Hinata sensed Kimoto's impatience, lowered her head and said cautiously,"Actually, if you want to learn ninjutsu, I, my family has collections in this area."

Although the Hyuga clan does not learn ninjutsu, they do have some collections of ninjutsu, which is the heritage of a family.

Even if they don't learn, they still collect them, which is a display of strength.

The Uchiha clan is even more so. Because of the Sharingan, the Uchiha clan has collected a lot of ninjutsu, but most of the ninjas of the Uchiha clan do not learn those ninjutsu, but keep them. It is conceivable that after the demise of the Uchiha clan, Danzo and Uchiha Obito got how many good things from the Uchiha clan.

But it is understandable. After all, Danzo even has the Wood Release Ninjutsu, and he probably doesn't think much of the ninjutsu collected by the Uchiha clan.

Kimoto looked at Hinata with a puzzled face.

But reason still made Kimoto stop thinking in his mind.

"No need, I can learn it myself".

Learning ninjutsu secretly is not a despicable behavior in the ninja world, provided that you can really succeed in learning it secretly. If you fail, it will be a joke.

After that, Kimoto said,"You'd better go back quickly."

Others are children and don't know better, but Kimoto is not. He knows very well how important the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan is.

Dealing with such a person is basically walking on a tightrope.

If something goes wrong with her, the Hyuga clan will probably put the blame on Kimoto.

He can't bear such a responsibility.

So even if Kimoto doesn't hate Hinata, he doesn't want to have too much contact with her.

When Hinata heard Kimoto's words, she was actually a little sad.

She whispered,"Kimoto-kun, do you, do you hate me very much?"

This is something Hinata has always been confused about, but she didn't dare to ask.

Kimoto seemed very reluctant to communicate with her. Sasuke, who was standing behind her, was actually very unhappy when he heard this.

"What's so good about this guy? Why does Hinata like this guy?"

"Hinata is the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan, and is not something that Kimoto can reach."

This is not the era after the Fourth Ninja World War when family barriers were gradually eliminated.

Between families, unless civilian ninjas are as talented and as famous as Minato Namikaze, they do not have much communication qualifications with family children. Even the Twelve Ninjas of Konoha later, most of them were family members. Sakura and Tenten basically existed as buffers in the team.

From the beginning, their fate was arranged by the third generation.

Behind Lee was Kai.

It was very difficult for civilian ninjas to have any contact with these people, and they were indeed not qualified.

They were not strong enough.

In fact, Sasuke has always had this family superiority in his heart.

He has always been proud of the Uchiha clan.

So when Kimoto surpassed him in the first test, he was very Unhappy.

Sasuke likes Hinata, and he also thinks that only he is worthy of Hinata's identity.

Kimoto is not worthy at all.

In fact, according to the current thinking of the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan, Kimoto is indeed not worthy.

Although the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan look down on each other in private, they have to admit that the other family is very important in Konoha.

And who is Kimoto?

It’s okay to be a civilian ninja, and he hasn’t shown any special talents so far. What right does he have to get involved with Hinata?

This is also a headache for Kimoto. He really doesn’t want to provoke the nerves of the Hyuga clan at this time.

He even wants Hinata to never have anything to do with him again.

Even if he comes into contact with Naruto, Kimoto doesn’t want to come into contact with Hinata.

And now Kimoto is a little overwhelmed when he hears Hinata’s problem.

Finally, he said calmly,"You think too much. I have never really hated anyone, but I really can't be responsible for your safety."

"This is not a matter of whether you care or not".

Knowing what Hinata would say if he said this, Mu Yuan immediately stopped Hinata from speaking. Hinata opened her mouth but didn't say anything, because she really wanted to say what Mu Yuan said.

Hinata, who was stopped from speaking, could only lower her head, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Mu Yuan said calmly,"In fact, you can have many friends, and there is no need to contact me. You don't have to care about your own safety, but if anything happens to you around me, believe me, your family will definitely make me very uncomfortable."

""Okay, I've said it all. I hope you won't follow me anymore."

Just as he was about to turn around, Kimoto looked at Sasuke standing in the dark.

"And you, don't follow me".

Sasuke, who was hiding in the dark, was shocked. He had hidden very well, how did Kimoto find out?

Sasuke was a little surprised.

After Kimoto finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Hinata.

This is the basic instant teleportation technique, which is to condense the chakra under the feet to achieve instant teleportation.

However, this level of instant teleportation technique is very basic and is useless against a ninja of the Jonin level.

After Kimoto disappeared, Sasuke was stunned, looking at the place where Kimoto disappeared.

He frowned and said,"That guy is so fast, could it be the instant teleportation technique?".

Although the instant body movement technique is not a forbidden technique, it is not something that a student of a ninja school can master.

At least now Sasuke has not mastered the instant body movement technique.

And Kimoto actually mastered it.

Sasuke couldn't believe it.

Because Kimoto surpassed him again.

In terms of speed.

Sasuke frowned with his fists clenched,"I don't know what other abilities this guy has."

The last time he saw Kimoto teaching three gangsters a lesson, he was already very surprised. He didn't expect that in just over half a month,

Kimoto surprised him again.

But seeing Kimoto become like this, Sasuke was very anxious.

"It seems that I have to learn the Great Fireball Technique as soon as possible, and try to defeat him in the actual combat exercise next year. I will never be defeated by a civilian ninja."It is difficult for civilian ninjas to make a name for themselves in Konoha. Over the years, there have only been Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Minato Namikaze. Among the four Hokage, only Minato Namikaze is a civilian ninja, and at that time, many powers of the Hokage were still controlled by the Third Hokage.

After the Third Ninja World War, the Third Hokage did not abdicate voluntarily, but was forced to abdicate.

Konoha suffered heavy casualties in the Third Ninja World War, and the armistice condition of the Hidden Rock Village was to let the Third Hokage abdicate.

In fact, the Hidden Rock Village wanted to disgust Konoha. At that time, they actually knew that Konoha wanted a ceasefire.

So in Sasuke's view, if a civilian ninja could not be defeated, then how could he defeat Uchiha Itachi, the only genius in his heart.

In Sasuke's heart, Uchiha Itachi, his brother, is the only person in the world who can be regarded as his opponent, and he has always dreamed of surpassing him.

And Kakashi, who was standing in the woods and watching all this, was actually a little surprised.

"This child is really mature enough to know that contacting the children of the Hyuga clan now will bring trouble to himself."

"And the speed he used just now should be the Instant Body Technique, no, it shouldn't be the Instant Body Technique".

Kakashi initially thought that Kimoto used the Instant Body Technique, but after thinking about it carefully, it really wasn't the Instant Body Technique.

Because although the Instant Body Technique is a basic technique, not everyone can learn it.

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