A large amount of water vapor filled the air.

The remaining water instantly swirled around the wooden element.



The Great Fireball Technique continuously impacted the Water Array Wall that protected Kimoto, and a large amount of water vapor filled the air, and the area within a radius of more than ten meters was already filled with smoke.

The students in the class were completely stunned.

They were completely shocked by the two.

Sasuke could release a ninjutsu, but why could Kimoto also release it?

And it was an advanced water-style ninjutsu, a B-level Water Array Wall.

Although the students did not know what kind of ninjutsu the Water Array Wall was, they knew, not only knew, but also knew very well that Kimoto, who could use the Water Array Wall, was probably at the level of a ninja.

Kimoto and Sasuke both reached the level of a ninja, and they were only seven years old now.

Suddenly, two geniuses appeared in the ninja school, and they were in his class. Iruka didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while.

Because these two geniuses were rivals, the kind that could not tolerate water and fire.

In the end, the Great Fireball went out first.

Because Sasuke maintained a continuous chakra output after releasing the Great Fireball Technique, he couldn't stand it after the Great Fireball Technique went out. He collapsed and fell to the ground.

However, Mu Yuan's water array wall was still maintained.

However, when the fireball went out, he stopped the operation of the water array wall.

The sand under Mu Yuan's feet was instantly submerged by a large amount of water, but Mu Yuan could easily stand on the muddy water.

Looking at Sasuke lying in the muddy water, he looked at Iruka.

Iruka only reacted at this time, and Sasuke had fallen to the ground.

He hurried over and took Sasuke to the health room.

After releasing a water array wall, Mu Yuan still looked calm and did not feel any pressure.

The reason why Sasuke fell down after releasing a great fireball technique was because his chakra was exhausted. The reason was that Mu Yuan's water array wall blocked the great fireball. He needed to maintain the continuity of the great fireball and compete with Mu Yuan's water array wall, so he needed to continuously output chakra.

His chakra was no match for Mu Yuan's, so he exhausted the chakra in his body in less than five seconds.

Chakra was exhausted, and he didn't even have the strength.

The students in the class looked at Mu Yuan with awe. The girls in the class were okay before. Although Mu Yuan did give people a feeling of being kept away from others, he was good-looking and had very good grades.

So he was very attractive to girls.

But the boys were very unhappy. They even thought that Mu Yuan was just an exam machine that could take exams.

But the battle just now told them that Mu Yuan was not just an exam machine that could only take exams, but also a person with very terrible actual combat ability.

Just a water array wall scared them.

That was a B-level ninjutsu. The chakra consumed was more than Sasuke's Great Fireball Jutsu, and even extinguished Sasuke's Great Fireball Jutsu, while Mu Yuan's ninjutsu was still running.

This shows that Mu Yuan's chakra is much more than Sasuke's.

Even Sasuke is not Mu Yuan's opponent, and no one in the class can be Mu Yuan's opponent.

So the students in the class who had been dissatisfied with Mu Yuan before all bowed their heads at this time. They knew that there was a big gap between them and Mu Yuan.

They were not even at the same level.

No wonder Kimoto didn't play with them before, it turned out that there was such a big gap between them and Kimoto.

Even Kiba and Naruto were a little afraid of Kimoto at this time.

They actually wanted to teach Kimoto a lesson before. Looking at the strength Kimoto showed just now, it was good enough that they were not taught a lesson by Kimoto.

Kimoto didn't think there was anything to be happy about in winning this practical test. However, the reason why Kimoto exposed the fact that he knew ninjutsu was actually to shock the students in the class.

Don't always think about making trouble for him.

Another purpose was that he had become Kakashi's disciple, and he had already entered the eyes of Konoha's top management, so there was no need to act anymore.

So Kimoto would be what he should be, he would not deliberately show it, nor would he think about hiding it.

When Kimoto walked among the students, all the students were a little in awe of him.

Hinata was very happy when she stood in the crowd and looked at Kimoto.

"Mr. Kimoto actually learned ninjutsu. No wonder he learned it all when he was secretly learning it before. Did Mr. Kimoto learn it all?"

"As expected, Kimoto-kun has a very high talent.

Although Hinata has been suppressing her thoughts and never bothering Kimoto and causing trouble for him, she still silently pays attention to Kimoto.

Shikamaru was also a little surprised. His originally lazy expression now looks a little shocked when he looks at Kimoto.

"This guy is really scary."

"Although I thought you would win at first, I didn't expect you to win so beautifully, and you have mastered such powerful power now."

"Now, you probably have the strength that is not inferior to that of a Chunin, right?".

Shikamaru is very rational, so he knows more clearly what stage Kimoto is in now.

At the age of seven, he already has the strength of a Chunin. Shikamaru is very impressed.

"It seems that this guy will become a very powerful ninja in the future."

Ino, who was standing next to Shikamaru, looked at Kimoto with a favorable look.

""Kimoto is such a strong guy, and he's really handsome, even though he's aloof, but he's really strong and handsome." Ino is different from Sakura, Ino simply likes handsome guys, while Sakura really likes Sasuke.

So when Sakura saw Sasuke fainted, she was very anxious, but Ino looked at Kimoto with a look of affection.

In the past, because Kimoto was too aloof, although she admired Kimoto, she didn't dare to get close to him.

Now, Ino thinks that Kimoto is really handsome, and she wants to get closer to Kimoto in the future.

The students in the class had different thoughts.

Kimoto, however, stood in the crowd with a calm face.

He ignored the awe-inspiring looks of others, but was concentrating his chakra.

Kakashi, who was standing on a tree watching this scene, smiled and said,"This kid is really calm. Although defeating Sasuke is nothing, he can be so calm and composed under the gaze of so many eyes."

"It really doesn't match his age".

After Iruka sent Sasuke to the health room, he returned to the training ground to arrange the next practical test.

Because Sasuke was just exhausted due to chakra depletion, Iruka returned to the training ground with peace of mind. He just looked at Kimoto with some surprise.

But Kimoto obviously didn't care about those surprised looks at him.

After watching the fight between Kimoto and Sasuke, the subsequent practical tests did not arouse the interest of the students in the class at all.

Because the contrast was too strong, compared with the fight between Kimoto and Sasuke, they were as boring as playing house.

After a day of classes at the Ninja School, Kimoto went home as usual.

But this time, when many students in the class looked at him on the way, their eyes were full of awe, not the provocative eyes before.

After returning home, Kimoto was about to go to the back mountain to practice with a fishing rod as usual.

Kakashi appeared in the yard. Kimoto looked at Kakashi standing in the yard with a fishing rod in his hand, and asked curiously,"Are you usually so free? Shouldn't the Anbu have a lot of tasks?"

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