Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 270 Scorpion: Sir, times have changed!

Until Kakuzu left,

The oppressive atmosphere in the underground gold exchange of the Kingdom of Frost eased slightly, and all the bounty ninjas who dared not take a breath finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'm scared to death. Why can't this guy walk without making a sound?"

"I didn't even notice he was coming. Fortunately, I didn't say anything that offended this taboo. Otherwise, all of us would have died here today."

A bounty ninja patted his chest and spoke with lingering fear.

They who are involved in the bounty ninja world know the name of Kakuzu best.

Teammates, passers-by, and even the deacon responsible for connecting with the gold exchange office, if they make this person even slightly displeased, they will all be killed.

"Who says it's not the case?" The bounty ninja sitting opposite him also had a look of fear on his face.

"But what happened to the young leader of the Uchiha clan?"

"Didn't I hear that that guy fell from the cliff of Hell Valley?"

"Besides, that's Hell Valley! The lowest cliff is nearly a thousand meters high. Even a chakra-rich Jonin would have a hard time surviving falling from that kind of terrain. What's more, I also heard that that guy had a hand-to-hand fight with the Tailed Beast Jinchūriki. He was exhausted of chakra, his eyes were gouged out by his horns, and he was fatally injured."

"In that case, death should be certain. How could it be treated as a disappearance?"

The other bounty ninja shook his head,

"The news came from Kumogakure. Who knows what happened in that battle. Hey, maybe the Sandaime Raikage went to Hell Valley~"

"Otherwise, why would Kumogakure even destroy the village this time?"

"The news is too confusing now, but now I heard that many people are rushing to Yunming City, the capital of the Kingdom of Thunder."

"I see, everyone really wants to know whether the only Uchiha Ci who is still alive and kicking is the real thing?"

In the corner of the money exchange, there was a figure wearing a high-collared black robe and a hood that covered his entire face, with only a few strands of red hair.


He was squinting his eyes slightly, looking in the direction Kakuzu had left, listening to the whispers of the bounty ninjas in his ears,

Then, the corners of his mouth curled up into a smile,

"Yunming City?"

The candlelight on the desk flickered and illuminated half of his face.

This person was actually the culprit who killed the Sandaime Kazekage and single-handedly set off the fuse of the Third Ninja War.

The genius puppet master of Hidden Sand Village - the Scorpion of Red Sand!

After traveling all the way from the Kingdom of Wind to the Kingdom of Tang,

According to his original plan, he should have participated in the battle in Hell Valley.

But on the way, he accidentally discovered the traces of a group of Konoha ninjas who were moving strangely, and followed them out of curiosity.

Then we followed all the way to Yunyin Village in the Country of Thunder,

Then, on the night before yesterday,

He witnessed a very spectacular scene in Yunyin Village.

And things that are full of art.

Of the three barrels, only one barrel was lit, and the chakra cannon exploded the two heads of Yamata no Orochi!

That terrifying thing can only be controlled by inspiring human life!

"Relying on traditional kunai and ninja tools, which are always subject to wear and tear, is too boring and does not meet the eternal beauty I pursue."

Thinking of the scene he saw the day before, Xie couldn't help but shook his head.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a very epoch-making thing from under his black robe——

It was something that looked exactly like a flint-haired gun. The difference was that a crystal-clear blue chakra core made of human body replaced the flint.

There is an anvil next to the fire hole. When shooting, if you pull the trigger, it will hit the chakra core under the action of the spring, and shoot out a chakra beam bullet that far exceeds the power of ordinary gunpowder detonators.

Just like this moment!

Xie stood up silently, took out his gun and pointed it at the bald man standing in front of the bar, wiping his glass, with a confused look on his face.

Then, pull the trigger and the chakra core lights up!


The sound of gunfire marks the final sound!

next moment,

A bloody hole immediately appeared in the bald man's forehead, and he fell down with a dull expression.

"Sure enough, compared to hidden ninja weapons like kunai, this thing is better."

"Beyond seven steps, light bullets are faster, within seven steps, light bullets are faster!"

Then, he turned the gun, pointed it at the bounty ninjas who had not yet reacted, and pulled the trigger again!


Purple smoke exploded and quickly enveloped the entire basement!

"You can also prepare chakra toxins with wind-type chakra cores, and integrate them into light bombs to cause area-wide damage!"

One by one, the bounty ninjas who had inhaled the poisonous mist vomited blood and fell down with frightened faces.

Standing among the corpses, Xie looked at the dim and cracked chakra core at the end of the gun and shook his head.

"The power can still be improved. Apart from being a little labor-intensive, there are almost no shortcomings."

"However, as long as we can find an infinite self-healing chakra core that can be made from the human body, it can barely be called a work of art."

Carrying a corpse, Xie put away his gun and took out a hand saw from his black robe.

He cut open the bounty ninja's abdomen with a knife, then reached out and pressed it in. Using the Human Puppet Technique and Chakra Core, he squeezed his dead body into a mummy, extracting a large amount of chakra and gathering it into the chakra in his abdomen. Refined,

Finally, he took out a brand new, crystal clear and blood-stained chakra core.

The life of this ninja is reflected in this beautiful and sinister crystal at this moment.

Xie ignored the blood stains on his face, took a longing look at it, put it in his bag, and started working.


He would also refine these corpses into human bodies one by one to replenish his reserves, and then loot the underground gold exchange.

after all,

Pursuing art is also very expensive.

As for the infinite self-healing chakra core that can be made from the human body,

Although the original target Uchiha Ci has disappeared, isn't there another Uchiha Ci in the capital of the Kingdom of Thunder?

After killing all the people in the money exchange and looting everything,

Xie twisted his sore and tired neck and walked out of the money exchange in a pool of blood.

The sunshine on the coast of the Kingdom of Frost was dazzling and warm, causing him to squint his amber eyes.

A ninja wearing a turban who had been waiting outside for a long time saw Xie coming out and quickly approached him and handed him a piece of information.

"Master Scorpion,"

"The results of the investigation of the 'Uchiha Ci' in Yunming City are out."


Xie took it casually and looked at it carefully.

"So it turns out that this 'Uchiha Ci' was the younger brother that Uchiha Ci accepted in Tang Country, so he acted under his banner,"

"The name of the genius boy who has gone through the ultimate test of the evil god together and gained immortality like Uchiha Ci,"


Xie stopped and thought for a moment, then nodded,

"Although it is not as good as Uchiha Ci, as a work of art, it is barely enough."

"Moreover, if the real Uchiha is not dead, he will definitely not sit idly by and ignore this news."

Xie smiled slightly, her amber eyes condensed, and she said firmly:

"He will appear in Yunming City!"

The turbaned ninja was slightly startled, then raised his head.

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Spread this news and gather all those who are interested in Uchiha Ci!"

Xie sneered:

"I want to turn this place into my hunting ground!"

Because he had witnessed the collapse of Yunyin Village and was unable to catch up with the fierce battle on that hell night, Xie Shang still felt a little regretful.

But no matter, he will gather this group of people again, and then hunt them down one by one!

Makes the perfect collection!

"Go ahead, I'm on my way too."

He casually threw a wad of bills into the hands of the turbaned ninja and sent him to do his work.

Xie figured out the direction and walked towards Yunming City.

And at this time,

On the only road ahead of Scorpion, in a run-down town in the Kingdom of Frost,

A young man holding a baby in one hand and dragging a corpse-like young man with his eyes covered with a layer of black cloth in the other hand.

In front of the city gate, he stopped.

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