So his life or death really has nothing to do with Kimoto.

What Kimoto didn't know was that the third generation even wanted to train Kimoto to become the sixth generation Hokage.

Kakashi suddenly became serious, looked at Kimoto and said,"Now you are my disciple. In fact, I hope you can graduate early, because I think that with your current strength, it is meaningless to continue to stay in the ninja school."

Kimoto was stunned for a moment, and Kakashi also noticed,"But from what I know about you, you probably don't want to do this."

Kimoto nodded, Kakashi still knows himself.

Although he really can't learn anything in the ninja school.

But it's safe to stay in the ninja school.

Konoha is more protective of the students of the ninja school, and Kimoto doesn't want to lose this benefit.

If you really become a ninja, you will have to face the struggles of several forces. Although Kimoto has some strength now, he still can't have enough sense of security in that kind of struggle.

Kakashi thought that Kimoto didn't graduate from the ninja school because of his cautious attitude.

What he thought was completely different from what Kimoto thought.

However, Kakashi certainly didn't know what Kimoto was thinking. He continued,"So the Hokage gave you two choices. The first is to continue studying at the Ninja School, but occasionally go on missions with me as an apprentice ninja."

"The second option is to graduate from the Ninja School, enter the Anbu, and become an Anbu ninja."

In fact, most of the ninjas who graduate early will enter the Anbu.

For example, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui.

But obviously, Kimoto would not choose the second option at all.

He doesn't want to become an Anbu. The Anbu is a place where dirty work is done. Although it is not as dark as the Root, it is not much better.

It is still a place where dirty work is done.

Kimoto doesn't want to live in darkness all his life. That's too uncomfortable.

Kimoto chose the first option without hesitation.

"I choose the first option. However, you are a jonin, right? Do you think it is okay to take a seven-year-old child like me to carry out those missions?""

Kimoto was also speechless. Although he did have some strength, he was only seven years old after all.

Letting a seven-year-old child carry out those high-level missions, if Kimoto was not unfamiliar with the Third Hokage, he would even think that the Third Hokage was targeting him.

Kakashi also knew that Kimoto would definitely not understand.

So Kakashi scratched his head and said,"I know that too, but the Hokage also said that his purpose is to let you accumulate practical experience and understand how to complete the mission earlier."

""Hokage-sama is quite concerned about you."

Kimoto said speechlessly,"Then I have to thank him, right?".

If it was in Kimoto's world, letting a seven-year-old child perform a life-and-death mission would be really insane.

But this kind of thing is not very special in this world.

After all, when Uchiha Itachi was three years old, he was taken to the battlefield by his father, and even killed people.

I have to say that people in this world are sometimes really inhumane.

Although Kimoto complained like this, he knew that he had no way to refuse.

He has now been targeted by the Third Generation, and it will be impossible for him to remain calm in the future. He can only continue to strengthen his strength and wait for the Third Generation to die early. When it comes to the Fifth Generation Hokage, that is, Tsunade, it will be easier and more humane.

After all, the Third Generation came out of the three Ninja World Wars, so his thoughts still belong to the thoughts of the war years.

Although Tsunade also came from that era, her thoughts of the war years were not too heavy.

Living in the period when Tsunade was Hokage was obviously more relaxed.

Kakashi also smiled and said,"Although I see you complaining, I don't see that you have the slightest disgust"

"It's a bit too much to ask you to follow me on a mission, but I think you can handle it, and the Hokage will not ask you to carry out some very difficult missions with me."

"After all, the Hokage is not such a rude person."

Kage laughed.

However, he could not do anything except laugh. In fact, what Kimoto and Kakashi did not know was that the battle between the two was seen by the third generation in the Hokage room through the crystal ball.

After watching it, the third generation was a little shocked.

"This child is really terrifying. He has such strength at the age of seven. If he grows up smoothly, he may even surpass the fourth generation."

"Especially his reaction ability, I don't know if he is willing to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique".

The difficulty of learning the Flying Thunder God Technique is secondary. As long as you have good talent, you can still learn it.

But learning it does not necessarily mean you can use it, nor does it necessarily mean you can use it well.

First of all, this ninjutsu requires a lot of chakra to operate. Namikaze Minato's guards have learned it, but their chakra is not enough to support the operation of this ninjutsu, and it even takes several people to release it once.

It can be seen that the use of the Flying Thunder God Technique consumes a lot of chakra.

Secondly, if you want to use the Flying Thunder God Technique well, The God Technique requires a very strong reaction speed and a coordinated attack ninjutsu.

Because the Flying Thunder God Technique is not an attack ninjutsu, but a mobile ninjutsu. This ninjutsu is only responsible for movement, not attack.

After using the Flying Thunder God Technique to move, you still have to attack by yourself.

Therefore, a ninjutsu that is easy to use and has a strong burst of power is a must.

The reason why you need a strong reaction speed is because you teleport in front of others and you have to attack before the opponent reacts.

If you teleport and others react faster than you, you are going to die, and it is a death that is delivered to the door.

Because others can kill you before you can react, and at that time, you don't even have time to activate the Flying Thunder God Technique.

So after all these years, only two ninjas have fully mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique, because this ninjutsu requires many conditions to cooperate.

The reaction speed alone has already screened out most people.

But Kimoto's reaction speed is absolutely outstanding.

That's why the third generation wanted Kimoto to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique and see.

If Kimoto can use the Flying Thunder God Technique well, then his combat effectiveness will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Thinking of this, the third generation I thought,"Forget it, let's wait until he grows up. His chakra is not enough to support this ninjutsu now."

Although Kimoto's chakra is now comparable to that of three ordinary jonin, it is still too little to support the better operation of the Flying Thunder God Technique.

In fact, except for special cases like Naruto, at Kimoto's age, he definitely has the most chakra, and it is weirdly much more.

If you don't know, you would think he is a Jinchūriki.

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