After class that day, Kimoto packed up his things slowly as usual.

Shikamaru, who was sitting in front of Kimoto, packed up his things and turned to look at Kimoto and smiled,"Can you accompany me to the back mountain today?".

In the past year or so, Kimoto has had a good relationship with Shikamaru, Choji and Ino.

The main thing is that the three of them showed goodwill, so Kimoto would naturally not ignore it.

After Shikamaru finished speaking, Kimoto was stunned for a moment, and then asked,"Is it time to pick the antlers of your deer again?"

Kimoto did help Shikamaru pick antlers this year, so he also received some medicinal herbs from Shikamaru.

Shikamaru nodded and smiled,"Yes, the antlers are growing well this year, and some medicinal herbs are time to pick them."

Even Tsunade values the medicinal herbs of Shikamaru's family, so Kimoto naturally knows how good the medicinal herbs of Shikamaru's family are.

Kimoto looked at the sky outside. Because of the extra classes today, the sun was about to set.

Before Kimoto agreed, Ino said,"I'll go too, I'll go too." Choji held the bag of potato chips in his hand and smiled,"I'll go too."

Sasuke glanced at Kimoto and said coldly,"I'll go too."

Hinata stood beside Kimoto and smiled gently,"Kimoto-kun, how about we go together to help Shikamaru?"

In fact, she just wanted to spend more time with Kimoto. Kimoto nodded,"Okay, but it's so late now, is it really okay to go now? The back mountain is a bit dangerous." Kimoto didn't care, but the strength of Shikamaru and the other three was indeed a bit dangerous.

Sasuke and Hinata's current strength has reached the level of Genin, and even 953 can resist some Chunin.

Shikamaru smiled and said,"Isn't this asking you to go together?" Kimoto

's face darkened when he heard this,"Forget it, let's go."

Although Kimoto wanted to say something, he finally thought it was better to forget it.

After hearing Kimoto agreed to go, Ino jumped up,"Yeah, I can finally sleep with Kimoto again."

But just as Ino finished speaking, the students around who were about to leave the classroom all looked at Kimoto and Ino with horror.

Kimoto felt these gazes and his mouth twitched slightly.

He looked at Ino and said calmly,"Don't talk nonsense."

Ino also noticed the gazes of the people around him and quickly explained,"No, we went out to play and slept in the same room."

Although they are still young, these people are relatively precocious. They were indeed frightened when they heard what Ino said just now.

I didn't expect Ino to be so bold.

Hinata was actually a little uncomfortable when she heard what Ino said just now.

But she knew that she couldn't get angry in front of Kimoto. She felt that Kimoto must not like stingy people.

Hinata is not as introverted as before. Although she is not generous, she is not shy and timid when she sees anyone.

At least she can get along with Kimoto normally.

In fact, she has also noticed this year that Ino actually likes Kimoto.

So she has been making herself better, otherwise she is worried that Kimoto will not choose her in the future.

The six people (cjfe) formed a small group in the class.

But usually after school, the six people will leave together.

Kiba and Naruto stood in their seats to pack up their things, although they didn't say anything.

Their eyes were full of envy.

They are not stupid. These six people walk together after school every day. Obviously, they have become friends.

In the past, Naruto thought that Shikamaru was his best friend in the class. Recently, he found that Shikamaru seemed to spend less time with him. Instead, he often appeared next to Kimoto.

This made him feel jealous.

He didn't feel it before, but now he knows that in the class, the only person who can be called his friend seems to be Shikamaru.

Now Shikamaru seems to be drifting away from him.

So Naruto is a little panicked.

Kiba is very envious of the six people.

Because their grades in the class are very good, and they can even be said to be among the top few. (To read the violent novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

And their group is obviously only for very outstanding people. This is what Kiba thinks.

But there is no way. Both Naruto and Kiba are a little proud and unwilling to ask to join. What's more, Kimoto and Sasuke, who both of them dislike, are among them.

