At this time, many girls in the class secretly looked at Kimoto from time to time.

Even Sakura and Ino, who have always liked Sasuke.

Kimoto's appearance is really too outstanding, even more handsome than Sasuke.

Sasuke, who was sitting not far from Kimoto, looked at him the whole time when Kimoto entered the classroom.

Although he has only been in school for more than a month, Sasuke has already realized that Kimoto may be his strongest opponent in the future.

Under the cold and long hair, Sasuke's childish face and a pair of solemn eyes looked at Kimoto.

"This guy's temperament is completely different from other students in the class. He must be very strong. His temperament is the same as my brother's."

"But he certainly doesn't have as strong a talent as his brother". Sasuke admired his brother very much.

Although he didn't know the specific strength of Kimoto, he had only been in the ninja school for more than a month.

The ninja school only taught some theoretical knowledge.

There was no actual practice.

But in Sasuke's heart, his brother was the strongest and the best in the world, and no one could compare to his brother.

He trusted his brother completely without reason.

In fact, when Kimoto entered the classroom, Shikamaru, who was lying on the table with a lazy look on his face, suddenly flashed his eyes.

Although he was troublesome and lazy, he was very smart.

Kimoto in his He felt very strong, definitely not worse than Sasuke.

Kiba and Naruto were the only ones who didn't notice anything unusual about Kimoto, and even felt jealous of how popular Kimoto was among the girls in the class.

After a while of noise, the class started.

But when Iruka came in, he was holding a bunch of papers.

Standing on the podium, Iruka smiled and said,"Today we will have an in-class test to test the students' learning results over the past month."

But as soon as he finished speaking, there was a wailing in the class.

Naruto stood up and shouted loudly,"Teacher Iruka, this is too sudden. Why didn't you notify us to review before?"

Iruka didn't scold Naruto. Instead, he looked at Naruto with a smile and said,"Naruto, even if I notified you, would you go to review?

Although it has only been more than a month, Iruka has a good understanding of Naruto's level. He usually skips classes or sleeps in class, and he hesitates when asked a question and can't answer it. Most of the time

, he stands at the door of the classroom as punishment. Iruka thinks that even if he notifies Naruto, he will not go to review.

Sure enough, after Iruka finished speaking, all the students in the class laughed.

"Teacher Iruka is right, you spent most of the time standing in the corner as punishment. Even if you were notified, how well do you think you can do in the exam?".

Kiba, who was sitting in front of Naruto, mocked him.

Naruto clenched his fists and said angrily,"Are you any better than me? You are always standing in the corner as punishment, and you still dare to laugh at me?". It's okay for others to laugh at Naruto, but how can Kiba have the nerve to do that?

However, just when Kiba was about to refute, Iruka slammed the table. He looked at the two of them with a serious face and said,"Sit down, the test is about to begin."

Naruto and Kiba looked at each other, turned their heads away in disgust, and sat down.

Since Iruka announced the in-class test just now, Sasuke has been looking at Kimoto, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"This is the first time we fight, I must prove that I am the strongest person in the class, I am the best".

The young Sasuke was very competitive, no less than after the Uchiha clan was destroyed.

Not only Sasuke, but also Shikamaru pretended to be indifferent and glanced at Kimoto.

In his eyes, there were only two people in the class who were worth paying attention to, one was Sasuke, and the other was Kimoto.

"This test is probably the first confrontation between Sasuke and Kimoto. Although it feels troublesome, I really want to know the result of the first confrontation between these two people.

Compared with Shikamaru's curiosity and Sasuke's competitiveness, Kimoto seems very indifferent.

He disdains to hide his strength, and he also disdains to show off his strength.

Even though he noticed Naruto and Kiba's rejection of him behind his back, as well as the eyes of Sasuke and Shikamaru.

But he never took them seriously.

Or rather, he has always been arrogant.

It's not arrogance, but he really doesn't take anyone seriously. Whether stronger or weaker than him, it has nothing to do with him.

He only wants to become stronger , constantly getting stronger, it is not a desire to get stronger, but a kind of interest, he likes to become stronger and stronger, training is very fun.

Even if there is no experience system, he will have this mentality.

With the experience system, he is even more of this mentality.

So he did not train fiercely on the day after getting this system, to take advantage of the system.

Instead, he did what he should do just like before he got the system.

Iruka was actually looking forward to seeing who was stronger and who was weaker between Kimoto and Sasuke.

This was the first confrontation between the two.

After getting the test paper, Kimoto took a look.

He thought to himself,"The difficulty is quite high. I'm afraid I'm the only one in the class who can do all of them."

""Sasuke can't even do the last big question."

The reason why Kimoto was so confident was because of the last big question, which was a practical question for Genin.

Sasuke now has the ability to graduate early, and this ability refers to practical ability, not theoretical knowledge.

After reading it, Kimoto started to write.

A class lasts 45 minutes, minus the time Iruka spent talking and handing out the test papers, they only have 40 minutes left to do the questions.

There are only five questions on the test paper. But none of the five questions are easy.

After Naruto got the test paper, he looked at the questions on the test paper and was dazzled.

"What the hell is the first question about?".

After the first question, Naruto already felt that he couldn't even understand the question.

So he looked at the second question, and his head was even bigger.

"Why can't I understand the second question? I don't believe it. I can't do any of the five questions."

After encouraging himself, Naruto continued to read.

But after reading the five questions, Naruto completely collapsed.

"Iruka-sensei must be deliberately making it difficult for me. There is no way anyone can solve this kind of problem. Absolutely no one can.~"

Just as he was thinking this, he looked up at Sasuke, whom he paid the most attention to.

He found that Sasuke was writing furiously, with a serious look on his face, and there was no expression that he couldn't do it.

This difference made Naruto's mouth twitch slightly.

"Humph, that guy is from the Uchiha clan, someone must have helped him with his studies, that's for sure"

"This guy is an exception, I don't believe other people are the same."

Naruto, who regarded Sasuke's ability to do it as an exception, turned his gaze to the person he paid most attention to, Kimoto.

And Kimoto was still the same as before, with an indifferent expression, as if nothing was important in front of him.

Although this expression made Naruto very unhappy, he had to admit that Kimoto with this expression was definitely the most handsome guy in the class.

Much more handsome than Sasuke.

Looking at Kimoto's indifferent face, the paper in his hand was written without any pause, and it was soon full.

Naruto collapsed"This guy can actually do it? How could he do it? Isn't he an orphan like me?"

"This guy must have written it randomly, it's definitely like that, it's definitely written randomly."

Naruto, who has always been against Kimoto, is unwilling to believe that Kimoto can solve these problems, and firmly believes that Kimoto is just writing randomly.

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