Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 255: Hell Thrust!

Chapter 255 Hell's Thrust: Ippon Hand!

The 60-meter Flowing Flame Giant Sword was shattered into pieces, and the second tail was knocked down, until the thunder in the sky exploded again,

During this period, the battle that brought Uchiha to the verge of death several times,

In fact, the whole journey takes less than two minutes.


Konoha and Uchiha's group of ninjas, who could only rely on the No. 11 bus to travel, were already one step behind Uchiha due to the gap in mounts. They finally managed to pass through Hell's Thrust, Nibon Kanshou and the coercion of eight million gods. of sandstorms and seas of fire,

He was almost deafened by another sharp thunder that continued to explode.

Immediately afterwards, the thunder falling from the sky set off a new round of storm.

In this world where great power is concentrated in one body, ordinary ninjas have to do their best to resist even the aftermath of a round of battles between strong men on such a battlefield with a huge range of combat power.

And when a group of people led by Uchiha Setsuna and Sarutobi Shinnosuke finally overcame various difficulties and dangers and came to this battlefield,

Then he saw with horror——

The place where the battle was fought was completely shattered into a scorched ruins,

Standing in the center of the battlefield,

It seems that the victorious boxing champion on the ring is the old man known as the 'Sandaime Raikage' by the world.

Its body is wrapped with bunches of thunder exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

When the electric light swept across, even the surrounding air was shaken and whined.

Seeing this person, all the Konoha ninjas couldn't help but suffocate their breaths and swallowed suddenly just by sensing the powerful aura on the old man.

Then he slowly turned his gaze to the person held high by the Raikage.

"That's Uchiha Ci!?"

Seeing this scene, a group of Konoha ninjas couldn't help but turn pale and couldn't help but tremble all over.

That gallops between dangers, rushes through moments of despair,

I just rescued them once in front of the camp.

The ace of Konoha who was even able to suppress two tailed beast jinchūriki by himself, making them feel that victory was just around the corner, the second tailed beast jinchūriki of Konoha, the one named Uchiha Genius Jōnin.

At this moment, he actually lost!

The boy was caught in the hands of the Sandaime Raikage and raised high!

His body was stained with blood, his clothes were in tatters, his exposed skin was covered with electric marks and burn marks, and his left arm was as black as charcoal.

And above the left chest,

The place that was supposed to be the beating heart was now a big hole that was penetrated from front to back!

The scenes are shocking!


Seeing this scene, Uchiha's eyes were about to burst. The pupil in his single scarlet eye instantly shrank into a pinhole, and the three magatama rotating around the pupil couldn't stop spinning crazily, forming a line.

It's almost like it's turning into a brand new pattern,


"why why why!!"

Uchiha couldn't help but clenched his palm tightly for a moment, and his whole body started to tremble.

He forgot.

He forgot.

Knowing that you have opened the forbidden eye, but forgetting how to use it, there is such a joke in the world!

And, why at this juncture!

Before everyone could react,

on the field,


"Thunder me explosive bomb!!"

The old man had a look on his face, roared, his muscles bulged, and he threw Uchiha Ci to the ground while he was holding him in his arms!

In this "come a duck neck\

,"--boom! !

Uchiha Ci was smashed to the ground instantly like a toy!

The furious thunder swept away like an electric chain, and struck down like a heavy battle ax!

With Uchiha Ci as the center, in an instant, the surface of the earth shattered, cracked and lifted in ring-shaped circles. Spider-web-like cracks spread across a distance of a hundred meters to the feet of Konoha and the others!

In the horrified eyes of everyone,

The boy's head hit the ground first, and instantly folded into a 'V' with his neck. His spine pierced the skin, and instantly hit the ground, shattering every inch, and then his arms, sternum, hips, legs and feet.

Kirabi, who was sitting paralyzed on the edge of the cliff behind Raikage and looking at this scene, couldn't help but said excitedly:

"A third-generation old man actually used this trick."

"So far, no one who has taken this trick has survived."

"That Uchiha brat is finished!"

However, at this moment,

Three shurikens entwined with flames drew a stunning arc in the night sky and sparkled!

