After watching the training ground for a while, Kimoto walked away in boredom.

He didn't realize that Kakashi had been watching him in the forest next to the training ground.

Seeing that Kimoto did not stay in the training ground until dark, Kakashi thought for a moment and said with a smile,"It seems that this place no longer has the ninjutsu he wants to learn.""

"It was indeed a bit scary. In just one year, he had already learned all the ninjutsu he had seen, more than 30 ninjutsu, and even more than a dozen B-level ninjutsu. He could also use those B-level ninjutsu to exert the power of A-level forbidden techniques."

"His strength must have reached the level of a jonin by now. A seven-year-old jonin is really a scary guy."

"His problem now is the lack of practical experience, which is very difficult to deal with."

"Should we let him graduate early?"

In Kakashi's opinion, the current Kimoto already has the strength of a jonin, both in terms of physical skills and ninjutsu, and even among the jonin, his strength is not weak. You know, Kimoto is only seven years old.

When he was seven years old, he was just a chunin, and not even the strongest among the chunin.

Most of them are at the level of elite chunin.

And Kimoto is only seven years old, but he has already reached the level of a jonin. Although he cannot reach the strength of an elite jonin, he also has the strength of an ordinary jonin.

Although Kimoto has no practical experience now, it is only a matter of time.

Looking at Kimoto's young back, under the setting sun, Kakashi's eyes slightly condensed,"What will happen to him in the future? Maybe he can surpass the Fourth Hokage."

Kimoto's talent is the strongest person Kakashi has ever seen, and the most terrifying thing is that he has now become a strong man in Konoha.

Even in the five major ninja villages, the Jonin is the absolute top combat power of the village. In the Ninja World War, the Jonin is qualified to command the troops alone.

Thinking of this, Kakashi disappeared in the woods.

Not long after, he came to the Hokage room.

The Third Hokage was using the telescope technique to watch some nosebleed pictures.

That posture really looked quite disrespectful.

Hearing the knock on the door, he quickly put away the crystal ball, pretended to be serious and sat on the chair.

"Come in".

He was in completely different state from what he was just now.

Kakashi actually knew that at times like this, the Third Generation must be watching some not-so-serious scenes.

Of course, as a person who reads pornographic books every day, he has no qualifications to comment on this behavior.

Seeing Kakashi come in, the Third Generation was stunned for a moment and asked,"Kakashi, is there something wrong?".

He remembered that Kakashi should not have had any missions during this period.

Kakashi walked up to the third generation and said,"Hokage, that child can no longer learn anything from the training ground. Today he only watched for more than ten minutes and went back. I think he can graduate from the Ninja School early. There is really no need for him to stay in the Ninja School."

Kakashi thought about it for a long time before deciding to say it. He felt that with Kimoto's current strength, it was a waste of time in the Ninja School.

The third generation fell silent. The third generation and Kakashi were the only two people who knew about Kimoto.

For Kimoto, the third generation has treated him as another fourth generation during this period.

Kimoto may even be better than the fourth generation.

But what the third generation did not expect was that Kimoto has now mastered all the ninjutsu on the training ground.

After thinking about it, the third generation said,"It seems that he has mastered the ninjutsu on the training ground. Compared to him, he now has the combat power of the upper ninja level. What he lacks is practical experience and experience in performing tasks."

"Kakashi, do you think it's okay to let him graduate early?".

The Third Generation did not decide to let Kimoto graduate early now, but asked Kakashi, is it okay to let Kimoto graduate early now?

For some reason, the Third Generation felt that the more talented the genius, the more they should not be allowed to graduate early.

Otherwise, it would be easy to cause problems.

Although Minato Namikaze was quite talented and had been favored by him for a long time, even in the Second Ninja World War, the Third Generation let him graduate normally. He did not graduate early.

Therefore, the Third Generation was still very cautious about Kimoto's early graduation.

He did not agree to let Kimoto graduate early just because Kakashi proposed, because Kimoto was at least the next Fourth Generation in his eyes.

Now in the eyes of the Third Generation, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Sasuke can no longer be compared with Kimoto.

Because they are all from the Uchiha clan, and Kimoto is an ordinary person, and they should naturally stand on his side.

And from his point of view, Kimoto's talent is definitely far beyond those three people.

It's just that he lacks resources, but this year, he also arranged many opportunities for Kimoto to learn secretly.

Kimoto is also very competitive, He actually mastered all the ninjutsu of the ninjas he arranged.

This made the third generation very satisfied.

Although the third generation felt that it was not appropriate for Kimoto to stay in the ninja school now that he had the strength of a jonin.

But he didn't want him to graduate from the ninja school so early, not to mention that Kimoto probably wouldn't agree.

In the past year, he had seen Kimoto from a distance several times. He felt that with Kimoto's personality, he would not agree to graduate early.

The third generation was still clear about this.

When asked by the third generation, Kakashi was stunned for a moment, and he also pondered.

Thinking of his understanding of Kimoto in this year, he finally smiled bitterly and said,"I'm afraid he is unlikely to agree, but with his current strength, it will not be good for his future development if he stays in the ninja school. He is different from others." After more than a year of tracking, Kakashi knew Kimoto very well, and he also admired Kimoto very much.

So he didn't want Kimoto to waste his time in the ninja school.

The third generation thought about it, and finally looked at Kakashi and said very seriously,"Kakashi, I want to ask you, what do you think of Kimoto?".

Kakashi frowned, thinking about why the third generation asked this question.

After thinking for a while, he widened his eyes, looked at the third generation and asked,"You don't want to arrange him for me, do you?"

The third generation laughed and said,"Are you willing to accept it?".

Because Kakashi is the fifth Hokage successor trained by the Third Hokage, if Kimoto becomes Kakashi's disciple, if Kimoto performs well in the future, he is destined to be the successor of the Sixth Hokage.

Among the current Hokage of Konoha, the most suitable ninja who can become Hokage is Kakashi.

It's just that Kakashi's strength and prestige are a bit lacking.

Kakashi does have some prestige among the jonin, but his qualifications are too shallow, and he doesn't have the glorious military exploits like Minato Namikaze who turned the entire battlefield around.

He can't suppress the high-level officials of Konoha at all.

What's more, Kakashi's strength is only that of an elite jonin. As a last resort, the Third Hokage still hopes to wait until Kakashi's strength reaches the level of Kage and makes more military exploits before passing the position of Hokage to him.

As for Kimoto, he is a person that the Third Hokage is very satisfied with.

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