Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 212 Sun Halo Dance vs Huang Heron Sword! The sword leaps into flames!

In a flash of thought,

The wind on the field suddenly moved!

Uchiha turned his head in an instant, and the pupils in his eyes quietly turned into vertical pupils!

Natural energy pours into the eyes along the bulging meridians,

As soon as the 360-degree infrared vision was opened, I saw——

A red blurred ominous shadow was already rolling into the air.

The two knives clamped between the armpits and elbows slid to the neck when he jumped up, and were clamped by the raised shoulders. During the process of jumping in the air, Kirabi raised his legs and lifted them up, clamping them in the knee socket. Throwing the knife into the air, he held it accurately with both hands,

A powerful and heavy double-knife slash was directed at Uchiha's arms. The knife in his mouth and the two knives held between his neck and shoulders followed the twist of his neck and slashed. Three rays of cold light shot out, hitting Uchiha Ci's eyes and neck!

As for the other two knives, Kirabi cut them in mid-air with a dazzling technique, kicked them into the air, and then rotated and cut towards Uchiha's waist and abdomen. The last knife was Kicked with the sole of his foot, he stabbed Uchiha in the heart!

At one time, seven knives were slashing at different positions!

Dazzled, murderous intent hidden!

Uchiha's eyes suddenly shrank in his words!

I couldn't help but feel horrified,

Even with a 360-degree infrared viewing angle, you can clearly see the slashing paths of all swords without moving your eyes. Coupled with the experience of superb shuriken skills, the brain can also calculate multiple levels of offensives. ,

But when he was actually faced with this complex sword technique, his body was simply unable to block it all!

After all, Uchiha Ci only has one sword, and it is impossible to block seven positions at the same time!

This is also the reason for the second pillar in the original work. So when Kirabi jumped over, in order to protect his eyes and heart, he had to choose to retreat. While avoiding the three knives, he raised his sword to block two knives one after another, and continued to retreat. .

What followed him was Kirabi's continuous offensive, and he was forced to lose the initiative and could only be beaten continuously!

In the end, he was chopped away by a supersonic thunder knife sandwiched among seven knives, completely establishing his defeat!

When Sasuke chose to retreat, he had already lost the sword duel.


The so-called ninjutsu——

It is to turn the impossible into possible, overcome desperate situations and achieve miracles!

Faced with Kirabi's wild heron sword, if you want to win, the most important thing is to never lose your initiative!

One thought comes to this,

Uchiha Ci ignored the fact that he had just learned the key taijutsu skills and had not yet fully practiced the swordsmanship passed down by the Uchiha family.

He can only catch the duck and put it on the shelf!

However, unlike Sasuke who had three wet nurses and a father,

Uchiha alone is more tolerant than him with three breasts!

Thoughts flashed between lightning and flint, and in a flash, Uchiha Ci made plans for the battle!

Facing Kirabi's seven knives spinning and slashing in mid-air!

A crazy smile appeared on Uchiha Ci's face.

"Sa, Eight-Tails, I'll let you see it!"

"What does it mean to be a fault-tolerant God!"


Facing the seven slashed swords, Uchiha stood there, motionless!

He just twisted the hilt of the sword suddenly, pointed it at Kirabi's head and stabbed him!

He has no intention of hiding at all!

And because the Sharingan is not sure whether it can be regenerated, it needs to be blocked, but Kirabi cannot see that his eyes are the key.

Therefore, Uchiha Ci chose to retaliate and stabbed Kirabi directly in the head.

If Kirabi insists on scratching his eyes with the knife in his mouth, he will stab Kirabi in the head with his sword!

Use offense for defense, trade life for life!

Seeing this scene, Mr. Chen, who had been squeezing his palms nervously behind his back, widened his eyes and exclaimed nervously:

"Boy Ci, it's impossible to defeat that guy like this!"

"Quickly withdraw the knife and dodge!"

And at this moment,

Kirabi, who was wielding a knife in mid-air, was also shocked when he saw this scene.

But soon, facing the sword that Uchiha stabbed at his head without hesitation,

There was a trace of ridicule in his eyes under his sunglasses. He turned his neck sideways to avoid the sword. At the same time, except for the knife in his mouth and the knife that was released sideways to his neck, the other five knives followed. Cut it off!

"Extremely stupid, it's over!"

"Dance, dance like a butterfly!"

In an instant,

The sword flashed, and the five blades flew across the sky!

puff! puff! puff! puff! puff!

Five blood flowers suddenly splashed high from Uchiha's body!

Kirabi landed firmly in mid-air, used a dazzling technique to retrieve the seven knives and cut them again, kicked his legs together, kicked out three knives and stabbed Uchiha Ci's shoulder and forearm, and at the same time, he kicked Kick him into the air,

Immediately afterwards, three knives from the elbow socket, right hand, and right armpit were shot out, piercing Uchiha Ci's chest, abdomen, and thighs!

The knife held tightly in his left hand slashed forward, cutting a huge gap from Uchiha's neck to his left kidney!

at last,

The whole body lit up with lightning flashes, and the red hot thunder plow knife struck out the last blow with a bang!

"Eight tails, stinging like a bee!"

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

Accompanied by the crisp sound of the blade entering flesh, Uchiha was instantly pierced into a hedgehog!


In mid-air, Uchiha Ci suddenly opened his eyes and vomited out a large mouthful of blood!

However, even as he vomited blood, he did not show any signs of timidity. Instead, he lowered his head, stared at Kirabi who was swinging the eighth knife at him, and showed a crazy smile with blood-stained lips and teeth.

"After seven cuts, you still want to cut again!?"

"Eight-Tails, you are too greedy!"


"It's my turn!"

He grabbed the gap between Kirabi holding the seventh knife, waving his arms and retracting his arms, and activating the Thunder Plow Hot Knife.

Uchiha's face turned grim, and he suddenly swung the Kusanagi sword downward from mid-air, using the inertia to spin his body up!

A burst of flame burst out between his teeth in an instant!

next moment--

Four Symbols Seal·Resolution!

Bagua Seal·Resolution!

Seal of evil seal·Resolution!

Heavy seals on the limbs, finger-engraved seals, and four black snake bindings.

Solution, solution, solution, solution!

All lifted!

The long-lost strength surges through the body again, at this moment!

Zero Tail, Immortal Body, Tailed Beast Physique, Forbidden Technique·Physical Transformation, Fire Release·Chakra Mode, Secret Technique·Earth Resentment Suture, Heaven's Curse Seal, Curse Seal Two Modes

All explode!

With the terrifying physique endowed by this forbidden secret technique,

In an instant, flesh and blood are reorganized, the body is activated, and bones are regenerated!

The six knives that penetrated the body were instantly squeezed out by the intact flesh and blood!

The high-intensity white lines flowing from the heart instantly spread to the whole body, and are connected with the large group of dark chakra in the abdomen!


A great sun shines from mid-air!

Flying through this great sun, there was no fear or hesitation on Uchiha's face.

He suddenly twisted the hilt of the sword, turned around and slashed down!

In the method described in the Uchiha Style: Halo Dance Scroll, all the chakra and eye power are integrated into the sword,

Condensing a blazing white sword that shines brighter than the sun behind you!

This is the first form of Uchiha style: Halo Dance!

The sword leaps into flames!

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