined with the already elevated tower, the central tower is built on a cylindrical cliff.

at this time,

The inner city actually has a pyramid-shaped three-door structure!

Through this change of lowering and raising the terrain of the enemy and ourselves, Yunyin, who was defending the city, instantly gained extremely superior terrain conditions.

Occupying high ground and having a broad view,

Looking down from a high place, you can have an unobstructed view, instantly gaining a hundred times the intelligence advantage than before, eliminating the disadvantage of the barrier being broken, and the attacking methods of the defenders have also become more diverse.


Uchiha raised his head, frowned slightly, and saw,

From the 120-meter-high city wall, a continuous rainstorm of kunai with detonating talismans suddenly fell!

Under the soles of his feet, there is a link to the 'exploding flame array' that can blow Nagato into a cripple in the original work.

Kumogakure wanted to consume him in this way, similar to how Konan bombarded Uchiha Obito by detonating the sea of ​​symbols, trying to force him to consume all his chakra here.

But these were all ignored by Uchiha Ci after he casually patched up the half-length Susanoo.

After all, at this moment, Uchiha, who had obtained nearly half of the Eight-Tails chakra, had no shortage of tips for opening the Gundam.

What concerned him more was another thing.

"Where did all these Iwagakure come from?"

Uchiha Ci frowned and looked at the group of red-clothed Iwagakure on the city wall, feeling vaguely strange.

"Even if the Daimyo of Earth Kingdom supports me, Iwagakure also intends to join forces, but the number of people is a bit too much, right?"

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