"Is this guy really good or is he just pretending to be indifferent?".

Hinata kept her eyes on Kimoto,"Kimoto-kun should do the best, but will you be sad if his results are not up to expectations?". Hinata was a little worried and nervous. She was even more nervous than when she saw her own score.

Naruto was completely dumbfounded,"Didn't we say that all the students in the class didn't do well in the exam this time? Why did someone solve the first four questions?"

"Are the first four questions easy? I can't even understand them."

Naruto became nervous again and looked at the man in the vortex.

He frowned and said,"That guy, is he one of them? He solved all four questions? He and I have the same conditions. If he really solved all four questions,"

"I will definitely be compared with him, and my current performance will definitely not be as good as his."

"Damn it, I hope this guy gets zero like me."

That's right, Naruto handed in a blank paper, and indeed got zero.

Because there were no multiple choice questions in this test, all were essay questions.

There were also very few multiple choice questions in the ninja school exams, all were essay questions.

Because ninja exams do not allow for luck.

Naruto was really panicked now.

He was not worried that he would do poorly, but that Kimoto would do too well.

They were both orphans, and if Kimoto was much stronger than him, then he would definitely be compared with Kimoto all the time.

Naruto didn't want that to happen. Sakura frowned as she looked at the 80 points on her paper.

""I guess the only student who can solve the first four questions besides Sasuke is Kimoto."

Sakura's grades are also very good, and even in theoretical results, she is better than Sasuke.

But she has never understood Kimoto's level.

Unlike Ino, Sakura really likes Sasuke, and because of Kimoto's appearance, Sakura has a good impression of him. But now Iruka said that several students in the class have solved the first four questions.

Sakura thinks that besides her, Sasuke might be able to do it, and Kimoto might also be able to do it.

Just as the students in the class were looking around, trying to figure out who it was, Iruka smiled and announced,"The students who have solved the first four questions this time are Sasuke, Hinata, and Sakura. They all solved the first four questions and got 80 points."

"Let's give them a round of applause to encourage them. In the future, students should learn from them and work harder."

After Iruka announced the result, all the students' eyes were on Kimoto.

Because they were puzzled, why Kimoto didn't do it, wasn't his grades usually very good?

Even Shikamaru was completely dumbfounded.

His eyes slightly fixed on"How is it possible?"

Sasuke also frowned, this result was beyond his expectation.

Naruto and the boys who were usually unhappy with Kimoto looked at Kimoto with gloating.

They thought to themselves,"Don't you usually pretend to be a good student?"You can't do it now when it's time for the actual exam, right? Let's see if you can still pretend in the future, hahaha."

Most of the boys in the class felt very happy at this moment. They were even happier than when they got full marks. The way many girls in the class looked at Kimoto also changed.

Before, they were obsessed with Kimoto because of his looks and the fact that he usually acted like he had good grades.

But the feelings of most of these girls came and went quickly.

Although unlike other boys, she did not gloat over Kimoto's misfortune, but she was also very disappointed.

Then she turned her eyes to Sasuke, who they thought was as good as Kimoto.

Many girls thought in their hearts,"Sasuke-kun is the most perfect boy, he is the real Prince Charming."

Sakura was stunned, she didn't believe this result at all.

She stared at Kimoto.

"There is definitely something wrong. There is no way this guy didn't solve those four problems."

"Although these four questions are a bit difficult, he can definitely do them. Why is that?

Hinata was also very nervous at this time. She kept her eyes on Mu Yuan. Seeing that he still had a calm face and didn't take this matter to heart at all, Hinata felt distressed.

""Mr. Kimoto, he must be feeling very uncomfortable right now."

Hinata didn't care about this exam. What she cared about was whether Kimoto would lose confidence because of this exam.

When the whole class turned their eyes to Kimoto, he didn't show any expression. He looked at the book calmly.

But this move seemed a bit pretentious to others.

They all despised Kimoto's behavior of pretending to be a good student in front of the teacher.

Now Kimoto's image in their eyes has become an extremely hypocritical person.

Even if it was because he was good-looking, the girls would not slander him in their hearts, but they were already disappointed in him.

The boys felt like they had vented their anger and were in a very good mood.

Just when the atmosphere in the class became a little weird, Iruka smiled and said,"Here, I want to especially praise classmate Kimoto. He actually solved all five questions and got a full score of 100."

"To be honest, I couldn’t believe it when I saw Mu Yuan solve the last problem."

"He actually solved the problem. I dare to believe that even a teacher cannot solve this problem within one class period."

""Mr. Kimoto's result is even better than some Chunins. I hope that students can communicate with Mr. Kimoto more, which will be of great benefit to improving their own results."

The whole class was dumbfounded. They were just mocking Kimoto in their hearts.

They thought he was a big liar and an extremely hypocritical person.

Now Iruka's words were like a slap in their faces.

They were completely stunned.

Hinata clenched her fists tightly. If it weren't for her personality and the wrong occasion, she would definitely jump up to celebrate for Kimoto.

Sasuke was completely stunned.

He couldn't believe that Kimoto actually solved the left and right questions and got full marks.

"Is this guy really a student? How could he possibly answer the last question?".

Naruto and Kiba, who were originally in a very happy mood, were completely stunned.

They couldn't believe that Kimoto actually got a full score.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, he absolutely could not have gotten full marks, absolutely impossible".

The two kept shaking their heads. They did not dare or were unwilling to believe that Kimoto had gotten full marks.

Most of the male students in the class were the same in this regard.

They did not want to believe that Kimoto, who had just been mocked countless times in their hearts, actually got full marks.

They felt like they were just like a clown, but they were unwilling to admit that they were a clown.

And Sakura must have been shocked when she looked at Kimoto. Her theoretical grades were even better than Sasuke's, so she knew very well the difficulty of the last question.

That was simply not something that a student from a ninja school could do.

At least Sakura did not even find the idea.

And Kimoto actually did it, and he got it completely right. This really sounded surprising to her.

Shikamaru, who had originally not believed it, was relieved to hear the result, and then smiled and said,"I knew it, I couldn't have made a mistake."

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