In an instant, they were approaching the Sandaime Raikage!

Ai looked sideways slightly and raised his eyebrows,

"Shuriken technique? It's useless to me!"

However, just when he was about to raise his hand and swat away the three shurikens like flies,

Dang Dang Dang!

The three shurikens collided with each other in mid-air, bounced away when the Third Raikage came towards them, and then flew past the Third Raikage.

"Ninjutsu: Hosen Fire Ranbu Jutsu!"

Uchiha's face turned ferocious for a moment, and he quickly formed the seal of the Ninja Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu with his hands, and then followed up the seal of this jutsu with a 'Yin' seal!

This Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique inherited from the Sandaime Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was given to Uchiha Setsuna by Uchiha Ci after the actual combat training during this period. He said that the Sandaime didn't say whether he could teach it to others anyway. So I simply used it to benefit the vast number of Uchiha, and used it as the clan's ninjutsu library.

Setsuna Uchiha, who was extremely proficient in both the shuriken technique and the shadow clone technique, quickly made improvements based on this technique to make it more suitable for the Uchiha clan.

As a result, this ninja technique, the Hosen Fire Ranbu Jutsu, was developed.

This technique was originally planned to be taught to Uchiha Ci today, but at this juncture, it actually came in handy!

In an instant,

The three shurikens that passed through the Third Raikage were divided into two, two into four, and four into eight.

Until, the whole night sky lights up!

Soon, the shurikens filled with flames and covering the entire sky began to rotate violently!

And in an instant——

It turned into a rain of fire that filled the sky, drew arcs with completely unpredictable trajectories, and shot towards the third generation Raikage Ai's back!

"This guy's goal is to compete?!"

The Third Raikage Ai frowned slightly, and was about to stop him, but then seemed to remember something, and quickly snorted coldly,

"Too small, such a technique cannot threaten him!"


Just when he looked sideways in the direction of Kirabi, watching Kirabi use partial tailed beast transformation to summon an eight-tailed tentacle to surround himself and resist the Phoenix Fire Shuriken shooting down from the sky,

Two kunai shot hidden in the night came to him silently, entangling Uchiha Ci who was smashed into a puddle of mud on the ground and didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

Then, Uchiha took a deep breath, raised his index fingers and thumbs, crossed them and pulled them back!

The thread at the end of the kunai straightened instantly and was pulled back!

The silk thread tied Uchiha Ci, pulled him into the air, and flew back to the Konoha ninja camp at high speed.

This old man actually wants to steal someone in front of the Third Raikage Ai!

Seeing this scene, Ai's forehead jumped slightly, and his veins suddenly popped out.

"It's this tactic of attacking in the east and attacking in the west again, these Uchiha"

His eyes suddenly turned fierce, and there was a cruel look on his face.

Although the Heavenly Sending Technique that can teleport over long distances did not cause fatal damage to him, it also damaged his body, preventing him from killing the Uchiha brat immediately with the Hell Thrust and Ippon Hand!

Only then did Uchiha escape and was not killed by Chumi.

That's why the war has dragged on to this point!

And he, who was already irritable, had had enough of the underhanded tactics of this group of Uchihas!

"Just in time, my body has almost recovered!"

Ai glanced at the Konoha ninjas with cold eyes, took a deep breath,

"Then use this technique,"

"Kill all of you together!"


The air becomes more and more anxious,

The whimpering night wind lingered mournfully in the sky, the dark clouds swirled in the night sky, and from time to time a pale lightning flashed across the sky.

The Sandaime Raikage Ai looked cold, and at this moment he raised his palm and pointed directly at the Konoha camp.

In a straight line, his eyes locked on Uchiha Ci, who was flying in mid-air and being pulled back at a very fast speed, passed through the young man, and then aimed at the white-haired, one-eyed old man who was manipulating the silk thread.


Accompanied by a roar of thunder, he raised a finger!

A large amount of thunder and lightning gathered at the tip of the index finger,

In an instant, it turned into a ray that shone brighter than the thunder in the sky, the legendary [strongest spear] of the ninja!

"Hell Thrust·Ipponsen Hand!!"

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