And Sakura actually noticed it, but she only pays attention to Sasuke. As long as it doesn't affect her flirting with Sasuke, she doesn't want to join.

And most importantly, Ino, who usually competed with her for Sasuke, now turned her attention to Kimoto.

No one competed with her, she was so happy that she couldn't have time to object.

Under the envious eyes of Naruto and Kiba, they walked out of the classroom.

The six people watched the sun about to set, and Shikamaru smiled and said,"It seems that we will sleep in the forest today."

They did this before. When it was late to pick herbs, they would rest in the medicinal forest of the Nara clan for a night. In their medicinal forest, there was a wooden house for rest.

Walking on the road, Shikamaru smiled and said,"I don't know why the class was extended for so long today. It's almost dark. I originally thought that I would go to pick herbs after school today, but I didn't expect that I would have to take an extra class."

Kimoto looked at the setting sun in the distance and frowned. He always felt that something was happening.

And today Kakashi and Kai both have tasks.

It was too coincidental. Since this afternoon, he felt that the atmosphere around him was a little weird.

Although it seemed no different from usual to others, Kimoto could feel the subtle difference.

Ino was walking beside Kimoto, her eyes were always on Kimoto, she didn't hear what Shikamaru said.

At this time, Choji said,"It's really strange. The content of the extra class today is obviously not that important. I don't know why it's extra."

Sasuke kept a cold face and didn't speak, but like Ino, he kept his eyes on Kimoto, but sometimes he also looked at Hinata. Hinata blushed slightly, smiled, and walked on the other side of Kimoto.

She felt that this atmosphere was good, and that they were the friends she had always wanted.

Shikamaru couldn't figure out the reason, so he turned to Kimoto and asked,"Kimoto, what do you think?"

Kimoto frowned, and finally didn't say what he guessed in his heart, but said,"It should be that Teacher Iruka wants to help us prepare for the survival exercise in a month, after all, we have to be with the seniors of the previous class." Shikamaru saw Kimoto's frown, he was not stupid, he knew that Kimoto just gave a reason casually, and it was estimated that Kimoto himself had some guesses in his heart.

However, Shikamaru did not point it out, but nodded thoughtfully and said,"Oh, maybe that's the case."

Sasuke also saw Kimoto's frowning brows, and thought to himself,"This guy has been frowning since just now. Did something big happen? He would never be so solemn for no reason."

Although Shikamaru was a little curious about what happened today, Kimoto's expression meant that this matter might be a little serious.

After all, Kimoto's master is Kakashi, the captain of the Anbu.

He must know a lot of inside information.

In fact, Shikamaru was wrong. Kimoto didn't know at all, and even Kakashi didn't know about this. The reason why Kakashi and Kai had a mission at this time was because if they were in the village, they might oppose what the Third Generation and Danzo were going to do today.

And the uncomfortable feeling that Kimoto felt was actually that the Uchiha clan was being exterminated today.

Although Kimoto didn't know what happened specifically, he knew that something big was probably happening in Konoha.

And it was a very serious thing.

In fact, it was normal. Today, the Uchiha clan was exterminated, and the Anbu and the Root needed to be used to guard outside.

If Kakashi were here, he would probably have a lot of opinions about the Third Generation.

Although Kakashi is a ninja who will firmly follow the orders of his superiors, it must be said that he has changed a lot now.

The details of the extermination of a clan cannot be known by other people.

Even this time, most of the ninjas guarding the periphery are Root ninjas, and there are not many ninjas from the Anbu.

In fact, compared to Danzo, the Third Generation is the one who least wants the Uchiha clan to be exterminated, but now he knows that the Uchiha clan is irreversible. When they decided to launch a coup, it was irreversible.

At this moment, the Third Generation is more determined than Danzo to exterminate the Uchiha clan. He feels sorry for the Uchiha clan, but at the same time, the actions of the Uchiha clan have shaken the foundation of the village, so he will not be soft-hearted. Just like Hashirama Senju back then, if there is a threat to the village, even his former best friend Uchiha Madara will be killed by him personally..

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